I KNow I KNow I have been gone forever


New Member
OK, so now I am back everyone.
I have been gone forever...well kind of on and off, but now im back! in the game, and have updated my fotki and will continue to do so, as of now I am sitting here tping this with a plastic cap and conditioner in my hair, and have documented the process since in my fotki, so take a look and tell me what you think!?


ahhhh...im scared.
Don't have any tips to offer. But welcome back girl!

I really like the pic with the reddish color of your hair. Are you using henna? It looks really nice and shiny.
yea i am!
I get mine from whole foods because I like to know that whatever I am using is real, and not polluted with other unecessary ingredients..lol

I have used it a total of twice i think a month and a half to two months apart from each other
Your hair is looking great, I like the texlaxed look although I know you want it even straighter I think it looks good.

Welcome Back!:)
luckymonkey1307 said:
OK, so now I am back everyone.
I have been gone forever...well kind of on and off, but now im back! in the game, and have updated my fotki and will continue to do so, as of now I am sitting here tping this with a plastic cap and conditioner in my hair, and have documented the process since in my fotki, so take a look and tell me what you think!?


ahhhh...im scared.

Relative newbie here. Nice to see you. So, where have you been, why'd you leave? What has brought you back, what caused you to stay away. Yup, I'm a nosey one!!:)
I didnt leave for a bad reasn or anything, I just go really busy, but when I could i would come on and lurk I just never posted or anything like that. I now am angry at my progress and think my hair is not growing, so I am back to make it grow faster, and track it! Becuz i feel like i shud have been at bra strap by now, and i almost was had about an inch left, but then i trimmed....urgh.
Wow, your skin looks flawless! What's your secret? :eek:
I think you have progressed in yr journey. You just trimmed so u can't tell.:)
ha! i wish, i think it might just be my camera! lol

but um, it might be the msm now? or the fact that iuse all natural facewash from desert essence and as a moisturizer i use jojoba oil with vitamin e oil squeezed out of the capsule's into a mixture.
But make sure to put that on your face early so you have enough time before you leave for it to soak in and give you a nice glow!