Well-Known Member
I decided I would take a picture of my Mom's hair yesterday. She has 100% 4a/b natural. She just gets a press and curl. This is like 2 weeks post wash.
This the length I am hoping for by the end of 2008.
I don't don't know her regiman. My Mom is a PJ there is all kinds of stuff under her sink. My mom actually uses hair grease
My Mother:
This the length I am hoping for by the end of 2008.
I don't don't know her regiman. My Mom is a PJ there is all kinds of stuff under her sink. My mom actually uses hair grease
My Mother:
- Washes her hair once a week to once every two weeks ( I don't know with what)
- Kuza hair Food on her scalp (that's it)
- Pin curls her hair at night