I need help/clarity with a statement that was made....

Imagine if you didnt' know the word yourself how you could have been pulled in, as many do today. they dont' know the word of God and they get pulled this way and that way. My question is was anyone else surprised in the class (excluding the nonspeaking minister) about that statement or were they nodding and going on with the program?
Imagine if you didnt' know the word yourself how you could have been pulled in, as many do today. they dont' know the word of God and they get pulled this way and that way. My question is was anyone else surprised in the class (excluding the nonspeaking minister) about that statement or were they nodding and going on with the program?

Nobody in the classroom was surprised or questioned the facilitator :nono:. They were all going along with the program. I can see if they were babes in Christ. But there were several people that introduced themselves in the beginning that said they were saved and was a member of so and so church for x amount of years. So I was shocked that nobody said anything.
Nobody in the classroom was surprised or questioned the facilitator :nono:. They were all going along with the program. I can see if they were babes in Christ. But there were several people that introduced themselves in the beginning that said they were saved and was a member of so and so church for x amount of years. So I was shocked that nobody said anything.
Sis, you know yourself that satan blinds the eyes of many....

The Holy Spirit could have allowed just YOU to have your eyes and ears opened that day, so that YOU would be the one to bring this to the pastor and possibly save this church. Always look for an opportunity to be a witness...yes, even in church and even with other believers in Jesus. Leaders aren't exempt from this....they need to be told some things too, that they could be missing.

Be a vessel of honor, meet for the Masters use and prepared for EVERY GOOD WORK! God's grace is sufficient for you, because His strength will be made perfect in weakness.

Blessings, always.
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Sis, you know yourself that satan blinds the eyes of many....

The Holy Spirit could have allowed just YOU to have your eyes and ears opened that day, so that YOU would be the one to bring this to the pastor and possibly save this church. Always look for an opportunity to be a witness...yes, even in church and even with other believers in Jesus. Leaders aren't exempt from this....they need to be told some things too, that they could be missing.

Be a vessel of honor, meet for the Masters use and prepared for EVERY GOOD WORK! God grace is sufficient for you, your His strength will be made perfect in weakness.

Blessings, always.

Thank you for pointing this out to me!

I spoke with the Minister this evening and we had a pleasant conversation. She assured me that the facilitator and the deacon's statement are not the belief of the Pastor or the church. The Minister said she is going to schedule a meeting with all the leaders of the church to make sure everyone understands Salvation and the Holy Spirit.

I asked the Minister why didn't she speak up in class. She said she did not want to confront or correct the facilitator in front of the new members. However, she had every intention on addressing the class the following week with the biblical truth about the Holy Spirit. She thanked me for speaking up in class and standing on the word of God.

I thanked the Minister and told her I still wished she had spoken up in class. Overall, I'm glad I received clarification. I told her that I'm not 100% sure if this is the church for me. However, I'm going to pray about it. She understood and said that she will follow-up with me on my decision.

I thank all you ladies for your knowledge, wisdom, and support. It was truly appreciated because I was deeply disturbed. This experience has taught me so many lessons....:)
Thank you for pointing this out to me!

I spoke with the Minister this evening and we had a pleasant conversation. She assured me that the facilitator and the deacon's statement are not the belief of the Pastor or the church. The Minister said she is going to schedule a meeting with all the leaders of the church to make sure everyone understands Salvation and the Holy Spirit.

I asked the Minister why didn't she speak up in class. She said she did not want to confront or correct the facilitator in front of the new members. However, she had every intention on addressing the class the following week with the biblical truth about the Holy Spirit. She thanked me for speaking up in class and standing on the word of God.

I thanked the Minister and told her I still wished she had spoken up in class. Overall, I'm glad I received clarification. I told her that I'm not 100% sure if this is the church for me. However, I'm going to pray about it. She understood and said that she will follow-up with me on my decision.

I thank all you ladies for your knowledge, wisdom, and support. It was truly appreciated because I was deeply disturbed. This experience has taught me so many lessons....:)
I'm happy everything worked out...we always want the best for the people of God, even when WE don't do the things we should! I pray that the leaders of that church learn a valuable lesson after all of this as well, and that they would grow even further to make sure that the pure gospel is preached and not altered!

Blessings to you, always!