I must be out of my mind...


New Member
Why aren't you supposed to relax before three days after washing? I know know, it's the wrong thing to do. I'm soooo tempted to relax right now! But I'm currently airdrying from rinsing out my conditioner this morning. But what are the reasons damaging, underprocessing, what? I'm sorry, but I'm tired of looking at this new growth. I didn't leave the relaxer in long enough last time so I basically have 4.5 months of new growth. I wanted to stretch my relaxer longer to grow out my edges and nape; but I want to see straight hair on a consistent basis without pressing (for now). Can someone please answer quick...I'm very tempted to let out my ponytail so my hair will dry quicker so I can relax.
Also, you mayscrub your scalp and cause some unnoticable open scars on your head. You'll notice it when you start relaxing. Even though you base your scalp before hand, you will feel the burn.

I'm sure some people are able to wash their hair without any problems with relaxers.
I don't have a thorough scientific answer for you, but I believe it has to do with the hair porosity and the natural oils from your scalp that build up each day to protect your hair and scalp. When you wash your hair, you remove some of that protective "membrane".

I can tell you that I loss track of when I washed my hair once and then touched up my relaxer too soon after... OMG!! I have NEVER had my scalp burned so badly in my life!!! :eek: And, yes, I basted my scalp first. It was like that protective gel was not even there. I never did that again. :nono:
Yes I agree the burn is no joke, That is the only reason that I have ever known --the burn is not something that you can easily deal with its like the old days, well they had to take it we don't and it caused a lot of skin problems to but they never talk about that part. Anyway when I did it I had a huge sore on the side of my head above my ears and one huge on in the back. It was terrible. I never ever did that again. plus when it heals you have the never ending flakes

I didn't know it was 3 days. I thought it was only 24 hours. Before I got my hair relaxed last month I gave myself a consitioner wash to detangle my then natural hair so my stylist wouldn't have such a hard time. I didn't touch it for two days after that so i wouldn't irritate my scalp. i had absolutely no problems when she applied the relaxer. she did base my scalp really good tho so maybe that helped out.
Thank you ladies. I'm not trying to be stubborn, but have you ever felt so anxious that not even the burn can stop you? LOL. I think I may relax tomorrow.
blueabyss333 said:
Thank you ladies. I'm not trying to be stubborn, but have you ever felt so anxious that not even the burn can stop you? LOL. I think I may relax tomorrow.
Not me. Once I suffered that incredible pain, I knew I wouldn't do it again!! It's been many years since that happened but I remember having to rinse out the relaxer way before it was time because of the pain, resulting in unrelaxed hair with a burned, sore-covered scalp.
I wish you a successful, pain-free time with your relaxing!
One time I relaxed 24 hours after I washed my hair. It burned a little more than usual, but I didn't jump through the roof. I wouldn't do it again though...unless I looked a hot mess :lol:.
Isis said:
Not me. Once I suffered that incredible pain, I knew I wouldn't do it again!! It's been many years since that happened but I remember having to rinse out the relaxer way before it was time because of the pain, resulting in unrelaxed hair with a burned, sore-covered scalp.
I wish you a successful, pain-free time with your relaxing!

LOL. Thanks, the fact that you mentioned you had to rinse it out early makes me think twice b/c I like my relaxers bone straight- my hair is already thick enough, even when it is.
Please be careful. You can also base your scalp with leave in conditioner also. I hope your touch up is successful.:)
I would have to agree with the other ladies and say that by doing that you risk the chance of burns. Here I go with another true stroy: When I was going through some personal stuff years ago, I ask my "trusted" stylist at the time for a texurizer. She cut my last little bits of relaxed hair and washed my hair (that may have happened the other way around). Needless she applied the relaxer to my hair to texturize it, and Lord it burned like hell :mad: (apparently she forget she had just washed my hair, some stylist she was). So please, please, please take caution.
Isis said:
Not me. Once I suffered that incredible pain, I knew I wouldn't do it again!! It's been many years since that happened but I remember having to rinse out the relaxer way before it was time because of the pain, resulting in unrelaxed hair with a burned, sore-covered scalp.
I wish you a successful, pain-free time with your relaxing!
I hear you...Years ago, I did the exact same thing...and let's just say I learned my lesson...The pain was horrible...I also had to wash it out b4 time and my scalp was red and sore...the next few days i experienced scabs and massive peeling...It isn't a good idea...I would wait a few days b4 relaxing.
Ladies, I can only thank you because you all are the biggest support system ever:kiss:! We all have our relapses at times, so thank you for understanding. Good news, I haven't relaxed yet. However, my patience is growing thin and another obstacle stands in my way.

Practice starts up again tomorrow, which includes pool workouts every morning- where my hair will get wet!:drowning: Which means I either relax tonight OR CW for the next two days and relax by Monday OR tough it out and don't relax any time soon. But I'm honestly growing tired of having to throw on Elasta QP mango butter, water, and Megahertz pomade, and a scarf just to flatten my edges and nape. Pressing my hair so often would be totally out of the question. What do you think I should do now? Like I said before, I'm so desperate I will overcome the burn and deal with the scabs later. I have so much new growth I really don't have to touch my scalp except my edges.