I made my ownhair Dew!!!! Yeah!


New Member
I was trying to find a way to keep my newgrowth as well as my relzxed hair moisturized while I am in limbo whether to transition or not. Well yesterday I decided to make my own moisturizing hair dew

Well, I took some distiled water and a little EVOO. I also added some jojoba oil ( I love the stuff) and finally a little salerm 21 to blend it all together and hold it. The Result.....

My hair was very soft and smooth. I use it as a refresher spritz during the day. At night I part my hair and spray my new growth with it. 4 days out of the week I wrap my hair with a plastic cap and then my scarf. In the morning, my hair is damp, but I can comb my hair lightly without losing hair at the demarcation line.

When I get lazy I just wrap my hair in my silk scarf. However, I don't like the way the back of my head comes out like that.

I am in a weird situation because I am nursing my hair back from a bad perm done March 20 of this year. I don't have enough new growth yet to do a big chop even if I wanted to. The sides and back are all new growth. The top is what remained strong so i cant even do a high ponytail because of my two textures. I'm trying to learn how to style it right now because you see curly on the back and sides and straight on top.

But I do love my homemade dew.

Does anyone else have a way of softening up their new growth? or do you have a mositurizer you recommend? Hair Type 4A with a little 3c
I have over an inch of new growth right now and I find that spraying Surge and then rubbing some ORS carrot oil on my new growth helps make & keep it soft.

If i EVER find Salerm 21 or the people send me a sample.. I'll try your dew!