I Made Coconut Oil at Home Y'all -- I'll Tell You How


Well-Known Member

On a recent family retreat, one of my Great Aunts traveled with her personal stash of homemade coconut oil, which she made just before leaving Tortola (the island where I’m from). Boy was her chocolate skin glistening and smelling tropical! Then I remembered SageRoots’ coconut oil tutorial and said ‘hey, why not!’

Here’s what went down in my kitchen:

[photo: coconut oil 2]

1. I cracked 2 small coconuts (outside on concrete) and grated the meat using a spoon and a knife. I’m sure there is a easier method to gather the meat, but after two episodes of Moesha while doing this, my hands were out of commission for the rest of the night.

[photo: coconut oil 3]

2. I blended the coconut meat and COLD water until the coconut pieces were fine.

[photo: coconut oil 4]

3. I improvised and strained using this gadget. A cheese cloth is preferable.

[photo: coconut oil 5]

4. In attempts to get as much milk as possible, I followed up by squeezing the coconut meat with my hands.

[photo: coconut oil 6]

5. What’s left is coconut milk. After a few hours of sitting on the counter, the cream rose to the top. I placed the covered pot in the refrigerator overnight. This allowed the cream to slightly solidify.

[photo: coconut oil 7]

6. Twenty-Four hours later I slice the cream to make the scooping and transferring the cream to another pot easier.

[photo: coconut oil 8]

7. I simmered the cream for approximately 30 minutes on low, stirring often.

[photo: coconut oil 9]

8. After a while, it looked like this. Once the remnants turned brown I turned off the stove and scooped the oil into a jar.

Yeah, my Jamaican professor explained the process to me a few years ago. She said it like it was nothing lol. Very interesting, OP.
My mother (we're from Jamaica) said she's still traumatized from doing this on a regular basis when she was growing up. She hated the grating process
How much oil did you end up with?
nadaa16 Almost 2 ounces from the 2 coconuts.

Also could one just buy a can of coconut milk and proceed from that step?
I'm sure that is possible, considering nothing else was added to the coconut cream to preserve it.

My mother (we're from Jamaica) said she's still Phoenix14 traumatized from doing this on a regular basis when she was growing up. She hated the grating process
I can imagine!

westNDNbeauty, you should put a hot link to your blog in your siggy.
MileHighDiva :) I can't post my own link per the rules of the forum since my blog has ads. But others can post the link. Thanks.
^^ thanks west! Hmm so 5ish dollars for 2oz.
Thanks for sharing

Don't forget the but load of work and time lol. Not all coconut oils are made this way. I think Tropical Traditions might be the only one -- definitely want to compare the two.
Thanks for sharing. My parents are Jamaican so they know how to make oil from coconut, but not like yours. We chop, grate, squeeze and let it boil until it turns to oil. I did this recently and burnt the hell out of my oil but I'm gonna try your recipe. Yours seems so much easier.
Just reading that made me tired. I would rather just buy some coconut oil. It's not expensive.:look:

I get where you're coming from with that, but I will say this much: All coconut oils are not created equal.

I'm gonna go ahead and make a follow up blog post on my experience with my homemade version as compared to store bought.
The picture of that jar of coconut oil... Brilliant. Always contouring and cutting my hand to get to the bottom of my coconut oil jars.
Y'all people...IT IS COCONUT OIL! It is just oil.:nono:

Y'all have gone too far now. Y'all are MAKING oil from scratch.:lol:

That's so ridiculous to me. I can see if you lived in some place in the world where making what they used was an everyday natural occurrence. But okay. If y'all think this is normal...then just carry on.:look:

I get where you're coming from with that, but I will say this much: All coconut oils are not created equal.

I'm gonna go ahead and make a follow up blog post on my experience with my homemade version as compared to store bought.
Y'all people...IT IS COCONUT OIL! It is just oil.:nono:

Y'all have gone too far now. Y'all are MAKING oil from scratch.:lol:

That's so ridiculous to me. I can see if you lived in some place in the world where making what they used was an everyday natural occurrence. But okay. If y'all think this is normal...then just carry on.:look:

Let people be great :giggle:
Y'all people...IT IS COCONUT OIL! It is just oil.:nono:

Y'all have gone too far now. Y'all are MAKING oil from scratch.:lol:

That's so ridiculous to me. I can see if you lived in some place in the world where making what they used was an everyday natural occurrence. But okay. If y'all think this is normal...then just carry on.:look:

It's hard to not try to snap people out of craziness.:look:

I'll choose not to comment on the ignorance to other cultures that is being displayed and respect your opinion.
Thanks OP for taking the time to post step by step instructions! I appreciate you. I'm very much into to making stuff from scratch and its nice to know that I have this thread with your knowledge in here. There's so many chemicals in stuff these days so this is a good option to have.
Thanks OP for taking the time to post step by step instructions! I appreciate you. I'm very much into to making stuff from scratch and its nice to know that I have this thread with your knowledge in here. There's so many chemicals in stuff these days so this is a good option to have.

^^Ditto! I like knowing how things are made and work. Knowledge is Power!
I thought this was so interesting! I might just try this one day soon . I wonder what can be used to make the grating process a little easier.

It is easier to buy some things from the store, ie oils, clothing, etc. However, I love knitting/crocheting my own hats scarves and gloves and taking pride in what I was able to do with my own hands.. thanks for posting and sharing a piece of your culture. Would like to see more threads like this.

Sent from my SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 2
Thanks OP for taking the time to post step by step instructions! I appreciate you. I'm very much into to making stuff from scratch and its nice to know that I have this thread with your knowledge in here. There's so many chemicals in stuff these days so this is a good option to have.

Absolutely! Folks are so unaware that many coconut oils are manufactured in ways that are unsafe and then they go through a process of removing the impurities, hence removing all of the good characteristics as well.

There is a reason why one coconut oil is $5 and another is $30 -- you get what you pay for.
That could be a reason why some people are allergic to natural products, the chemicals used to extract or produce a product.
Thanks OP!!! I'm a DIY'er on a lot of stuff. Sure I'll purchase it but I love to make things on my own. Always loved crafts!!! Keep sharing the knowledge. Be Blessed.

"Do it Anyway"! Mother Teresa's poem
Great info especially for those who can't get coconut oil in some parts of the world. America is the land of plenty, but this is most certainly not true for other places. I'm in Japan and oils that we use on this board are very scare or extremely expensive. However, coconut milk can be found in international shops. I pay $100 for 2 large jars of Nutiva from Vitacost and that price includes shipping:nono: Thank you so much OP.
In that last step when you boiled until the "remnants turned brown," what were you boiling off and does that not burn the oil a little bit? TIA