I Left The Salon Mid-Service


With Love & Silk
I tried a new stylist today at JCP. I had a consultation with her a couple of weeks ago and she was just lovely and seemed to really know her stuff. She talked as if working with long hair was something she was accustomed to.

She expertly applied my relaxer, but I noticed she didn't seem to rinse the nape area well. She didn't really lift my head up to do it, so I reminded her.

The problem started on the comb out. She used a wide tooth comb and I thought that was great, but she was really rough with it. She kept talking about my hair being so tangled. This was something we discussed at the consultation. I told her that many stylists say that my hair is tangled after we leave the wash bowl, and I told her I don't have that problem at home. I told her that the issue really is with how the hair is handled during the shampoo and conditioning. If you ball it up or rough it up, yes it's going to tangle--that's what hair does, especially hair this length. Too many are used to dealing with clients with short to average length hair and it's easier to keep those lengths from tangling.

After the comb out, I felt my hair and it was still very tangled. I knew that once we got to the styling phase, I would lose a lot of hair with it still being that tangled. I did not want her to continue her rough detangling either. So, I told her that it was too tangled and that I am very protective of my hair and that I would just like to pay her and go home and finish it up. I tried to be as polite and tactful as possible.

She was very nice and seemed kind of hurt, which I hated. She asked if she'd done anything wrong or if there was something else she could do. I told her that I would just feel much better going home and finishing it up myself.

So that was that.
I think you were very polite. It is your hair and you know what is best. More people should take a stand and not just tolerate things in order to avoid hurting someone's feelings. It would cut down on a lot of the hair tragedies we read about. Good for you!!! Q
Good for you!!!
I did the same thing girl when i was getting my hair braided and it felt like my eyes were going to slant cause of how tight she was pulling my hair. I got up and left after asking her a few times to be more gentle-
Self preservation above all things, girl self-preservation
I seriously don't blame you SG. Hairstylists don't understand sometimes. I think that doing so many heads they forget that ripping through tangles does have a longer term result-damage. They seem to just want to get through so they can cut or style.

I am glad you stood up for your hair. I would have done exactly the same thng. I am extremely tenderheaded. I likely would have asked to detangle it myself. I have done that in the past.

You were very brave and tactful. You give me courage, tomorrow I getting my hair done in a salon for the first time in over 2 years and I'm terrified! When did it come to this:nono:? I'm going through all the threads reading up on how to prepare myself and I reread your post on SHS. Thanks for sharing, if things go wrong I hope that I can be brave like you.
:clap: Yes, there's something you can do-listen when I explain how I want to be treated. I'm glad you remained calm:yep:
Wow. Crazy experience. I agree that most black stylists don't know what to do with hair that is more than 1-2 inches past shoulder length. You tried so nicely to explain to her...and she still didn't listen. Sometimes I wonder if these stylists want THEIR hair raked through. Then I look at their hair and can tell they probably do. I normally try to play "Tenderheaded" and ask to detangle my own hair. I have even blowdried my own hair to about 75% dry on occasion.

She shouldn't have been hurt. She could have had a learning experience from you had she handled it differently. Maybe had she been a little more... well, had she just been different you would have shown her and explained it to her.

Kudos to you for not losing it because I would have lost it. These people try to take fine toothed combs and hard brushes to my hair... :nono: I get my hair braided at the Africans and they straight try to RAKE through my hair with a metal rat toothed comb and I am QUICK to grab their wrists.

This is one of the things I am not looking forward to the longer my hair gets. I had waist length relaxed hair in the past and luckily had one really really good stylist who babied my hair but she is now retired. Now that I am natural BSL I find that I really have to be STRAIGHT TO THE POINT and not afraid to hurt feelings with these people.
You were very brave and tactful. You give me courage, tomorrow I getting my hair done in a salon for the first time in over 2 years and I'm terrified! When did it come to this:nono:? I'm going through all the threads reading up on how to prepare myself and I reread your post on SHS. Thanks for sharing, if things go wrong I hope that I can be brave like you.

Ya know, I am quite a softee. :lol: I had to work up to this point. I have not always been brave enough to get up and go. But I've learned from other ladies on the board to speak up regarding my hair.
You're hair is amazingly gorgeous

I tried a new stylist today at JCP. I had a consultation with her a couple of weeks ago and she was just lovely and seemed to really know her stuff. She talked as if working with long hair was something she was accustomed to.

She expertly applied my relaxer, but I noticed she didn't seem to rinse the nape area well. She didn't really lift my head up to do it, so I reminded her.

The problem started on the comb out. She used a wide tooth comb and I thought that was great, but she was really rough with it. She kept talking about my hair being so tangled. This was something we discussed at the consultation. I told her that many stylists say that my hair is tangled after we leave the wash bowl, and I told her I don't have that problem at home. I told her that the issue really is with how the hair is handled during the shampoo and conditioning. If you ball it up or rough it up, yes it's going to tangle--that's what hair does, especially hair this length. Too many are used to dealing with clients with short to average length hair and it's easier to keep those lengths from tangling.

After the comb out, I felt my hair and it was still very tangled. I knew that once we got to the styling phase, I would lose a lot of hair with it still being that tangled. I did not want her to continue her rough detangling either. So, I told her that it was too tangled and that I am very protective of my hair and that I would just like to pay her and go home and finish it up. I tried to be as polite and tactful as possible.

She was very nice and seemed kind of hurt, which I hated. She asked if she'd done anything wrong or if there was something else she could do. I told her that I would just feel much better going home and finishing it up myself.

So that was that.
Supergirl,, u did the right thing..... this reminds me of the story Karen Shelton told on Hairboutique.... someone washed her hair at the salon ( and shes a blonde haired white woman btw) and they got to combing it ripping and ripping and she left wet haired cuz they caused tangling during the wash... id do the same thing... noone will treat ur hair like you do
That's wonderful Supergirl you were able to stand up for your hair! I just came from your fotki and your hair is wow, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
Good for you, Supergirl! :clap: It's better to speak up and keep your hair on your head than to sit in silence and deal w/ damage later.
Good for you! Nobody needs to be abusing your beautiful hair - it's gorgeous!

What is up with JCP these days? I've been going to them happily for years, but this year the last two times I went - to two different locations - they had me sign a release for them to do a touch-up and both times were horrible - edges completely unprocessed. They must have gotten seriously sued by someone who got burned badly. I don't know if I'm ever going back.
I do'nt blame you. Why let 1 person potentially ruin all your progress?

Beautiful progress too! I checked out your fotki, your hair is really gorgeous! I love your nice thick healthy ends :)
SG, I think you did the right thing and commend you on your courage to do so.

It's sooo hard to find a beautician who really "gets it" about hair care.
In my entire 33 years there have only been 2 beauticians who really took really good care of my hair and I NEVER had tangles or breakage with either one of them.

One of them was my mom and the other was this older beautician who started doing my mom's hair back when she was a teenager (my mom is 31 years older than me).

Why can't there be more beauticians like them? :ohwell:
SG I have had to do this on more than one occasion myself except I didn't pay because she applied a no lye relaxer when I specifically asked for a lye, name brand. And another time I asked a stylist not to try to comb my hair out with a rat tailed comb abd she tried to do it anyway. The way I see it you are paying the money, you are in control.
I've done this many times. Hmph. I didn't even try to wait for them to untangle my hair.

What happened to the other stylist that used to do your relaxers? I would be too scared to try a new stylist at a relaxer touch up. No way. No how.