I know I Might Be Late on This But... What is MTG and SURGE???


Well-Known Member
I've been seeing alot of posts from ladies on this forum about these products and how fast it works concerning hair growth. What is MTG, and what is Surge? Are they similar to MSM, and are they both safe to use??? I also want to know if MSM is safe to use as well...
M-T-G is mane tail groom and safe to use although some ladies have complained about itching.
just remember it is to be used on the scalp only and stinks like bacon. also to be used in small quantities. some say castor oil and sulphur are the active hair ingredients. the target market for the product is horse breeders as it is primarily a grooming product.
don't let that put you off.. its been used with great success by many here.

not sure about surge. hope this was helpful.
Are there any side affects to using MTG??? Is it harmful to the body? Or am I just better off using MSM???

Also what is Surge, and how does it assist in hair growth?