I love a LOOOONG DC!

How long do you DC and WHY....

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The longest I have DC-d was about 20 hours (incl) overnight. My hair is Natural 3C/4A mix. I did a concoction of (rough estimate) 45% VO5 Pomegranate and Grapeseed Oil, 25% Joico Kpax condish (mild protein), 25% ORS Replenishing Conditioner (mild Protein), and about 5% Castor Oil.
The next morning I got up, rinsed the mix out, lightly blow dried my hair (cold temperature/high blast) about 95%, with CHI Silk Infusion, then put it in large braids....I wore the braids a day, then the braid out a day..... the next time I twisted my hair and wore than 2 days and the twist out 2 days........Anyways...I didn't have to moisturize all week. I chose not to co-wash that week as my hair stayed moisturized and very soft. Not greasy or icky....I could have gone about 10 days I think....But I love weekly washes.....

I think I will keep blowing my roots out more often, but I will keep it on a cold temp to minimize the heat......

Anyone else get great results with a super long DC?
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my mind was sooo in the gutter whn I glanced at ure title I had to scroll bac up and read it slowly :lachen:

Im like wow LHCF has finally gotten interesting lol

But yeah I love a looong dc too
I voted less than an hour because I usually don't like the hassle of a sticky substance in my hair, running down to my neck and ears for a long time. :look:

I RARELY deep condition overnight or for long hours because I get the same results along with an extremely mushy feeling in my hair. I would only do this if I'm having a slight protein overload to avoid making it worse. :yep:
I always DC over night. I DC overnight probably about 2x a week. The next morning my hair has enough slip that I can detangle easily.