I knew I had fine hair when...

When I take my extra thick natural hair and flat iron it and it is just as limp as ever.

My hair looks so thick in its natural state. Growing up I never needed a relaxer because I could straighten my hair and it would look straighter and thinner than girls with a relaxer
I learned about hair types and realized that my hair is super fragile. I always thought it was course because it was so thick, but now I know its just dense. I also compared some strands with a friend and my hair is definitely on the fine side.

Protein/henna has helped strengthen it and not coloring/fully relaxing has helped me not thin it further. I'm also thinking about growing out my layers to make the ends look fuller.
when I was little and saw that my hair was light as air, crazy soft, would not hold a curl, hairdressers always wanting to put hair spray on it to control it, and I cannot get 'next day' hair styles.
When with my relaxed hair, my hair looked better shorter. It was the only way for my hair to get some movement. When I wore it longer, it looked soooooooooooooo limp:wallbash:. Even now that my relaxer is growing out and I wear braids, it doesn't seem like I get alot of braids on my head.:look:

Protein/henna has helped strengthen it and not coloring/fully relaxing has helped me not thin it further. I'm also thinking about growing out my layers to make the ends look fuller.

:wallbash: You are right, but I SO want to touch up my roots!

My ends are colored. All I need is a little in my part!!!
you all are making me laugh. My hair is fine to. I knew my hair was fine when I touched it and I just feel bald headed.
When the dominican stylist said "mommy, i have to go gentle, your hair is very fine!"

When my braids look like spaghetti at the ends and when I put a ponytail holder on and then decide to take it out cause the ponytail itself looks anorexic.

When I put my hair in a donut bun and the bun has no thickness whatsoever :look:. I'll look at a pic of someone else's donut bun with the same length but has way more thickness and I confirm my thin hair strands .

When I put my hair in a ponytail and it looks like a shoelace dangling :nono:.

I knew when my thick, coarse, 4b sister and I got salon appointments on the same day. The stylist flat ironed her hair about 50-11 times and gave up panting. On me she blow dried in about 10 minutes, skipped the flat iron and hot curled my hair in all of 5 minutes so I would have some "body" and that didn't really work (scalp city)!

These are all too hilarious. But not to poke fun, because I believe I have fine/dense hair, for a few reasons.
When I took a strand of my hair and compared it to others. I could barely see my strand whereas their strand looked like a thick piece of thread. :ohwell:

I always thought my hair was thin but it was actually fine. Everyone around me thinks my hair is thick, but that's the density.

I couldn't have said it better.
My hairstylist told me :lol: My hair had always been thick growing up and then I guess it changed between ages 16 and 18.
I knew my hair was thin when I went to get a consultation for braids and the lady told me I would need like 5 bags and when she finished, she handed 3&1/2 bags back to me:perplexed
there's a difference between fine and thin hair. some people might have BOTH fine and thin hair. having a ponytail with a small circumference can mean you have thin hair i.e, not a whole lotta hair strands from your scalp. You can usually tell when hair is fine if its hard to see when held up to light. And just by comparing with a majority of people. Put your strand side by side with someone who has normal individual hair strands and you will see the difference.
Thanks for clearing that up. I guess I have thin hair. I don't think its fine anymore
I hear that all that time. "Girl your hair is light air!" The last time I got a relaxer my stylist told me that I should consider cutting my hair cause the longer it get the thinner it would look:look:. We shall find out:grin:
when I was little and saw that my hair was light as air, crazy soft, would not hold a curl, hairdressers always wanting to put hair spray on it to control it, and I cannot get 'next day' hair styles.
IDK when I realized, but my hair is fine. Everyone thinks my hair is thick in my Fotki, but its not.
I hear that all that time. "Girl your hair is light air!" The last time I got a relaxer my stylist told me that I should consider cutting my hair cause the longer it get the thinner it would look:look:. We shall find out:grin:

I was told the same thing!!! That is so right ..WE SHALL SEE and then show them!!!
I recently realized that I had fine hair, too. Although my family will argue forever with me, it is not as thick as we thought. It's compact and dense at its natural state, but so lifeless when pressed straight...one of the reasons why I rarely straighten my hair (maybe 2-3 times a year)
I recently realized that I had fine hair, too. Although my family will argue forever with me, it is not as thick as we thought. It's compact and dense at its natural state, but so lifeless when pressed straight...one of the reasons why I rarely straighten my hair (maybe 2-3 times a year)

you're probably overloading with products. fine hair will lift off your head when the wind hits it :lachen: except when you use too much serum, oils, etc.
I knew that I had fine hair when my ponytail was about the width of my pinky finger, you can see thru my hair when it is all combed back ( even when air drying!!! ), my hair looks HORRIBLE in twist-outs or braid outs because it is so scarce, the longer it gets, the thinner it looks...and then to make matters worse, i am trying to stretch and when i detangle i get these long strands coming out and I dont have any spare hair to waste, so the ends of my hair are a mess compared to my 5 month post new growth!!!! YIPES!!!

All this time, I thought I had thick hair, because this is what people told me, but I just have a BIG HEAD!!!! UGH!!!!:wallbash:
When I took a strand of my hair and compared it to others. I could barely see my strand whereas their strand looked like a thick piece of thread. :ohwell:

wow, there are actually people with strands that thick? I've always been told I have fine hair but I've never compared it to other people's strands..My strands are nowhere near as thick as a thread but I can see them..is that fine?
When did you know you had fine hair?

I was doing a fish braid on this little girl neighbor (11 y.o.) and I realized i could not fit my hand around her waist-length hair!! WTH? My two plaits as a child were each as thick as my thumb!

That's when I knew. There have been other confirmations, but

What made you know you definitely had fine hair?

When my plaits weren't thick and full like my cousins when we were maybe 5 or 6. I wanted to wear my hair in the styles she wore hers but it just didn't look the same. On the flip side though her mother used to try to copy my styles and accessories and they didn't look right on her hair either. She wanted hair like me and I wanted hair like her.
When I put my hair in two braids and they look anorexic :(

When I straighten my hair they ends won't lay down, they fly up and everywhere because there's no weight.

When a girl I work with wears her hair in one braid it's all huge and mine is a skinny stick :(
When I realized that my hair won't stay or maintain styles..and my buns look like they are on crack because they're so skinny..

Plus, if I get bone straight relaxers, my hair is super duper thin. I hate that..
I honestly don't remember. I always knew my hair strands were really thin, but I had a lot of them. My hair's really dense, so I don't really have any problems with my fine hair strands. Exact opposite of my mommy. She has thin hair with thicker strands (she wants my 'thick' hair).