I Met Nikko's Step Cousin Today!!!


Well-Known Member
I just picked up my son from school and was yappin on the phone with my dad in California on the way back to my car.

I walked past a car and a lady inside asked me "are you Nikko's cousin"

I kept walking and said no right off because my brain did a quick scan, and said nope, no cousins named Nikko Jenkins...:rofl:

...then I stopped in my tracks when my brain caught up :lol: I had to tell my daddy, "I'll call you back"!!!

Turns out Nikko's Cousin is a LURKER :lurking:

Just so happens she is a multi-tasker too because she was doing a henna treatment and picking her son up from school at the same time!! She got skills!! :thumbsup:

We had a great chat!! I tried to convince her to join the board, she doesn't know what's she's missing in the OT, Political and the Entertainment forums (& countless others)!! I hope she joins!!

Pay that $6.00 girl!!!

You know what they do to long time lurkers... J/K :lol:


ETA: She peeped my lace front and called it "protective styling" :bighug: She needs to be a real cousin!! I'm trying to talk her into a BKT too...:shhh:
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That is such a great story!
Two Nikko's cousins have seen me in person and neither came up and introduced themselves to me!:perplexed
They waited until the next day to PM me and tell me that they were 10 feet away from me, but decided against approaching me...:ohwell:
That is such a great story!
Two Nikko's cousins have seen me in person and neither came up and introduced themselves to me!:perplexed
They waited until the next day to PM me and tell me that they were 10 feet away from me, but decided against approaching me...:ohwell:
Girl we were talking about YOU!!! PinkSkates and her luscious hair !! :love:

She knew my screen name too...called me AtlantaJJ as big as day :giggle:

ETA: I would definitely speak to you if I saw you in person!! :yep:
Girl we were talking about YOU!!! PinkSkates and her luscious hair !! :love:

She knew my screen name too...called me AtlantaJJ as big as day :giggle:

ETA: I would definitely speak to you if I saw you in person!! :yep:

Thanks chica...oh that's why my ears were itching today!:spinning:
I would approach and speak to you too AJJ!:yep:
That's so cool I can't wait to meet a cousin. You know lurkers are Nikos' homeboys I was coming to find out what a step cousin was =)~
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Cute story.

I saw a cousin one morning on my way to work. I was too chicken to actually approach the person. Also, I'm not a morning person and I wasn't feeling up to chatting.:ohwell:
that must have been cool! I remember a few years ago when I met someone from fotki. I think she was on my friend list. She noticed me while I was out with a friend about to have dinner at our favorite spot and happened to stop me and say hello. I thought that was nice.
I would feel odd askin' someone if they were Nikos' cousin. But I would love to meet some in person one day.
And Ladies, its NIKOS. One K and an S on the end. Nikos Dimopoulos
NIKOS' cousin
Oh okay I get it now! If you see someone with gorgeous or healthy hair then they may be a LHCF member and so you ask if they're Niko's cousin if you're curious is that right? I had someone send an email once to my office address (for services) and said they were Niko's cousin. I figured it must have meant an LHCF member because I saw titles of the posts before saying something about Niko's cousin, but I never opened them.
I would feel odd askin' someone if they were Nikos' cousin. But I would love to meet some in person one day.
And Ladies, its NIKOS. One K and an S on the end. Nikos Dimopoulos
NIKOS' cousin

Thank you.

Y'all just butchering his name.