I need encouragement PLEAZE


New Member
I feel so stupid right now, I didn't get into nursing school and with my grades, it seems as if my 10 year old brother will graduate college before me. :(

I didn't realize that I didn't meet the grade requirements

Everything was fine until I transfered, switched majors briefly, and then suddenly watched my GPA go from 3.127 down to 2.33.

Its all because of that stupid accounting class and organic shemistry class that I failed (failed O-chem twice) then became a nursing major again.

That leaves me with 3 Fs in classes that I aren't even in my degree plan :down: which are like sooo dropping my GPA

had I not done that, my grades would be good enough to meet the requirements. Now I can't even get that.

I made a VERY embarrassing comment about in class today and wanted to cry after the bursts of laughter from my classmates.

As well, I can't transfer to another college because I owe my last college over 3 thousand dollars, and they won't give me transcripts until I give them the money. :(

I truly need prayer in all aspects of life.
My self esteem is so low right now and I really wanna cry as I type this.

Someone please help me.

I am so sorry that you are hurting right now. I can't say I know exactly what you are going through, but I did experience difficulty during my first year of law school. My grades weren't horrible but they were the worst grades I had ever received in my entire life (I mean from kindergarten!!). But I took extra courses in the summer and raised my GPA. Ironically enough, as a second year law student, I ran into a first year who was struggling with her grades and I was able to encourage her because I had been there before. Maybe you are going through what you are going through so that you can be a blessing to somebody else down the road.

Also, at some schools, if you retake a class (Organic Chemistry) and pass it, your new grade will replace your "F". That would make a big difference with your GPA.

The only thing that I can say is don't give up. Your overcoming this situation will make you stronger and your testimony will surely help someone else!

Koffie said:
I feel so stupid right now, I didn't get into nursing school and with my grades, it seems as if my 10 year old brother will graduate college before me. :(

I didn't realize that I didn't meet the grade requirements

Everything was fine until I transfered, switched majors briefly, and then suddenly watched my GPA go from 3.127 down to 2.33.

Its all because of that stupid accounting class and organic shemistry class that I failed (failed O-chem twice) then became a nursing major again.

That leaves me with 3 Fs in classes that I aren't even in my degree plan :down: which are like sooo dropping my GPA

had I not done that, my grades would be good enough to meet the requirements. Now I can't even get that.

I made a VERY embarrassing comment about in class today and wanted to cry after the bursts of laughter from my classmates.

As well, I can't transfer to another college because I owe my last college over 3 thousand dollars, and they won't give me transcripts until I give them the money. :(

I truly need prayer in all aspects of life.
My self esteem is so low right now and I really wanna cry as I type this.

Someone please help me.
PM me your mother's number I had it cannot find it. I need to hear your voice so we can talk and pray. Love ya and we already not God is so, so good turn a mess in masterpiece.
Sashaa08 said:
Also, at some schools, if you retake a class (Organic Chemistry) and pass it, your new grade will replace your "F". That would make a big difference with your GPA. Sashaa

it will only replace one of the Fs since this will be my 3rd time taking it, but one F will still remain. :(

Don't worry, alot of this crap is self inflicted and I must just get over it :ohwell:

It amazes me what an F can do to a friggin transcript, and an A only raises the GPA slightly

My heart does go out to you. But search and see if nursing is really what you want. And don't fret as it will all work according to God's master plan whether you try to figure it out or not.

Weeks ago I go rejected from my absolute dream school. I just went on about my father's business and two weeks later I received an acceptance letter. So don't beat yourself up over it.

Just take the time to retrace where this desire for nursing came from and where this new path is going to lead you. And in all things have faith. Even when faith seems to not be the practical thing.

before you count this as a defeat and begin to worry over it, give it to Christ. Many times my life there have been things that have come along that I felt I made into a disaster. However, what I failed to take into account is God, and the fact that he is always in control. On times when I felt things didn't go well, I later found myself grateful that things didn't go as I had planned because due to my preceived disaster, I had to do something else that turned out to be much better and a great decision. It was a decision God had made for me, not one that I had made for myself.

I'm not saying you weren't meant for nursing, but I don't want you to discount that maybe that's not where GOD wants you to be. So, instead of allowing you to waste time on something he knows won't please you, he is saving you the time and money so that he can redirect you to where you should truly be.

Disappointment is something that hurts beyond words, but it's not beyond God's understanding or arms of comfort. Give it to him Koffie, give him your hurts, shame, disappointment, and pain and watch what he can do with them. It is with the same tears that you shed in sorry that he can cause you to shed in happiness and joy.

Don't give up and definately don't let this part of life become your life. It's just a chapter in your book of life, it's not your destiny. Ask the Lord what is HIS WILL for you life. And once he begins to direct you, look for great things to begin.

My love and prayers are with you not just now but always. :kiss:
cybra said:

before you count this as a defeat and begin to worry over it, give it to Christ. Many times my life there have been things that have come along that I felt I made into a disaster. However, what I failed to take into account is God, and the fact that he is always in control. On times when I felt things didn't go well, I later found myself grateful that things didn't go as I had planned because due to my preceived disaster, I had to do something else that turned out to be much better and a great decision. It was a decision God had made for me, not one that I had made for myself.

I'm not saying you weren't meant for nursing, but I don't want you to discount that maybe that's not where GOD wants you to be. So, instead of allowing you to waste time on something he knows won't please you, he is saving you the time and money so that he can redirect you to where you should truly be.

Disappointment is something that hurts beyond words, but it's not beyond God's understanding or arms of comfort. Give it to him Koffie, give him your hurts, shame, disappointment, and pain and watch what he can do with them. It is with the same tears that you shed in sorry that he can cause you to shed in happiness and joy.

Don't give up and definately don't let this part of life become your life. It's just a chapter in your book of life, it's not your destiny. Ask the Lord what is HIS WILL for you life. And once he begins to direct you, look for great things to begin.

My love and prayers are with you not just now but always. :kiss:

Thank you Cybra,---- On a side note; you are so beautiful (inside and out).
cybra said:

before you count this as a defeat and begin to worry over it, give it to Christ. Many times my life there have been things that have come along that I felt I made into a disaster. However, what I failed to take into account is God, and the fact that he is always in control. On times when I felt things didn't go well, I later found myself grateful that things didn't go as I had planned because due to my preceived disaster, I had to do something else that turned out to be much better and a great decision. It was a decision God had made for me, not one that I had made for myself.

My love and prayers are with you not just now but always. :kiss:

I don't know where you came from Cybra because I just started seeing your posts. But I don know that the JESUS in me loves the JESUS in you. I believe that you have the gift of encouragement and helps. You are wonderful. Be Blessed.