I"m about to just....


New Member
Cut this stuff off!!! The relaxed ends of my hair are driving me CRAZY!! They're tangling and straight and you can barely see my pretty coils because of them... not to mention they make my curly fro look broke... Talk me off the ledge girls b/c I love the length when it's straightened (don't plan on doing that very often though)...
LOL... this is the WRONG place for you be talking that mess girl. You know us LHCF-ers will lead you to the EDGE and push you off it :grin:. I knew your pain. I cut it off. You're gonna have to do it anyway, and once you're natural you'll never want to straighten again anyway... you're gonna wanna rock those sexy coils!
I say don't ... only because it is clear from your posts you do enjoy the length and as a result you will have some remorse .. I know I did :look: