I Need Some Encouragement!


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I have learned so much from you since I became a member of this forum. I need some encouragement because I'm in the middle of a 6 month stretch and my NG is out of control! It's so thick and my scalp is sore.:crying3: I feel like throwing in the towel and getting a relaxer. Anyone else feeling like this? I want to try coconut milk and lime and I hope it works. I've never been a "quitter" and I feel bad about wanting to give up so soon...
Do the coconut and lime. At worst your hair will be conditioned. I'm all natural so I don't know how that feels but if you want something bad enough, you'll stick to your guns. Just think about how you're giving your scalp a break. If worse comes to worse at least your head is a healthy head...
Try milk and lime like you stated, I believe it will loosen the curl pattern. If it's not too much work "henna" has loosened the curl pattern for quite a few of the ladies , including myself. But no matter what happens you are not a quitter ...you stretched 6 months , that does not say quitter to me
Much love
Just wanted to tell you to keep your head up!! I've never tried the coconut-lime thing myself, but many of the ladies have used it with positive results. No matter what you decide, you've definitely got something to be proud of for managing to stretch for this long. Kudos to you! And I hope you find something that works.
Use Sylver2 scalf method. It works wonders on NG.

Ladies, I have learned so much from you since I became a member of this forum. I need some encouragement because I'm in the middle of a 6 month stretch and my NG is out of control! It's so thick and my scalp is sore.:crying3: I feel like throwing in the towel and getting a relaxer. Anyone else feeling like this? I want to try coconut milk and lime and I hope it works. I've never been a "quitter" and I feel bad about wanting to give up so soon...
Thank you Ladies. I'm going to buy the coconut and lime tonight. I hope it works. Hair I Am, I've never tried Henna before. Can I get this at a BSS? I want to try it if the coconut and lime doesn't work.
I used the French Perm Stabilizer Plus to detangle my new growth (I was 3 months post relaxer) and it worked like a charm-THANKS DLEWIS!!! It might be worth a shot to try it (you don't leave it in-you put it in your hair, detangle, and then you rinse it out-most people use it to prep their hair for rollersets).
Ladies, I have learned so much from you since I became a member of this forum. I need some encouragement because I'm in the middle of a 6 month stretch and my NG is out of control! It's so thick and my scalp is sore.:crying3: I feel like throwing in the towel and getting a relaxer. Anyone else feeling like this? I want to try coconut milk and lime and I hope it works. I've never been a "quitter" and I feel bad about wanting to give up so soon...

I can only guess how you feel. I have a strong urge to relax too but only out of curiosity not because of any problems like breakage or tangles. I have 3-4 weeks to go to complete my 4 month stretch. When I strt on a good project/challenge I also have to finish or I feel like I backed down/failed. My newgrowth is crazy but my scalp isn't sore. Is it sore from detangling? I learned a long time ago when my head was real sore for a while that I can only wash my hair loose and hanging down if I have just permed. Around 1-1 1/2 months, I have to start washing with braided or plaitted hair or it's tangle and knot city up in my hair. (yes i did go ahead and pull the comb thru a few times which made it sore:nono:) Don't worry, whatever the problem is, Im sure you will find the solution whether it be the perfect method or the perfect product.
Christa438, my scalp usually gets sore after I'm 6 weeks post (I usually relax then). But it's been 13 weeks now. I took my braids out last week and now I have almost 2 inches of NG. (I've been wearing a wig since then) I want to try tree braids now but I think it's going to hurt because my scalp's so tender. It hurts to comb it, even with a wide tooth comb.:sad:
Have you tried combing soaking wet too? Or spraying your scalp and roots with cold refrigerated water? That may help too.

LOL, Im just throwin out ideas. Sorry if not much help. I never had that kinda sore scalp before--the kind you get from crazy NG. Hope that coconut & lime works.
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Have you tried combing soaking wet too? Or spraying your scalp and roots with cold refrigerated water? That may help too.

LOL, Im just throwin out ideas. Sorry if not much help. I never had that kinda sore scalp before--the kind you get from crazy NG. Hope that coconut & lime works.

I haven't tried that but I'm willing to try just about anything right now.:spinning: Thanks. Thank you , Mystic. I'll check out Sylver2's scarf method. Any other ideas to tackle my NG issue?
It's mind over matter, girl! Remember to keep your hair moisturized during your stretch to avoid breakage. Try an overnight cholesterol/oil treatment. I works wonders in loosening that NG. Hang in there, but also remember that stretching for long periods in not for everyone...HTH and good luck!
It's mind over matter, girl! Remember to keep your hair moisturized during your stretch to avoid breakage. Try an overnight cholesterol/oil treatment. I works wonders in loosening that NG. Hang in there, but also remember that stretching for long periods in not for everyone...HTH and good luck!

Great idea! Thanks. I'm still on the fence about whether I'm going to relax or not. I didn't get the chance to try the coconut and lime mix yet but I got the ingredients. I hope I can try this tomorrow.
Just listen to your hair and try what has been suggested earlier; comb only when wet and up your moisture. Make sure that you don't let your hair get dry. As stated before, stretching is not for everyone. Keep us posted!
Girl hang in there! You've already come this far, so you can keep it going! I just recently thought about doing a 4 month stretch, and the tools I've learned here I'm positive will keep me going. And hearing that ladies here like you are doing it, and doing it well, really makes me believe that I can too! So here's to pushing you forward, we've got your back!:yep:

I'm currently 2 months in! 2 to go! lol:yawn:
I can feel you. Transitioning is tough.
I'm wondering why your scalp is sore though. Are you very tender-headed?
Are you detangling in small sections? Are you detangling wet?
Don't try to detangle it dry, you'll want to kill yourself.

Also, when I reached 6 months, I started detangling with my hair underwater in the bathtub. That helped.
Ok, I tried the coconut/lime mix last night. I used 1 can of coconut milk, 1 lime, and 3 squirts of lime juice (I didn't feel like squeezing the other lime I had). I detangled my hair before I applied the mix. It smelled great, not enough to drink because I'm allergic to coconut. I know it sounds crazy but I can use coconut oil, grease, etc on my hair. But, if I eat it, my tongue swells and the inside of my mouth will start to peel.:sad: Anyway, I put on a plastic cap, left it in overnight and when I woke up this morning, the pleasant smell was replaced with an awful smell. I grab my bag and head for the truck stop shower!:roadrunner: When I removed the cap, I realized what that scent reminded me of...

Remember when you held that sweet little baby; you're thinking "oh, he/she is so precious". That precious little thing is smiling at you, then :barf: . They spit up on you. That's right! It smelled like baby vomit.:perplexed I rinse it out, shampooed once with CON poo (green & white) followed by CON condish. It didn't have time to DC, I wish I could have. I used a homemade leave-in (S-Curl, BB Moisturizer, a little jojoba, a little grapeseed oil, and MTG) and blow dried my hair. I have admit, I was shocked. It didn't make my hair straight but it softened my NG :yep:, even my nape. I think I'm going to use this again because it can help me stretch my relaxers!

Thank you Ladies!