I know that a lot of shoulder length ladies wear protective styles..


Well-Known Member
to prevent the ends from rubbing against clothes and breaking off, but, at what length is breakage(from clothes) no longer a concern? I mean if your hair is bra strap length, isn't there still a risk of hair rubbing against clothes and breaking (at the SL mark or the BSL points)? I guess the question is, at what length can one just wear there hair down without risk of breakage?
depending on who you ask, never.

i know that when i get to full APL i wont worry about it anymore. as long as my moisturizing game is proper :look: i will be ok.
Never understood this either. What is the point of having hair down your back if you can't enjoy it and you always worried about breakage?

If your hair is healthy then it shouldn't be an issue.

If its an issue then leave it at SL or only wear your hair down when naked.
There's always gonna be some mild damage from hair rubbing against clothes... but the main risk at shoulder is that it's the PERFECT length to rub rub rub the actual ends of your hair against your shoulders. Once it's past your shoulder, it's more laying there, than actively rubbing.

Or at least that's my logic. :lol:
I wonder the same thing. I have just past shoulder length and I wear mine down but I pay close attention to keep my ends moisterized so that they are not as suseptible to breaking and splitting. I protect my hair at night and when I'm at home, I usually have on a tank, so my hair is just brushing my skin.