I need help to regrow my mom's hair...


Active Member
My mom has been bald in her crown for maybe 10 years now. She and I talked not too long ago and she says she is losing hair in other parts of her scalp now too. My mom has been wearing wigs for Lord knows how long because she can't pull off her natural hair, the spots are too big. My mom used to press and at one point she had the curl for most of the 90s. I think she relaxed once or twice after she stopped the curl. Anyway I am just wondering if there is anything at all possible to regrow her hair or is it a lost cause? I feel bad that she is only in her early 40s and has no hair especially when the hair that is there is SL!! Which is more than I can say for my own locks. I figured that if I am to be such a stickler on hair care that the least I can do is help my momma out. I spoke of her hair issues before but never started an all out thread so this will be Momma's Thread. I wanna do everything I can to get her hair back. thanks anybody. I am gonna talk to mom and ask her what she knows about her hair and get more details on her hair. She lives far away but I can still give her tips and product to try.
Is she on any medication? Does she have an illness or medical condition?

Is she natural now? If not, she should consider not relaxing at least not for a while.

I think she should go to a derm if she hasn't already. Many people use essential oilds to regrow their balding spots. Nonie grew out her bald spot with an essential oil mix. When you use those oils you MUST use them with a carrier oile like evoo or castor oil or else it will cause irritation to your scalp.
She is natural now. I saw her hair like 2 years ago and it was SL,in the places with hair. She only has asthma and uses her pump occasionally. That's it. I think she may have a lot of stress because she is a single parent of 3 kids who periodically get themselves in trouble, you know dropping grades, fights in school, playing in class- kid stuff. I know stress can play a role but I don't want that to be the sole factor cause she not always stressed, she just a mom trying her best. Anywhoo I just called her and tried to get details about her hair in the past before balding (no answer) cause I was still young and never really paid attention to hair. I'll come back with details when she calls back.

Oh and thanks everybody. I appreciate your helpful advice. I'm gonna try the EO mixture ideas since it is less abrasive and will not have such side affects like other stuff.
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Does she have any thyroid issues? If so, she might want to try some Maca Root. It can be purchased at a health store. It's supposed to be excellent for thyroid problems which is a major culprit in women's hair loss. I've been using it now (the powder form) for nearly one month and will continue. I just add a TBS to a glass of water or juice and drink it down. It doesn't taste great, in fact it tastes like burnt rubber to me, but I know it's good for me so I drink it down in one big gulp fast. Good luck!
I say it is time to go to a dermatologists. I had some scalp issues to the point when I had nearly bald spots in the bald, crown, and sides. I actually discovered that I had a scalp condition and it had to be treated with medicine. It was pretty simple too. I applied this ointment to my scalp before I went to bed and washed it out in the morning with Tar Shampoo.
I'm so sorry, MJR. I don't have better advice to give than what the ladies have already said, but just wanted to say that you're such a sweet daughter to look our for your mom. I hope my DDs look after my well-being like that when I'm older.
I would say consult with a physician and/or dermatologist to rule out illness. Shock and illness will take hair out very fast. In the meantime she needs some stimulation to her scalp and/or hair follicles. Look into "Nioxin" it worked for my thinning stress spots.

We're in the same boat. My mother also has large bald spots and has to wear a wig all the time

I recently bought her boundless tresses, and am about to buy some EOs to mix for her as well.

Definately check to see if it is an illness issue, and if she has any allergies before trying out these treatments

Sometimes it is an illness and sometimes it is past drugs. ie, my mother has hair loss due to long term effects of the drug prednisone

We're in the same boat. My mother also has large bald spots and has to wear a wig all the time

I recently bought her boundless tresses, and am about to buy some EOs to mix for her as well.

Definately check to see if it is an illness issue, and if she has any allergies before trying out these treatments

Sometimes it is an illness and sometimes it is past drugs. ie, my mother has hair loss due to long term effects of the drug prednisone

I blame prednisone for my hair woes as well. My hair grew longer than it ever has been during my illness, but it was thin as a dryer sheet. A few weeks ago I just cut it all off to start over.
Lawd, I'm reading through this thread like its new then someone mentioned Boundless Tresses so at that point I looked at the date.
Well I hope they found something that works by now. :lachen: