I need some insight. Can I be a Christian Model?

First of all, lemme start out by saying that I am very much a woman of God. Saved, sanctified and filled with the precious Holy Spirit. I love God and I believe that I need to present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, and that is the reason that I am having such an issue here. I have been getting modeling offers lately (of ALL kinds). Now, there are some that are common sense no-no's....but others that are questionable. One lady wants me to model lingerie and swimsuits. Any input?
thegirltolove said:
First of all, lemme start out by saying that I am very much a woman of God. Saved, sanctified and filled with the precious Holy Spirit. I love God and I believe that I need to present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, and that is the reason that I am having such an issue here. I have been getting modeling offers lately (of ALL kinds). Now, there are some that are common sense no-no's....but others that are questionable. One lady wants me to model lingerie and swimsuits. Any input?
By all means, go for it. Just BE the difference. Don't compromise who Jesus is to you. Also, you don't have to 'prove' who you are to those who 'question' you...just BE who you are...a woman of God and continue to grown in Him.

Jesus asked the diciples, "Who do men say that I am...?" Of course Simon Peter answered correctly, that He was the Messiah. However, my point is this. Jesus didn't have to announce who He was...He just WAS and Still IS and always WILL BE. Just allow yoiur light to shine. Don't be afraid to say 'NO!' to anything that would compromise your value as a woman and a daughter of our Father God. Say 'No' to all and any compromise. Get through your spirit to be fixed upon this mindset, "I don't care what their consequences or ultimatums are, my answer is still No. My Virtue is not for sale at any cost....Just say no.

You see God doesn't have a promblem with us in these media arenas so much as He is concerned about the lure and the fears of losing out or missing an opportunity that someone else may get, if we don't compromise. That's the entire issue. And it happens everyday. "Christians" lose their faith and their grounding and weaken under the pressure of the world's demands. But 'we' do not have to. God can give us far more in money, experience and prestige, mostly honor than the world can anyday.

Anyway, go for it. Just be who you are and grow more. BTW: The minute you boast of your faith, I promise you, the devil is going to 'challenge' you. Ummmmm, don't even think that you can handle the challenge...without more prayer and a closer walk with the Lord. You can't and you won't.

Because still under all of our HOLY GHOST, we're still in this flesh and if the modeling or acting or (Dancing world as I am in) didn't have something that the Church couldn't give us, we wouldn't be there. I'm putting it out there;the truth. There's an excitement and a thrill in the Arts and in the Fashion arena, and just plain world period, that we will NEVER receive in the Church. However, knowing this, God allows us to be in the world but not of it. So....stay in relationship with God...step up on your communing with Him...thre are no short-cuts in this and just BE the beautiful difference ... the Light of Jesus and His sweet fragrance.

God's blessings upon you, little one.

Keep this as your motto: " Jesus Leads" ;)
Shimmie has offered excellent insight. I just wanted to add that I'm Christian, and I model often. I have not compromised myself or my beliefs. God has been guiding me every step of the way. If you feel convicted, don't do it. Be sure to listen God's voice...He's there to protect you and keep your covered (in more ways than one :lol:).

PM me if you want to exchange about it more.

Best wishes...we want to see some of these shots once they're done (if you decide to do it)!!

Divine Inspiration said:
Shimmie has offered excellent insight. I just wanted to add that I'm Christian, and I model often. I have not compromised myself or my beliefs. God has been guiding me every step of the way. If you feel convicted, don't do it. Be sure to listen God's voice...He's there to protect you and keep your covered (in more ways than one :lol:).

PM me if you want to exchange about it more.

Best wishes...we want to see some of these shots once they're done (if you decide to do it)!!


:lol: Lights, Camera , Action.... And all in the name of Jesus'. Amen.

I wish both of you much success and God's protection no matter where you are; highly favored in the market places and that your gifts will put you in the presence of important men. And saved from the snare of the fowler and the noisesome pestilence...'the cattieness' that comes with this territory... In Jesus' name...Amen.
Shimmie said:
:lol: Lights, Camera , Action.... And all in the name of Jesus'. Amen.

I wish both of you much success and God's protection no matter where you are; highly favored in the market places and that your gifts will put you in the presence of important men. And saved from the snare of the fowler and the noisesome pestilence...'the cattieness' that comes with this territory... In Jesus' name...Amen.

I definitely receive that in the name of Jesus!! Thank you, Shimmie! :kiss:
Divine Inspiration said:
I definitely receive that in the name of Jesus!! Thank you, Shimmie! :kiss:

Hey....so do I! Thank you so much. You ladies have both been such a big help to me. I thank God for you. Be blessed....:kisses: