I Miss Him When He's Gone


Well-Known Member
So Ladies despite all the problems I have had in the past months with DH, I discovered that I miss him when he's gone. He got a new job 2 days ago and it's over night. I haven't sleep alone in 6 years. When it was time for him to go I literally watched out the window until I couldn't see him anymore. And now I'm crying. How ridiculous.

Everyone says that I should be enjoying this time alone, but I don't even want to lay in our bed if he's not there. It's so weird cause I complained and complained about not having space and all I want now is to have him back, but at least I know in the morning he will be here. I'm still confused. It's so hard to tell if I'm missing him or just the feeling of having him there. Complicated.
I think this is a normal reaction and I bet he misses you, too! Sometimes we need space from our loved ones to remind ourselves what its like to be without them and that we shouldnt take them for granted. I think people often get comfortable and fall into a routine that eventually breeds contempt, so maybe this will be the catalyst to re-ignite the fire in your relationship.
Awww ((HUG))
I know how u feel, DH and i are on opposite schedules too.

It can be rough, but he's coming home in a matter of hours...just remind yourself of that and try to be positive about the time you're home alone.
It is normal. My DH cannot fall asleep until I get into bed. It is like 2 mins as soon as I get in he is out. If I am not he will toss and turn for hours.

We are creatures of habit. My MIL hated FIL's snoring but she says now she cannot sleep without him snoring. lol

Also, we tend to miss people we don't like and know are not good for us nonetheless. It's the nature of the beast I suppose.
It is normal. My DH cannot fall asleep until I get into bed. It is like 2 mins as soon as I get in he is out. If I am not he will toss and turn for hours.

We are creatures of habit. My MIL hated FIL's snoring but she says now she cannot sleep without him snoring. lol

Also, we tend to miss people we don't like and know are not good for us nonetheless. It's the nature of the beast I suppose.

This is so beyond true. I actually kinda enjoyed the night alone last night even though I couldn't fall asleep until 3 am. I'll get use to it I guess. It will take time. He's off for the weekend so we can get some quality time in. :grin: