I Made Coconut Oil at Home Y'all -- I'll Tell You How

In that last step when you boiled until the "remnants turned brown," what were you boiling off and does that not burn the oil a little bit? TIA
In the cooking step, what you are boiling away is the remaining water in the cream. I'm sure if you boil too long it could burn. Your oil may turn yellow instead.
Love it! For the people saying its a waste of time, If you lived in a place with a lot of coconuts it wouldn't be. Imagine being in the WI and buying coconut oil. It would be like bringing sand to the beach.

When i'm at my grans in the grenada we use a similar method. Instead of scraping out the meaty white flesh, you could smash open the shell into pieces then get a knife put it between the flesh and the shell and pry it out.

my gran tells me myths and legends about making your own grater from billy cans (whilst putting it into MY blender). Heritage, i suppose.
My mother (we're from Jamaica) said she's still traumatized from doing this on a regular basis when she was growing up. She hated the grating process

LOL, my mom and aunt had to do this from scratch too. You won't catch them doing it anymore :lol:

They don't even grate coconut to make coconut bake anymore. They just buy the flakes.