I LOVE Flaxseed Oil!... Challenge Anyone?

You know I have been meaning to add this to my supplements I planned on getting them this comming week so count me in!!!
Thanks for the Reminder Candy :grin:

I'm in!! I'm currently taking 2-4 pills daily, but I prefer to take the oil orally because it gives better results.

When I was taking a tablespoon daily, my new growth was VERY moisturized and my skin was baby smooth:D

I get mine for $8 at Vitamin Shoppe. Its Spectrum brand and comes in a cinnamon flavor also.

DO NOT get it from Walmart or GNC:barf:

ETA: Don't take your vitamin and flaxseed at the same time:sick:

Ooooo did it make u sick?... Thanx for the tip! I'll keep that in mind :)
I planned on getting mine from VS as well.
The black bottle from Walmart and the GNC brand both tasted like chemicals:sad:

Once, I took my vitamin and flaxseed oil at the same time. Within 15 minutes, I had an 'explosive' moment in the bathroom:sekret: Sorry if that's TMI.
Well I finally broke down and purchased some flaxseed oil... didn't want to because I was trying to use up my coconut oil..but...the flaxseed oil I bought has coconut oil in it :) In fact it has organic flaxseed oil, organic coconut oil, borage, organic sunflower, and perilla.

This is the ingredient list :
Other Ingredients: Organic flax oil (seed), perilla oil (seed), organic sunflower oil (seed), borage oil (seed), organic sesame oil (seed), organic coconut oil, rice bran and germ oil, soy lecithin, rosemary extract, tocotrienols (from rice bran oil).

It's by country life and it is the vegetarian Omega 3-6-9 liquid formula.
Oh, it also has no preservatives, artificial color or flavor, sweetener, corn, starch, wheat, gluten, sodium, sugar, lactose, yeast, nut products.
If you are having stomach issues reduce your dose and start slowly. If you start taking just one teaspoon a day and slowly increase then it should be okay.
Hey Girlsss

Since i've been back on track with my hair vitamins, i noticed i missed the vital addition of flax oil (which i use during the faster growth periods last year).

The weather is on and off, and because my hair been feeling slightly dry lately due to the semi permanent rinser i used, i decided this time to use the flaxseed oil in capsule form.

My hair feels bouncier, looks shinier and it looks overall, very nice indeed!
I think Flaxseed is very important to add to your regime.

I take 2 capsules pr day, in total that amounts to 4,000mg. As you may or may not know, i used to down a tablespoon of the oil straight (woah!:perplexed) which woked very well, but has caused stomach upsets in others and over oily skin in myself.

Not only does flaxseed oil help with the moisture content the scalp releases in the form of sebum, but it also helps aduly acne. My skin is soft and pretty, acne marks fade within days rather than weeks, and its even been toted to help those wh owant to, lose weight.

You should see a difference almost overnight with the oil, as one tablespoon is equivalent to 9,400+mg.

So, i call for a challenge, especially to those who havent tried it before, and to those who have stopped taking it for some time!!

And i'd love to hear other peoples experience with this supplement too please


Candy xXx

This is so true. When I started taking flaxseed oil I noticed a huge difference in my skin. I rarely get bumps and when I do they are gone in no time. My skin looks better than it ever has before. I will continue taking flaxseed oil because of this.
I'm in!! I'm currently taking 2-4 pills daily, but I prefer to take the oil orally because it gives better results.

When I was taking a tablespoon daily, my new growth was VERY moisturized and my skin was baby smooth:D

I get mine for $8 at Vitamin Shoppe. Its Spectrum brand and comes in a cinnamon flavor also.DO NOT get it from Walmart or GNC:barf:

ETA: Don't take your vitamin and flaxseed at the same time:sick:
How many ounces is it?
i just brought my bottle..im taking the pills..so it may take me awhile to see some improvements right off....but im hoping that this will do away with frizzy hair and my hair will be nice a moisturized....i really hope to reap the benefits of using flaxseed oil while growing my hair out..
count me in as well.. I have been taking them for about 3 weeks now, and I CAN tell a huge difference in my skin, hair and nails... They are just so big.. How many of the capsules should i take to equal the tablespoon?
Re: I LOVE Flax seed Oil!... Challenge Anyone?

ooh great! Loads of you guys are on this challenge!

- If you experience any bowel issues such as diarrhea or constipation, try taking Flax in a capsule form, WITH dinner...because flax shouldn't really make you feel sick or in anyway make you have constant diarrhea, no matter how many other vits you take

- Its rich in omega, 3,6,9 I'm not sure what fish oil would be like this, and flax is a different composition entirely, that seems to really benefit hair skin and nails more than any other oil i/others have taken :grin:

- You may smell flax coming out your pores a few days after you start, and your skin glows! This is great news for your hair as it means its kicked in!

- Start SMALL! try 1 tablespoon twice a day first/then a tablespoon once a day :lick:

- Taking this supplement at night time is a good option :lick:

- Someone mentioned when they came onto their period they felt no pain....do you know i only realised when you mentioned, how smooth this period has been! HARDLY ANY PAIN! My skin blemishes are fading and my (face) skin doesn't require moisturizer no more.

- Take this oil on its own, try not to take two oil supplements, i think this would maybe mess around with your bowels too much

- Taking flax with a multi vitamin is a great idea - i take mine with biotin and b50-complex also!

- Your dry hair will become moist, and you wont have to saturate your hair all the time to keep it moisturized anymore!
count me in as well.. I have been taking them for about 3 weeks now, and I CAN tell a huge difference in my skin, hair and nails... They are just so big.. How many of the capsules should i take to equal the tablespoon?

two of my capsules is around a teaspoon, so i would say 4 capsules that are 2,000mg+ in each caspule :yep:
Based on what I read Flax has the precurser to the EPA/DHA (I think) in fish oil. But just for the heck of it I purchased some ground flax meal that I will add to my shakes.
I'm definitely in! I am already taking the capsules, and haven't been that consistent with them, but since I am nearly out, I had already planned on getting the bottle this time. Can't wait to see how this works for me.
I'm in. I'll be taking the capsules and adding ground flax to my foods. :grin:
Thanks for posting Candy_C. I've totally slacked off!
Its 8 ozs. The botte recommends 1-2 tbsp daily with a meal.
Ok, thanks. I may try this one out when I run out.

Just to let yall know you can get some flax seed oil from Puritan's Pride buy 1 get 2 free. They are huge bottles and around $16 for one but you are saving because you get three. The sale will be off soon so stock up!:grin:
Count Me In ! I'm very inconsistent ... taking it every two days or so:nono:

I have some Barlean's 100% Organic flaxseed oil from the vitaminshopee.. but its going to expire in a week or so.. so out it goes!:drunk:
Re: I LOVE Flax seed Oil!... Challenge Anyone?

ooh great! Loads of you guys are on this challenge!

- If you experience any bowel issues such as diarrhea or constipation, try taking Flax in a capsule form, WITH dinner...because flax shouldn't really make you feel sick or in anyway make you have constant diarrhea, no matter how many other vits you take

- Its rich in omega, 3,6,9 I'm not sure what fish oil would be like this, and flax is a different composition entirely, that seems to really benefit hair skin and nails more than any other oil i/others have taken :grin:

- You may smell flax coming out your pores a few days after you start, and your skin glows! This is great news for your hair as it means its kicked in!

- Start SMALL! try 1 tablespoon twice a day first/then a tablespoon once a day :lick:

- Taking this supplement at night time is a good option :lick:

- Someone mentioned when they came onto their period they felt no pain....do you know i only realised when you mentioned, how smooth this period has been! HARDLY ANY PAIN! My skin blemishes are fading and my (face) skin doesn't require moisturizer no more.

- Take this oil on its own, try not to take two oil supplements, i think this would maybe mess around with your bowels too much

- Taking flax with a multi vitamin is a great idea - i take mine with biotin and b50-complex also!

- Your dry hair will become moist, and you wont have to saturate your hair all the time to keep it moisturized anymore!

Okay, I'm in. This will be my first time trying out flaxseed oil. One question though, I am also planning on taking silica as well. Is this a bad combination, or can I take silica but on different days of the week?
BUMP for updates....

today i havent had to use anything on my hair, just a lil Avo'coco Crene for the roots (regrowth baby!) and thats it!

my hair is shiny and juicay!

BUMP for updates....

today i havent had to use anything on my hair, just a lil Avo'coco Crene for the roots (regrowth baby!) and thats it!

my hair is shiny and juicay!


I am going to have to try some of your Avo'coco Creme. Is it good for natual hair as well?
I am going to have to try some of your Avo'coco Creme. Is it good for natual hair as well?

My sister is 4b natural, and it really quenches her hair. She also take an acne medication that dried out her hair to breaking point last year, and she uses this creme every other day. I suggest only using a little on dry hair, and a dollop more when prepping hair with water first.

But to answer your question, i've found my natural customers very pleased with the results

they feel they can airdry knowing that their hair wont change shape, style during the day, and even when it rains, the Avocado butter in Avo'coco blocks alot of the water moisture out, whilst the coconut oil helps retain protein (in turn, the strength)

i could talk to you about this product all day lol pm if you please
