I just want to have my hair done!


Well-Known Member
I'm getting tired of just doing my hair myself. :ohwell:
I don't know if it's because today's a bad hair day or what, but I really wouldn't mind just having somebody doing my hair biweekly :up:
I think I might go back to Dominican Blow-outs every two weeks and call it a day.
i know the feeling. yesterday i was rollersetting my hair and i was just annoyed with having to do it. the novelty of being a do-it-yourselfer has worn off for me. plus i can never get my rollersets to last as long as when i used to get it professionally done.

with that being said, it'll probably be awhile before i develop enough patience to go back to a salon lol
I am trying to be a DIY girl on certain things. But I love to just sit in a salon chair and get certain things done like rollersets.
I think I have to go back to daily washings. When I did something daily, I wouldn't worry or obsess about my hair. I'll just have to be better w/ my time schedule to make sure it dries overnight
i love doing my hair myself but i am thinking about going to a dominican salon in maybe 2 weeks. i say two weeks because i want to make sure i do a light protein treatment and deep condition my hair to no end before i go.
Yeah, I've felt like that recently and I've never really been a salon-goer. I want to rollerset my hair but I've been so lazy so I think I'll go later this week. No blow out though. I'll try to go during the day so I don't have to wait. I don't have the patience.
I'm getting tired of just doing my hair myself. :ohwell:
I don't know if it's because today's a bad hair day or what, but I really wouldn't mind just having somebody doing my hair biweekly :up:
I think I might go back to Dominican Blow-outs every two weeks and call it a day.

I feel you. I'm sitting here right now in some curlformers for the first time that I spent $60 on, hoping they turn out okay. Really just wanting to go to the salon to get my hair done for my B-day, but trying to see if these things work. Pray for me!
I just blow dried and flat twisted at 7-8 weeks post and thinking I need to go get pampered. I'm going to take my relaxer to the salon and let her hook it up. :look: I'm tired and the whole unpolished mini-tuft of what-the-hell-ever ain't workin for me. (I'm tired, sleepy, and cranky so take that with a grain of salt.) :sad:
I'm getting tired of just doing my hair myself. :ohwell:
I don't know if it's because today's a bad hair day or what, but I really wouldn't mind just having somebody doing my hair biweekly :up:
I think I might go back to Dominican Blow-outs every two weeks and call it a day.

I know exactly what you mean. It gets to me too sometimes. Sometimes I miss just going and sitting in the chair and not having to do anything.
I'm getting tired of just doing my hair myself. :ohwell:
I don't know if it's because today's a bad hair day or what, but I really wouldn't mind just having somebody doing my hair biweekly :up:
I think I might go back to Dominican Blow-outs every two weeks and call it a day.

I know that's right. I think I might just get my hair rollerset and wrapped after a light blow on roots every two weeks, for now too.
I feel ya'll except I wanna get my hair braided. Looking at my now damaged hair depresses me and last time I got braids and hid my hair for two months when I took them out my hair was lovely. I wanna get some braids in until I am APL so I can stop focusing on my broke off patches my ends and all my hair.
This thread is right on time. I relaxed my hair last night and even though it processed well, for some reason today, my hair seems greasy. Kinda coated, even though I shampooed till the cows came home. So now I gotta redo it either tonight or tomorrow and I really don't want to. Plus, for some reason, having someone else rub shampoo into your scalp feels much better than when you do it yourself.
I just started back going to the salon after about 5 years of doing my own hair.

The people I was going to before were wonderful, had been doing my hair since I was a child, but I became a broke college student whose time was limited, and the last thing I wanted to do every Saturday was sit in the shop for 4 hours.

I also went through a stage of dying my hair crazy colors every month, and didnt want to be scolded. :lachen:

But now I am tired, and the last thing I want to do is do my own hair all the time, so I am going to treat myself to an occasional salon visit. I went and got a wash and set last week, and my hair is sooooo pretty, she did a better job than I could with this 8 weeks post nappy hair:lachen:
I feel ya, I think you should treat yourself to a dominican blow out sometimes. I may even get one after I relax in December.

I wish there was a Dominican salon around in my area. I want to get a wash and flat iron sooo bad, but I don't want to pay $50-$65 for my length.

I am soo over my hair, I don't have the energy for it. I need a protein treatment, deep condition, color touch-up..you name it, I need it. I have been slacking, I was thinking about going to the beauty school just for a flat iron, but my better judgement tells me not to.

I might just have to stop being cheap and start going to the salon every couple of months. I don't want my hair to suffer because of my laziness.
i agree, since i can't do my own rollersets. i think i will treat myself to a professional rollerset with my next relaxer in december.
after i relax it myself of coarse:grin:
I miss letting someone else do it too. I rollerset, and I've been tempted to go back to the salon every other week for this but I will be there all night and it costs $41.
I think once every month or once every couple of months you should treat yourself. You need to feel pampered.:grin:
I think since i'm about to start my first "real" job lol That with my 1st check i'll go to the salon. Sometimes I feel so homely when i do my own hair.
well i was planning on going to the dominican salon but changed my mind because i have decided to go back to co washing everyday.
well i was planning on going to the dominican salon but changed my mind because i have decided to go back to co washing everyday.

Same here :up: I'm thinking it was just a bad hair day because I was trying to do the weekly washing thing. But daily washing realy does keep my hair fresh and I know that it's going to act right like it's supposed to. :yep:
Wow, I am feeling the same way right now. I did a telephone "interview" with a hairdresser today. She was so ghetto that I was happy that my phone died on her. I don't know what I am going to do.