I need a safe way to go blond!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know of the safest way to dye one's hair blond???:look:

I need a change I want to go as light as possible. But, I don't want all of my hair to fall out and it is already very fragile.

Anyone have any suggestions? Is blond still out for black folks? I want a change:D :p
Well, obviously there is no way that is 100% safe and foolproof. However, I know a woman with golden locs who is naturally a 1b and she said she achieved the color in stages. The first time she went up like two or three levels and then gradually went a couple more times until she reached the blond. though I have no idea how she maintains the roots.
JewelleNY said:
Does anyone know of the safest way to dye one's hair blond???:look:

I need a change I want to go as light as possible. But, I don't want all of my hair to fall out and it is already very fragile.

Anyone have any suggestions? Is blond still out for black folks? I want a change:D :p
I'm not trying to be funny, but why don't you go wig shopping and see if you can find a cute blond one that you really like. I just wouldn't want to see any damage come to your hair.
how about start off a bit slower and add some blone tracks via the clip method.
or get a blond sewin or wig? These r temp. and will give you a good change of pace.
and can get a really good idea if u REALLY want to be blonde.
I too want to go blonde. However, I've put it off until my hair regains it's strength. Then, I'll ruin all my efforts by dying it blonde. I know, it's bad but I've always wanted to try blonde. Unfortunately, the only way I know of achieving blonde is to lift it using harsh chemicals like peroxide and ammonia. But if you can't wait, maybe you could speak to your hairdresser about highlighting it a little at a time until you reach you're desired result. In between each highlight you could really nurse your hair. Just a thought. I'm considering this myself.
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If you do decide to go blond, please choose a stylist that is an expert in taking relaxed heads to blond. Simply being a color expert is not enough, IMO.
Allandra said:
I'm not trying to be funny, but why don't you go wig shopping and see if you can find a cute blond one that you really like. I just wouldn't want to see any damage come to your hair.
That's a great idea Allandra, I never thought of that! I may actually look very crazy with blond hair :look: :lol:
lisana said:
If you do decide to go blond, please choose a stylist that is an expert in taking relaxed heads to blond. Simply being a color expert is not enough, IMO.
I see your hair is lighter, is that natural or did you dye your hair? What method did you use if you did lighten it?
GO TO A PROFESSIONAL because if your hair is dark, lifting it to the point it can go blonde is going to be a task and I would ONLY GO with a professional. It will cost you but unless you want to see your hard work hit the floor (your hair) spend the money! Also a professional can recommend the best shade of blonde for your complexion.

JewelleNY said:
Does anyone know of the safest way to dye one's hair blond???:look:

I need a change I want to go as light as possible. But, I don't want all of my hair to fall out and it is already very fragile.

Anyone have any suggestions? Is blond still out for black folks? I want a change:D :p
You should hit up BlackBarbie..... i mean, her hair isnt entirely blonde, but she has lots of streaks, and her hair is super healthy, thick, and on the grow! Im sure she has tons of valuable advice to offer about safe and healthy coloring. :)

But in the meantime, while you do your research, i definitely like Allandra's idea, about experimenting with blonde wigs to see if its really for you. Heck, you dont even have to buy it. You can just do ure makeup pretty, go to a wig store, and try on many wigs and take pics (if they allow u to) to figure out if this is for you permanently.
CurleeDST said:
GO TO A PROFESSIONAL because if your hair is dark, lifting it to the point it can go blonde is going to be a task and I would ONLY GO with a professional. It will cost you but unless you want to see your hard work hit the floor (your hair) spend the money! Also a professional can recommend the best shade of blonde for your complexion.
Good idea, I love doing things at home but this would probably be the safest way, no experimenting this time:look: :) I should probably look for a picture.

My main worry is my hair falling out:look: Otherwise, it would have been done today:D
JewelleNY said:
I see your hair is lighter, is that natural or did you dye your hair? What method did you use if you did lighten it?

I had my hair dyed at a salon. The stylist used Wella. She lifted it three levels (I think, maybe two). It looks even lighter than it did but i'm sure that's because the natural black is right next to it.
KiniKakes said:
You should hit up BlackBarbie..... i mean, her hair isnt entirely blonde, but she has lots of streaks, and her hair is super healthy, thick, and on the grow! Im sure she has tons of valuable advice to offer about safe and healthy coloring. :)

But in the meantime, while you do your research, i definitely like Allandra's idea, about experimenting with blonde wigs to see if its really for you. Heck, you dont even have to buy it. You can just do ure makeup pretty, go to a wig store, and try on many wigs and take pics (if they allow u to) to figure out if this is for you permanently.
ooohhh, Kini, your hair is so long, you'll be at hip length in no time;)

Now I just have to find an obscure wig shop, you know bss are packed here in the city, I check NJ and take the car :cool: :lol:

I will send BB a pm:)
Allandra said:
I'm not trying to be funny, but why don't you go wig shopping and see if you can find a cute blond one that you really like. I just wouldn't want to see any damage come to your hair.
I agree!!!
are you planning on doing this yourself?

i've been blonde for the past 4/5 years. i did it myself. first time around i was relaxed. this time around i'm natural. (i went back to brunette for 4 months then realized...blonde is better on me.)

if you do it yourself you HAVE to do it in stages so that you don't go bald! lol!

protein is a MUST as is moisture.
lisana said:
I had my hair dyed at a salon. The stylist used Wella. She lifted it three levels (I think, maybe two). It looks even lighter than it did but i'm sure that's because the natural black is right next to it.
Did you have any problems with your hair drying out? My sis went blond and it looked cool but it dried out her hair.
JewelleNY said:
Good idea, I love doing things at home but this would probably be the safest way, no experimenting this time:look: :) I should probably look for a picture.

My main worry is my hair falling out:look: Otherwise, it would have been done today:D

The downside to going lighter is that it can appear that the color is doing well in your hair for a while, then gradually you start seeing damage and trying to counteract it with protein, moisture, etc. That's why if I decide to color next time I am going to color a hidden portion in the middle, live with it for a few months and then decide if I want to color the whole head (I know :) I'm just paranoid that way)
JewelleNY said:
Did you have any problems with your hair drying out? My sis went blond and it looked cool but it dried out her hair.

Oh yes, it is a struggle because I have fine hair. As you can see from my pics, I'm growing the color out. I have naturally black hair and it's thicker and stronger than the colored part. My ends get really dry but I have that undr control now with moisture/oil combo. The colored part also relaxes a lot faster and is more porous and splits easier, etc. I think it's just the nature of my hair and the fact that I have slacked off at times taking care of it. But for every person who has issues there are other women who go from black to blond and the hair thrives. I just don't know if there is a way to tell who is going to be that person. I really want to learn how to color my own hair beecause then I can experiment with hidden sections and see how my hair responds over time.
Huggette said:
are you planning on doing this yourself?

i've been blonde for the past 4/5 years. i did it myself. first time around i was relaxed. this time around i'm natural. (i went back to brunette for 4 months then realized...blonde is better on me.)

if you do it yourself you HAVE to do it in stages so that you don't go bald! lol!

protein is a MUST as is moisture.
ooohhhh, do you have any pictures????:)
Allandra said:
I'm not trying to be funny, but why don't you go wig shopping and see if you can find a cute blond one that you really like. I just wouldn't want to see any damage come to your hair.

Ditto, two words LACE FRONT!!!
Allandra said:
I'm not trying to be funny, but why don't you go wig shopping and see if you can find a cute blond one that you really like. I just wouldn't want to see any damage come to your hair.

I agree. What if you dye your hair and don't like it and have to grow it out all over again? I'd just get a blonde wig or some pieces.
Doesn't lemon make your hair lighter?
HAs anyone tried the sun in stuff? I think with dyes (chemicals) there is no safe way to go, you just gotta risk it. I would try a product that is more on the natural side though.
Jewelle I'll be honest with ya, why do you want to go so light? My friend is your EXACT same complexion and the blonde totally washes her out.

I don't think blonde looks good on Black people at all. But that's MY opinion.
LocksOfLuV said:
Jewelle I'll be honest with ya, why do you want to go so light? My friend is your EXACT same complexion and the blonde totally washes her out.

I don't think blonde looks good on Black people at all. But that's MY opinion.

I think it depends on the degree of blonde she might be trying to go. I was blonde ten years ago and it was like a honey blonde..not like a bleach blonde and I liked it on me. I can see what you mean though about it might washing her out if it is too light.

Jewell I agree about trying different wigs to see if you really like the color on you or possibly doing some type of weave first.
LocksOfLuV said:
Jewelle I'll be honest with ya, why do you want to go so light? My friend is your EXACT same complexion and the blonde totally washes her out.

I don't think blonde looks good on Black people at all. But that's MY opinion.

This was my thought too. Why not go for an auburn color?
LocksOfLuV said:
Jewelle I'll be honest with ya, why do you want to go so light? My friend is your EXACT same complexion and the blonde totally washes her out.

I don't think blonde looks good on Black people at all. But that's MY opinion.
:lol: I am afraid of that happening especially when January arrives:eek: But my sis had it very light and she was very popular then:look: :grin: I think I may have to keep a tan if I do so, I really want a totally new look and have always wanted to do this, I am bored with my look right now, I want a whole new persona:love:
marie170 said:
I think it depends on the degree of blonde she might be trying to go. I was blonde ten years ago and it was like a honey blonde..not like a bleach blonde and I liked it on me. I can see what you mean though about it might washing her out if it is too light.

Jewell I agree about trying different wigs to see if you really like the color on you or possibly doing some type of weave first.
yes, my sis was a honey blond and it looked really cool, gave her a whole new look, Marie, do you have any pics to share???:D
Babydall818 said:
Doesn't lemon make your hair lighter?
HAs anyone tried the sun in stuff? I think with dyes (chemicals) there is no safe way to go, you just gotta risk it. I would try a product that is more on the natural side though.

Can't remember where I read it but SUN-IN is the DEVIL.. don't put it in your hair... don't look at the bottle. At least that's what I was told
What about Highlights?
It's better/less damaging than coloring your entire head
or get a couple of blonde "tracks" and mix it with your
hair... my hair was very light brown with blonde
highlights two years ago... EVERYBODY would come
up to me telling me how pretty it was but my hair
was falling out by the handfuls... if you like your hair...
DON'T DO IT!!! I think I have that pic in my FOTKI.
JewelleNY said:
:lol: I am afraid of that happening especially when January arrives:eek: But my sis had it very light and she was very popular then:look: :grin: I think I may have to keep a tan if I do so, I really want a totally new look and have always wanted to do this, I am bored with my look right now, I want a whole new persona:love:

Man Jewelle you are doing double whammies. Tanning your skin AND bleaching your hair. It's just too much damage for me.:(

But if you want to go for it. I want you to be happy.

I say a nice Auburn but I don't think "the lightest blonde" (like you mentioned in your original post) is gonna be hot. And not to mention the lighter you go the more damaged you are. Just be careful.