I need some tips - Starting out my hair journey!


New Member
Hello everyone ^^

I just joined, my name is Takia and I am 18.
I have lurked around this forum for awhile before joining. Right now I am looking for something that will stop the shrinkage after I wash my hair. (well after my mom washes it >.<) lol

Some info about my hair..

It is 100% Virgin hair, I have had only one relaxer, but wore braids and grew it all out. I honestly didn't like the attention at that age xD lol and was too used to braids. ^^ I've worn braids(with extensions) the majority of my life.

I used to let my mom 'pull my hair out' with the blow dryer and sometimes a flat iron or the hot comb :sad: I am not certain what heat damage is actually, but if it means breaking the bonds to the point that they don't revert after washing then I don't think my hair is too badly damaged? if someone could help me out with this one. ^^

I never really paid much attention to hair products or anything like that, I recently got my split ends trimmed and my hair has grown back to shoulder length.

Umm what else...I like the growafrohairlong site, I have the conditioner and it works well for my hair, like REALLY well. It pulls it out nicely after my mom has to comb through the shrinkage and tangles :)sad:) but I would still like to have less shrinkage. I've tried recently having my mom braid my hair like the site says and wash it that way..it does help a bit but the shrinkage is still alot and it still tangles somewhat.

I also like the girl Traycee who has KISS and I use her moisturizer of rose water, glycerine and aloe vera juice and it works so well =D I thought maybe it would be not enough since my hair is so thick and its natural but it is very good to my hair ^^ also I wash my hair with dr bronner's shikakai soap.

Actually the one time I tried washing my hair with the soap I was trying to wash my hair by myself which always ends up bad =( my mom wasn't home so I had to try to braid my hair into four sections (yes try..lol) and yes it was just a mess, then I tried to deep condition by myself, and an even bigger mess....yeah that day just turned out bad, however I liked the soap, it cleans well and my hair doesn't feel as stripped after.:look:

Okay so by now you're probably thinking I'm mentally retarded seeing as I can't part straight to save my life, braid neatly, or wash my hair by myself...I can barely get product through my hair alone =( lol

What I want is tips on something I can do to lessen the shrinkage but still keep much of my texture, and make it easier to just deal with? you know what I mean..? like...just comb and stuff like that, what I mean is what chemical process can I do to get this effect? I can't texlax because my mom would not let me use relaxer on my own hair ever, I don't want a texturizer because I hear that doesn't help with shrinkage(?? is that true??) and I don't want to fully relax because I am not really interested in wearing it straight.

I believe in protective styles and such, and I am not certain on my hair type...I will try to get some pictures of my hair up so that maybe you girls (and guys??) can help me type my hair. I believe it is type 4b though.

I should also add that I take centrum multivitamin/multimineral supplement aswell as nature made triple omega 3-6-9. I take multivitamin to up my iron and the triple omega for my skin basically. Also I drink only water usually and have to take vitamins because I ended up in the hospital for ....too much water somehow last summer, and I was wondering is it bad to drink other stuff for your hair I mean? I can't drink too much water anymore.

Also I don't eat much meat unless I am starving, if anyone has any diet tips that could benefit my hair/health. I love bananas and fruit, and also broccli...and um yeah this is too long >.< lol sorry!

Okayy....thanks for reading if you did :grin::blush:
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Also if anyone could list some oils and what the whole benefit of oils for the hair is that would be great =D so far I only have coconut oil ^^
:welcome4: I use organic jojoba oil, vatika oil and oganic coconut oil. Hopefully others will chime in.
Welcome! :grinwink:

The only options I know of to combat shrinkage:
- Texlaxing (do your research)
- Texturizing (do your research)
- BKT (do your research)
- Gerri Curls/Leisure curls
- Heat training (but you risk heat damage)
- Training your hair w/ twists/braids (not sure if this is a myth, takes a LONG time)
- Regular henna treatments (henna sticks to the hair and supposedly weighs it down over time)
- Twistouts / Braidouts (safe, 'natural', super temporary method)
- Coconut Lime treatment (debatable)
- Caramel treatment (debatable; did nothing to my hair but infuse moisture)

:wavey: Welcome!

Here's a newbie manual that you should find helpful.

re: your shrinkage issue - I've heard rhassoul clay and baka nuturalaxer can also be used for loosening texture. Maybe you want to research those further. There's also always the option to do stretched styles, it's temporary but can be surprisingly effective and simple (and cheap).

re: vitamins for hair and overall health - The Complete Vitamin Guide thread is a great resource

Best of luck on your healthy hair journey! :yep:
I have a whole post devoted to oils including which are useful and what they do here.

I also have information posts on SLS/ALS, combing, starting a hair journal, etc. (you can read them here). I hope some of it's useful to you. Good Luck on your Hair Care Journey, dear!