I look like a BOY!!! PICS of my 2nd BC!!!

Your hair is really cute. I used to rock that look when I was in college. If I knew then what I know now I would have NEVER started relaxing again. Back on the subject...your hair is adorable. You DO NOT look like a boy!
OHMYGOODNESS POOH!!! You have such a pretty face! Your new do looks sooo good on you! You are just rockin' it. You're going to have a ball with your second beginning. :yep: I'm so proud of you!:grin:
Pooh you look so cute! You make me wanna chop all my hair off again but I'll just admire you instead.

Love that wig too! I'm looking for one just like it.
Pooh, you look great! I taught that the pics were of a professional model...you definitely have the head and beautiful facial features for it! If I EVVA tried that I think I would look a hot mess:lol: ! BTW I like the curly wig, it looks completely natural!
Poohbear you look awesome with that cut (and Im not saying that just to make you feel better either) I really like it on you!!!!!!! :woot:
i know u ladies aren't saying these comments to make me feel better. trust me, i'm happy with this EXTREME decision I made. :yep: ;)
Jeez! you LUCKY girl! :) you can pull off all types of haircuts... i'm here thinking you look like a boy, but you don't! you look really GOOD and the wig looks really good too... have you noticed that probably are the most popular girl on this site?? :grin:
Poohbear said:
Thanks ladies for all your uplifting comments. :kiss:

Btw, I added one more pic of my wig juss to show what it looks like on me. ;)

Leave the wig, we LOVE the hair cut! You are rockin' it!
so1913 said:
Leave the wig, we LOVE the hair cut! You are rockin' it!
I've been seriously considering this. After my summer classes are over with on May 26th, I'll stop wearing the wig. ;)
Poohbear said:
I've been seriously considering this. After my summer classes are over with on May 26th, I'll stop wearing the wig. ;)

I like the wig but I like your TWA better. Come on Pooh! Be the BAPS that we all think that you are!
Wow! Was my pics really that terrible to get a terrible thread rating? Maybe it was that anonymous kinkyhair person who made a negative comment in my album. :ohwell:

Anyway, my best friend came by to see me and she was saying the same thing as you ladies have said! She said I had the perfect head for this style. :yep:
pink_flower said:
Your hair looks cute Pooh with or without the wig!

Change your comments to Fotki members only :yep:


Btw, I changed it right after receiving the comment. Maybe this person saw my response to them, got mad when they couldn't post another comment since it's for Fotki members only now, then they decided to rate my thread terrible.

If they have even more time on their hands... they may see this, decide to join fotki so they can post another comment. Who knows! :grin:
Poohbear said:

Btw, I changed it right after receiving the comment. Maybe this person saw my response to them, got mad when they couldn't post another comment since it's for Fotki members only now, then they decided to rate my thread terrible.

If they have even more time on their hands... they may see this, decide to join fotki so they can post another comment. Who knows! :grin:

Hahaha...those comments were so ignorant, childish, and juvenile...you can't do anything but bust out laughing!!! Not even worth getting upset over, just too funny...poor soul, she must have a lot going on in life...

Anyways, I can't compliment you enough, you better work it!
You have the face to wear that type of a hair cut. I think it shows your features better. Sometimes hair gets in the way. You look pretty especially in the side pic.

I was too nervous to do a boy cut but you are rocking it.
I'm so late, but Poohbear your hair is looking good! :p You are one of the very few people I know who can rock a cut like that! :) You know, it's uncanny that just this past week I've seen at least 3 or 4 people rocking a TWA and shorter. I think some of these lurkers have done the big chop as well. GO ON... PAY YOUR FEES AND SPEAK UP!!! :)
lovelymissyoli said:
I'm so late, but Poohbear your hair is looking good! :p You are one of the very few people I know who can rock a cut like that! :) You know, it's uncanny that just this past week I've seen at least 3 or 4 people rocking a TWA and shorter. I think some of these lurkers have done the big chop as well. GO ON... PAY YOUR FEES AND SPEAK UP!!! :)
Thank you! Now that I have a very short cut, I've been noticing so many other ladies in my town with twa as well. It almost looks like a lot of black women are rebelling against relaxers these days or something. :lol: