I need encouragement!! Big head syndrome!!


New Member
Hi everyone!
I have a complex...I think my forehead is soooooooo big which is why I'm reluctant to get cornrows w/extensions. Can I get some words of advice, like "be proud of that head!" or some photos of females with cornrows who have big heads so I can get an idea lol. Anyone else deal with this "complex?"
I don't have one, but model Tyra Banks does and she wears cornrows and looks nice. Check out some of the stlyes she wears.
Can I get some words of advice, like "be proud of that head!" or some photos of females with cornrows who have big heads so I can get an idea lol.

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I'm not laughing at you, that was just funny:)

Why don't you leave some of your own hair in the front for bangs?
Or pull your hair back from your forehead or cornrow your own hair just to see how it looks. If you're ok with it, go for it. If not, maybe try bangs or another style. And I agree, Tyra Banks does have a big forehead, but she looks fine with her hair back.
melodee said:
I don't have one, but model Tyra Banks does and she wears cornrows and looks nice. Check out some of the stlyes she wears.

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Yes and she has a five head. But she looks very nice sporting her cornrows!lol
LOL!!!!! You are too funny. Now I have a big head, and that is why I have not gotten cornrows to this day! But I have been tampering with the thought for a few months, girl I just start wearing my hair back off of my face like this year! So cornrows will be a bold statement for me, shoot all my friends are surprised to see me wear my hair off my face because they know how self-conscious I am, and some of them have big heads themselves. I've learned to be proud of my head as much as possible, sometimes I will try to soften the angles with "baby hair" but it doesn't look like that unnatural looking baby hair or by wearing a scarf (a long scarf) kind of as a headband. I've seen some girls with some monster truck heads, (and I know I don't have room to talk) wearing some cornrows, so you rock them girl, just be confident in the style you choose, and not timid like I can get sometimes when I know my hair is jacked! Just be like I know I got a head and what, lol, ain't nobody perfect. Look at Susan Taylor, the editor of Essence, and she keeps on wearing her cornrows, and I know people have to talk about her head.
Peace and Love!
I have a big forehead, too. However, if you don't want the cornwrows to exentuate how big your forehead is, DO NOT get them going straight back. Have them follow the natural curve of your head or have them braided from a point and curved back. This keeps my forehead from looking so big.
ComfortablyNumb said:
I have a big forehead, too. However, if you don't want the cornwrows to exentuate how big your forehead is, DO NOT get them going straight back. Have them follow the natural curve of your head or have them braided from a point and curved back. This keeps my forehead from looking so big.

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I do the same thing.
Child I have a huge apple head but that didnt' stop me from wearing cornrows to Cancun when I went a few years ago. I don't have any pics but trust me I didn't get teased
Destinee said:
ComfortablyNumb said:
I have a big forehead, too. However, if you don't want the cornwrows to exentuate how big your forehead is, DO NOT get them going straight back. Have them follow the natural curve of your head or have them braided from a point and curved back. This keeps my forehead from looking so big.

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I do the same thing.

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I agree, following your natural hairline will give you the best look. I have a big forehead and had a "complex" for years, to the point that I would not wear any styles without bangs (mainly b/c I was teased about my head in elementary school). Anyway, once I got tired of that look, not to mention the skin irritation from constantly having my hair and therefore its products on my forehead, I started wearing styles that would keep my hair off my face. What freedom, let me tell ya! Now I've been without bangs for years and I don't even think about my forehead anymore.

Thanks ladies!

Here's a picture of the style I wanted to try, how's this

and yes I was going to try to locate some Tyra photos to encourage me. Everyone keeps saying I'm tripping, but I don't know...I'm slowwwwly getting over it. My brother would always smack me on my forehead when I was younger
Carefree said:
Child I have a huge apple head but that didnt' stop me from wearing cornrows to Cancun when I went a few years ago. I don't have any pics but trust me I didn't get teased

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OT: Cancun, huh?...Hmmm, I wonder if you were in the video
Nah...just kidding!
I have a big forehead and had a "complex" for years, to the point that I would not wear any styles without bangs

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It's only been for a couple of years that I said "Oh to hell with it!! I'm gonna wear my hair back and I don't care what anyone thinks or says" and guess what?? Now my forehead doesn't look that big to me anymore!! I feel ridiculous that I wasted all those years being tied to wearing a bang ALL the time.

The first time I wore my hair back at work, I was so nervous; it was a hot day in the summer and a guy at my job told me he liked my hair back off my face. Well let me tell you, that was all I needed to hear! From then on everything was cool!!
Now I wear it back almost all the time!!
The editor and chief of Essence magazine Susan B. Taylor has a big forehead and has always worn her hair off her face in cornrows and she looks fabulous.
Lindy said:
I have a big forehead and had a "complex" for years, to the point that I would not wear any styles without bangs

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It's only been for a couple of years that I said "Oh to hell with it!! I'm gonna wear my hair back and I don't care what anyone thinks or says" and guess what?? Now my forehead doesn't look that big to me anymore!! I feel ridiculous that I wasted all those years being tied to wearing a bang ALL the time.

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same here!
I have a big head. Yes, I admit it.

But I have learned, the key is having hairstyles that flatter your head shape and facial features. If you have a big head, widening styles are important. Don't sport anything that is going to drag your face down if you know you have a long face. If you have a big forehead, but a short, roundish face, lengthening styles may help add more proportion. Cornrows can be flattering on all head types if done properly according to the shape of the head, like the ladies mentioned above. It all has to be in accordance with your face. If you know you have a big forehead, don't get plain cornrows that go to the back of your head. Have them done in a design or with some type of pattern that doesn't all flow from the top of your head straight to the back. The picture you showed looks very nice in the sense that they are in a design, but most importantly, the cornrows aren't flowing straight back, but if you notice, they actually flow over to the sides. I haven't seen your face, but I think they can work for you.
You know, the shape of the eyebrow has a lot to do with the overall appearance of the face/head also. I've read in a makeup book that if you want to "play down" a large forhead, there are a few options. You can either wear bangs, or have your brows arched. If you pencil your brows on, I would suggest making them a bit fuller than usual. This will give an illusion that your hairline is shorter than what it appears to be. NOW, don't go drawing them on like a clown or Groucho Marx, make it look natural by using a brown brow pencil or dark brown brow powder to fill them in. You're not altering the brow, just inhance them to bring more focus. Hope that helps!

Jody Watley (1980s pop star, with Shalamar and solo)

I couldn't find any of her in braids where the image wasn't blurry.

Tyra Banks

Sorry this one is so big!


Hope these help!

(a fellow 8-head.
Those flat twists are cute on Tyra...I actually have my hair like that now...flat twists in the front w/bantu knots, except I have a twist out in the back...well I should be getting the cornrows tomorrow...I'll keep everyone updated!
I had been wearing bangs for years, trying to hide that forehead. But once my hairline started growing in after taking vitamins, I pulled about a baby brush and softly brushed the baby hair down around my hair line . . . pulled my hair back into a smooth silky bun . . . put on some mascara to bring out my eyes . . . and giiiiirl you can't tell me nothin' no more. I'm with pressncurl, it really is freeing.

--perfect peace