I mixed sulfur w/ silk elements root penetrating oil


Well-Known Member
now, I'm scared to use it. I have sublimed sulfur (flowers of sulfur)...are y'all sure this is the right sulfur to put on your hair?
Honestly, I would not put it on my strands just the scalp.

I used this stuff for one month and my hair grew a lot that month.

The only reason why I stopped is because as I perfected my routine, it just did not seem to fit.

I added it to creamer bases though, but I did experiment with oil. I stopped using oil because it did not seem to mix well.

I mixed it in the blender with somethink like mango butter or carrot cream and applied it to my scalp.

Is it mixing well with that oil?
Also, I kept the powder and oil mixture under my sink.

After about a month, I noticed that the powder had softened more like it is in the MTG bottle and looked better than when I 1st mixed it.
well it appeared to mix well with the oil but I decided to let it sit for a couple of days just to see. I'm trying to move away from using hair grease on my scalp and only use "liquid" oils. My hair needs moisture and oil. Maybe I'll mix the sulfur w/ my IC tea tree cream oil.
Well let us know how it goes for you.

I got great results when I used my sulfur mixture.

I wish that I had the motivation to apply things to my scalp. I have just been too lazy.
Is the msm powder the same as sulfur powder....I see either msm sulfur powder, msm powder, and sulfur powder. Which one would I use for the best results. Thanks in advance
Nita81 said:
Is the msm powder the same as sulfur powder....I see either msm sulfur powder, msm powder, and sulfur powder. Which one would I use for the best results. Thanks in advance

msm is a sulfur powder but I'm using the sulfur that is found in MTG (flowers of sulfur)......
I like the root penetrating oil myself though I don't like all of the ingredients. Though I don't use mtg, I did experiment with a sample and found that it neutralizes the odor. It absorbs easily without a lot of greasy buildup. Not many folks on the board use it/like it. I've purchases it at least 3 or 4 times. I'd purchase it again (once I use up all of this other stuff!!) The only thing that absorbs as well is FromNatureWithLove's Rosemary Hair Oil Blend!

I can't think of any reason to be scared of the mixture you've created.

Nita81 said:
Is the msm powder the same as sulfur powder....I see either msm sulfur powder, msm powder, and sulfur powder. Which one would I use for the best results. Thanks in advance

Don't take the Sulfur powder internally! You can with MSM, but son't do it with the other kind.
I know that the msm doens't smell bad (or have any smell really). But does the flowers sulfer have and odor. And, if it does, is it stinky like MTG?
ravensunshine said:
I know that the msm doens't smell bad (or have any smell really). But does the flowers sulfer have and odor. And, if it does, is it stinky like MTG?

No it does not stink. Sulfur stinks like rotten eggs when there is a chemical reaction. There is something else making the MTG stink, in my opinion. It may be the cade oil that it uses.