I need advice......Stalk or No


I feel like there is no way to meet a man that I had an elevator moment with besides coming off as a stalker. Now it is not beyond me to pull a stunt but I don't want to do the most. Here is what happened.

I am in my red bodysuit and black high waist skirt with the nude pumps leaving the Dr office. I am walking to get on the elevator. The door opens. I see him he sees me. I'm looking forward at him, he is looking back at me. We stand there grinning like two idiots until at last the door closes.

Immediately I almost panic. Was I supposed to open the door and jump out of the elevator? Was he supposed to pry the door open and jump on? Was I supposed to ring the emergency bell with other folk on the elevator?

Ok so I went to the Dr a month later. In the entry way there was a big poster with his face on it welcoming him to the practice with his website and the number to his office :sekret:

My question is do I wait on fate to bring us together or do I do some stalker ish
AND if you tell me to go stalker how do I surprise follow him without coming off as a stalker.

A man told me go for what I know I won't look like a stalker.
Some questions:

Is it a shared doctor's practice? Is it possible for you to see him as your physician?

But before you proceed with any of this, do you have evidence that he is single and looking? Before stalking I would conduct some due diligence first.
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hmm... that's a tough one. Is there a way you can find out if he's married or taken? I feel like if he was single, he would have at least got in the elevator or said hello.

If he works in your dr. office, chances are, you'll see him again.

I'm confused as to whether you were on the elevator or waiting for the elevator, based on the bolded below.

I am walking to get on the elevator. The door opens. I see him he sees me. I'm looking forward at him, he is looking back at me. We stand there grinning like two idiots until at last the door closes.

Was I supposed to open the door and jump out of the elevator?
Was he supposed to pry the door open and jump on? Was I supposed to ring the emergency bell with other folk on the elevator?
Stalker nothing....if you saw a big ole poster with his face on it, I'd stop by his office and WELCOME him. :look: Tell him that you thought he looked new around the office and before you had a chance to verify, you got in the elevator and left. But the poster confirmed that you had indeed not seen him before so you wanted to say.....hi.

The poster is your crutch.

I would google his name before you sashay into his office though... look up any wedding announcements, where he went to school, yada yada....to find out what questions to ask. :look:
Oooh a doctor. :happydance: But is there any chance he could end up being YOUR doctor? If so, he'll probably shy away from initiating anything with you, no matter how fine you are in a red body suit, because it's ethically frowned upon to play footsie with patients. So, don't let him "practice medicine" on you before you get a date. :lol:

Is he a doctor of naughtybitology?
Oooh a doctor. :happydance: But is there any chance he could end up being YOUR doctor? If so, he'll probably shy away from initiating anything with you, no matter how fine you are in a red body suit, because it's ethically frowned upon to play footsie with patients. So, don't let him "practice medicine" on you before you get a date. :lol:

Is he a doctor of naughtybitology?

Some questions:

Is it a shared doctor's practice? Is it possible for you to see him as your physician?

But before you proceed with any of this, do you have evidence that he is single and looking? Before stalking I would conduct some due diligence first.

Our elevator moment and my online research :sekret: are the evidence that he is single

If he works in your dr. office, chances are, you'll see him again.

I'm confused as to whether you were on the elevator or waiting for the elevator, based on the bolded below.

I was waiting to get on he was getting off. Then I was on and he was off and we were sitting there grinnin like 2 Cheshire Cats as the door closed on us goof balls

Stalker nothing....if you saw a big ole poster with his face on it, I'd stop by his office and WELCOME him. :look:
The poster is your crutch.

I used the poster to go to his site which led me to his FB but I think it is his professional FB not his private FB. I don't want to send him a message and have a nurse or PR person reading it and hating on the cool. I know them *****s that work for him want him :lick:

Oooh a doctor. :happydance: But is there any chance he could end up being YOUR doctor?
Is he a doctor of naughtybitology?

No he is not a naughtybitologist, I was there seeing my Lady DR. He is a surgeon I don't need surgery on anything he specializes in.
girl please

i would use that advertised contact info so fast heads would roll :lol:

So everyone is team Surprise Date :giggle:

You should give us his name so we can google him for you...

You know some lurker would drive out and meet "my man" before I could take you ladies advice :lachen: The thirst would be real he has pics on his site and he is handsome

My sister says hang out around to see if he happens to come out. He works in a medical building. Multiple practices are housed in the building he is DIRECTLY ACROSS THE HALL from my Dr. but they are not in the same office. I peeked into his office unless he happened to be in his waiting room I wouldn't see him. Then am I supposed to mack him down in front of all the patients? I recall it was around 9 when I saw him. Maybe I should make all of my appointments around that time.

Should I enlist his staff or do you think they might thwart my efforts?
Don't enlist his staff. Be as incognito as possible.

This sounds like an easy one since his info is public and he does come across the public regularly.

My only 2 cents is that you pop by sooner than later, that way he is more likely to remember your face and you can put the ball in his court :yep: