
Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say that before I joined this forum my long hair was falling out by the handful, was very very dry and brittle and kinda hard to the touch but since I started my new regimen in September my hair has done a 360 degree turn. Hair fall out has stopped, dryness has vanished, hair's growing like crazy especially on the crown and my hair is so soft I can't stop touching it :grin:! I'm 8 weeks post relaxer and plan to go on for 8 more weeks! Yah!

It's possible I might also be a PJ. I just ordered like 15 kinds of products and sent them to my future mother-in-law to forward to me in UAE. I hope she doesn't think I'm certifiable when she gets the packages :grin:! Anyway, love LHCF!
Good for you. Don't go broke being a pj. I read a post last night that someone put themselves in to debt buying products.
Welcome to the forum!! Glad you've been able to get the help you needed! Please share your regimen and pictures :yep:
:welcome: to the forum, congratulations on finding a regimen that works for you. I wishing you continued success in your journey.
Welcome.....yea this is a great place, but sometimes it can get a little dramatic......but I have also met very nice ladies and seem some beautiful heads of hair......this is a place to get your hair journey started.......Happy Hair Growing.......!!! :)