I LIKED you, until you started TALKING-then..blechhhh! Now, a date? :(


Well-Known Member
Online daters...he's looks good
even hot..the emails are fast and furious
the IM's fun and flirty. He's thoughtful,asks great e-questions
exudes intellgence,wit,personality, and charm

Your heart's beating a little a bit at each new contact..
and it's consistent...he's complimentary..
He seems nice ..he's highly creative...flirtatious with out being sleazy
all flowing so nicely..he casually asks you to have a beer..:beer5:
mentions a poular East village & cool place you both know..
it's left open-ended ....easy relaxed..
sounds like fun!!! a cool time..all you have to do is say ..YES!

You haven't spoken on the phone yet..*shrug*
but you agree to chat at some point :callme:
and he calls you .....
you pick up the phone thinking it's your little sister and you say
Hi! Sweetie! :hiya2:

and it's him.........:hiya:..
and phone conversation is lively cas you
are adept at this ...but on his end it goes

you are like....:ohwell:

he asks you out on this phone and you say
uhhhh...another time?.....:blush:

Ok. THAT happened today.Happens enough!
The guy is good looking intelligent and the voice

is stuttery,stammers,gulping ..or.
highpitched whiny.....or
fill-in-the blank

I know I know..I KNOW
but it STILL bothers me
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LOL. Maybe he was just nervous?
gosh..let's hope

**sigh** I am a sucker for
sexy resonant non-accented voice
guess a girl can't have everything

one non-phone personality
zero voice charisma...flat nasal...

I fell head over heels..hard
for him
there are always the exceptions :)
What's a BROAD NEW YORK ACCENT? I'm from NY and i never heard of that before. I didnt know we had an accent

Watch a NY tv cop show..
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Posting again inspired by PM feedback
and and the fact that another bunch of ya'll peeked

you know the deal tho..right?
Voice is a not deal breaker... per se...it can just knock you for a loop
if the guy has wispy voice the guy in my post almost sounded lispy...
and I tend to like the very masculine sounding fellows...

I had a boyfriend I adored in every way smart..sexy..hot
thought I was the most beautiful thing
he would watch me put food in my mouth & just drool at my mouth
or if we had a fight...but once he sat next me he'd be ga-ga in secs
he was a comedian ..that's whole nother culture
Loved going to his shows..he was really good

jewish-italian NY no accent
everytime he got
"in the mood" he would whimper and sigh in this very
soprano-y pitched ahs..ah.ah.ah


and then he EVEN said once
"you got me so excited..did you hear me whimper.
I never whimpered so good"
he used the word whimpered
and he was right!

he whimpered...like a baby
it was just fine and dandy ..to him

now.....I ask you:perplexed
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Just finished IMing w/this cute guy {a different one than the op guy}
we'd been in IM convo in Feb before my Calif tour and
he emailed on Valentine's day :yep:
anyways...he was nervous about
talking on the phone ...how could he know? lol:blush:

he said I hope sound sexy to you :lick:
I said friendly is more my speed..... :yep:
I asked him what do you sound like
He said I sound like a man
I said I do too
He said a man?
I said sure... a hu-man:lachen::lachen:

I love his voice:grin: ..cultured European...
no freepass there,btw...& no offense...but some of the Euros sound awful....

but he sounded good.......it was yummy talking to him.
asked me out! I told him I was busy.. listen I am~
that's the third guy asked me out..I'm trying to finish a novel
we will see.... he's a Phd~
me likey :yep:
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One last update
The European guy and I are going out Sunday night
it's supposed to rain
he asked me once again last night..I didn;t want to go out
on Saturday night for some contrary reason
but YES.. I made time for him for Sunday because he sounded
as good as he looked on paper....

en vivo might be another issue!
but that's part of the fun
we will see

and quid pro quo,you know :yep:
He likes how I sounded too... :Copy of 2cool:

well..but of course

Hi K,

It was so nice to hear you yesterday. So happy.
I did not quite know how much I enjoyed your voice on Sunday until last night.
As I said before I cannot wait for Sunday to meet you in person.
Are you going to intimidate me on Sunday with your combination of a sexy voice and a beauty?
Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day.. Still Wednesday :)
and here is my email address :)

the other man that inspired this post and I have not reconnected
:cry3: but if he does I WILL go out with him...
In every other way he seemed really cool
and that's what counts.... right?

and if we do not ..my bad...:ohwell:
and lesson learned~
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Posting again inspired by PM feedback
and and the fact that another bunch of ya'll peeked

you know the deal tho..right?
Voice is a not deal breaker... per se...it can just knock you for a loop
if the guy has wispy voice the guy in my post almost sounded lispy...
and I tend to like the very masculine sounding fellows...

I had a boyfriend I adored in every way smart..sexy..hot
thought I was the most beautiful thing
he would watch me put food in my mouth & just drool at my mouth
or if we had a fight...but once he sat next me he'd be ga-ga in secs
he was a comedian ..that's whole nother culture
Loved going to his shows..he was really good

jewish-italian NY no accent
everytime he got
"in the mood" he would whimper and sigh in this very
soprano-y pitched ahs..ah.ah.ah


and then he EVEN said once
"you got me so excited..did you hear me whimper.
I never whimpered so good"
he used the word whimpered

and he was right!

he whimpered...like a baby
it was just fine and dandy ..to him

now.....I ask you:perplexed

I am DDDDYYYYYING!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
a man who whimpers!!!!
That man would have never seen my face after that... i wouldn't have been able to take him seriously.
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It was HARD HARD HARD to be ...even be open... to being close to him
to kiss or snuggle or whatever...cas I KNEW what was coming ....the soft whimpery sighs and highpitched groans..were close..on the heels of any passionate kissin

he also had some WEIRD requests which I cannot say in this thread:nono:no ..
o but I loved that man anyway...so I kind of accepted it...that came close to an engagement also but he was waaaaaay controlling..

I HAD to joke about his "love-noises".
..cas I had NEVER EVER experienced that....:ohwell:
So in a car with like four of my best girlfriends on our way to girls wknd at my friends country house..we were bored after a 2 hour ride so I entertained them with his sighs :lick:
they were rolling all EXCEPT one ..she was furious:wallbash:

she said how would you like if he made fun of you
I told her
he's a comedian and often his girl friend jokes were part of his act ..:lachen: but even so ....

Made me wonder...if I was the only one
in that car with a soprano love voices form
A MAN :grin:

I sure wasnt gonna ask her, tho
she was ticked....off....
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