This thread is funny...
So Transparent.... So, 2nd Timothy 3:12
Man when you start accusing Christian people of drinking and smoking , whew, is it that serious?
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I think Cathy likes to get her drink and/or smoke on while watching the Matrix and replying to e-mails!
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It's a joke. That's why I put the
behind it. Trying to lighten the mood. I'm just like that. Her response was funny to me that's all. I still don't understand it. Sorry if I offended you by making a joke about Cathy.
Everyone doesn't take Cathy that seriously. She is a human being and an author and entrepreneur. She is not an apostle, prophet or saviour. I don't believe she was sent here from God to educate all womankind about haircare.
Her response to your inquiry on her website just sounds a little self-righteous and delusional to me, that’s all.
What’s up with this response?
"God needed a big mouth messenger who is not afraid of a billion dollar industry of crooks! I am guided by my creator and I will die defending the cause and right of the black women who want to wear their own hair!!!! Thank you for helping continue spread the word. You know we were warned that the truth will fall on deaf ears. Many years later this lady will look back and realize you had the truth! "
What truth is she talking about? What does she mean by deaf ears? Is she implying that the women on LHCF don’t want to know how to take care of their hair? Who's trying to steal the right of black women to wear their own hair? Who is she defending us against? Is she implying that her way is the only way? Cathy is not teaching about Christ so how can you compare our responses to her “methods” to the bible?
2 Timothy 3:12 says...
"In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ will be persecuted."
No one is persecuting Cathy for being a Christian.
That verse is irrelevant. Her response caused me to imagine someone under the influence watching the Matrix. Period. I don't expect everyone to laugh at my jokes, I just had a funny thought and thought I'd share.
This board is all about sharing.