I LOVE taking care of my own hair!!


New Member
I just finished "seduing" my hair and trimming it - all by myself! I absolutely love taking care of my own hair. I decided when I needed to trim and how much to trim. If I make a mistake, then I can only be mad at me. My hair was all screwed up in funky layers and a weird v-shape back in April. It's now August and the layers are almost grown out and it's only slightly shorter in the front. I am on my way to blunt cut hair! And I did this ALL BY MYSELF!!

Anyone else love self-hair care freedom??
It is nice having the knowledge to take care of your own hair ....and knowing where to come for answers!

ETA: Congrats on the progress!
I'm glad to know how to take care of my own hair. I've always done my hair myself. I've just never done a particularly good job at keeping it healthy.
ITA:) Taking Care Of My Own Hair Has Been Soooo Benificial To My Hair Growth.My Hair Has Done A Complete 360.I Get Sooooo Paranoid With My Hair Now:look: I Had My Uncle Who Is Also A Stylist Rollerset My Hair For Me,And Never Again Will I Do That.Luv My Uncle,But He's Never Touching My Head Again.He Needs A Dose Of Healthy Hair Training:lol: He Has Definitely Lost His Touch.Don't Know What Happened To His Styling Skills:perplexed
Hairlove I definitely feel where your coming from. I decided to buy my own hair dryer w/chair and I am having great success doing my own roller sets. A few of my girlfriends said it was a waste of money but I didn't like going to the Dominican salons cause they wanted to always blow out my hair and that was damaging it. Now I can buy quality products that I want to use and not be subjected to whatever the salon has.

Its nice to take my hair into my own hands!
cluelessaka said:
Hairlove I definitely feel where your coming from. I decided to buy my own hair dryer w/chair and I am having great success doing my own roller sets. A few of my girlfriends said it was a waste of money but I didn't like going to the Dominican salons cause they wanted to always blow out my hair and that was damaging it. Now I can buy quality products that I want to use and not be subjected to whatever the salon has.

Its nice to take my hair into my own hands![/quote]

It sure is. It's nice to not worry about how much "she/he" is gonna trim. It's nice to be in your house with just yo bra and panties on sitting under YOUR dryer. It's nice to do you hair and still have that 50-100 bucks still in your pockets.

I haven't set foot in a salon going on 2 years and I ain't looking back. I may go, God forbid I can't do my own hair, but IIIIIII will be in complete control.
your hair looks great!!! I was looking at your album ....lots of beaticians need to get up on their game:lol:
I'm learning to take care of my own hair by coming to the boards and it feels so liberating. My hair is heathier now than it's been in a while.
Same here. Until I found you guys in October '05, I was sleeping w/ my hair uncovered, using Pink Lotion (the horror!), not moisturizing properly and washed my hair every 2-3 weeks. I can proudly say that I know better now... ;)

To the OP: congrats on your self hair care discovery! :D

sareca said:
I'm glad to know how to take care of my own hair. I've always done my hair myself. I've just never done a particularly good job at keeping it healthy.
It is great taking care of your own hair. And it's cheaper too. You know your hair better than any hairstylist because you live with it everyday, and they only see you maybe twice a month.

Since joining hair boards and taking care of my own hair, I've seen more progress in 3 months than the salon gave me in 3 years.
I love taking care of my own hair too. I always wanted to go natural or texturized but didnt know how to go about it and now I do. I am so happy to find LHCF and other hairboards. It is very inspiring to see so many black woman with healthy,beautiful,full, heads of hair. Thanks again
It is so empowering to me to be able to take care of my hair. I never thought I could do it. First I was like, "I can't put a perm in my own head!" Now I have. And today I did my first rollerset and it turned out good. My hair is turning around, and I am so thankful. I love giving my hair the TLC it needs!
Well, I am getting use to doing my hair now. Can't say I love it yet. lol I know my hair is better in my own hands. And that is a good feeling. If I can get that rollersetting down, I will go ahead and buy me a dryer with a chair and stay home for good. I have't been to the beauty shop in 2 and half months. It feels very good not to give my money away. Now I LOVE that!! ;)
Since I started my new job I haven't had time to do my own hair so I started going back to the salons, I've truly noticed the difference, I plan to start back doing my own hair, I know my hair will thank me for it!!!
Every time I think of visiting a salon - even someone recommended, I can't help but think how pretty much every time I go, someone rips through my hair after washing and conditioning it. My hair is natural and very curly - you can't just rip a comb through it! I just feel safer doing it myself!
Since I started taking care of my hair and not depending on my stylist all the time my hair grew from shoulder length to armpit in one year.Now I'm all most brastrap. I'm a firm believer that "no one will love your hair more than you".
hairlove said:
Anyone else love self-hair care freedom??
I'm all for self-hair care freedom (except when it comes to relaxing). Thank goodness my sister-in-law (she's a cosmetologist) does a great job relaxing my hair. :D
I love doing my own hair!! Every time I go to a stylist, I notice everything that she is doing wrong... ripping through my hair, not washing out the relaxer enough times, not trimmin all of my split ends (I have the opposit of a scissor happy stylist :) )whatever. It feels so good to be able to treat my hair with care. I love it! :grin:

Now all I have to do is learn to self relax...
I love taking care of my hair too. I'd rather blame myself for a screw up, then sit in a salon chair worrying the entire time. I am planning on getting highlights though, so they MUST be done professionally.
IT'S THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD!! when you can take better care of your hair than any stylist ever could is the most powerful thing ever. got me wondering if i should go to cosmetology school.
I love it when it comes to washing and conditioning because at the salons they wanna charge an arm and a leg for a "treatment" which aint nufin but a serious condition. I also got really excited when I learned how-to rollerset my hair to a decent level. All I need to learn now is how to self-relax, but I get my friend to do that which is still free and I am lovin it. I only go to great clips when I need a trim.
I love not waiting for an HOUR or more at the salon to get my hair done and then to have her do a rush job because she has thangs to do later! My hair's texture has improved since I stopped going to a salon, not to mention that I am saving :dollar: :dollar: :dollar:
I was spending about $200 a month on my hair. Grant it my hair grows pretty good no matter how much it is mistreated.

But now I know how to do everything myself except for roller setting, which I will learn soon, and it feels really good.

Plus, even if I spend $150 every few months on products, it's still less than I was paying before!!! ANDDDDD, my hair feels really good!!:grin:

It is great having that freedom!!!
I can agree with all you ladies that taking care of your own hair is liberating. My mom taught me how to self-relax so if I did go to a salon, I would just get a shampoo and wrap once every three months ( when I was in highschool).
Then I just stop that all together because I hate wasting my entire day in a shop even though you are on time. I have better things to do :)