Awwww lawwwddd....I can't seem to get past bra strap. I swear, everytime I get there, I have to trim!! I hope I don't go to the hairdresser and have her tell me my hair needs to be cut or something because of these braids....

Tebby, you're gonna be okay. It's sounds like you're just doing some healthy shedding. As long as your braids weren't tight and your hairline is intact, you're in good shape. Shrinkage can cause your hair to look significantly shorter. After your relaxer(if you relax)you'll see that the hair on your ends didn't go anywhere unless you trimmed them. Take care!
It's OK Tebby!! You're getting some excellent advice here! I'm so sorry you're having this problem, but you're in the right place to find out how to fix it! I bet you'll be below bra strap after you wait a couple weeks and get it relaxed!! All that shedding is supposed to happen. Hakuna Matata (No Worries!) Everything will be OK!!! :-)
Thank you all for the encouragement. I'm going to keep the phonytail on withe the exception of washing/deep conditioning. Time will tell if my hair got any longer.

Your welcome Tebbygirl! I'm gonna need you to return the favor when I go through the same "Trauma" in a month or so(I'll be taking out my braids too)
I know you must be devastated!!! I kept braids for about 7 months this year. I had about 4-5 inches of new growth and when I finally took the last braids down and combed through, a LOT of my hair came out. I did retain some of the length but a couple of handfuls of my hair did come out, that was because I severely neglected my hair while it was braided (only washing it when I was taking it down to get it braided again, no moisture). I think I was lucky that only that much came out. Before I took the braids out though, I make the decision to take extra special care of my hair (and I found LHCF). Now, when I comb through my hair wet or dry, little to no hair breaks off. I think that a major improvement from when I took the braids out 3 months ago.

Just a little encouragement for you . . . keep your head up!!!!
I just took my cornrows out and also experienced some shedding, but it was just the accumulation of one month's shedding, so I'm not worrying about it. I just made sure to thoroughly detangle and comb out all shed hairs before I washed, did a DRC protein treatment (to ward off breakage), and then a deep conditioner with Humecto for a couple hours followed by Pantenet S&S to give some slip for the final detangle. My hair looks better than ever and is strong and moisturized.

Before you write off braids forever, remember what Tracy said about the shed hair and waht DSD said about the deep conditionings. If you think it is breakage, then you should also do some type of protein treatment. I think your hair will be fine

I'm also saying that once you give your hair a few good treatments (definitely moisturizing, maybe protein if needed), yours will also be fine.
miss_brown said:
I just took my cornrows out and also experienced some shedding, but it was just the accumulation of one month's shedding, so I'm not worrying about it. I just made sure to thoroughly detangle and comb out all shed hairs before I washed, did a DRC protein treatment (to ward off breakage), and then a deep conditioner with Humecto for a couple hours followed by Pantene S&S to give some slip for the final detangle. My hair looks better than ever and is strong and moisturized.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is what I used. Modify as needed (i.e. whatever products work best on your hair), and just make sure to be gentle.
IF you go to the crown and glory website I think it is she gives helpful information on what to do after you get your braids taken out, and what products you should use. I know when I had my hair braided tons of my hair came out and I said I would never do it again, but after I got it relaxed i found that my hair actually grew and I was just over reacting. So good luck and I hope that will be the same case for you.
Have you tried a really strong protein treatment to halt the breaking and shedding? A lot of people use Aphogee's deep treatment, I am more partial to the Elucence extended moisture repair because its made from plant proteins rather than animal ones and it doesn't make your hair hard. Also, it mixes really well with other conditioners.
After I had a really bad relaxer experience, I mixed the elucence with Mizani Moisturfuse and it brought my hair back to life. The breaking and shedding stopped completely and I was able to go back to my regimen to get my length back.
Setbacks really suck, but they only last a short while.
I am sorry that you are having this problem and I really hope this helps.
I have a problem as we speak from wearing weaves, since it's a sewn in weave and my hair is braided, maybe I can help with some advice.

My hair is EXTRA dry after removing weaves and the condition of it looks bad. I currently have ATLEAST 5 inches of new growth and MAJOR strinkage from it being a cornrows (sewed in weave) for so long.

You have to be extremely careful when detangling your hair after removing the braids. I also get A LOT of shedding after I remove the weave and unbraid my hair because remember, you hair sheds like 100 hair per DAY alone. When it's in braids it has no place to go until you take out the braids. I expect now that when I run my fingers through my hair after taking out the cornrows to see shedding. Check the top of the hair shaft and see if there's a white bulb and make sure it isn't breakage. I actually check every strand and almost all are just shedding.

The last time my hair was out of the weave was on Oct 31, and it looked EXACTLY as it did when I first got it in (the end of August!!!)... which seems to makes no sense because I had 4 inches of new growth and if my hair was cornrows, how can it have broken off? Don't be fooled, it can easily be strinkage. I will be relaxing my hair in about 2 weeks, then flat ironing it to THEN assess it's true length.

Next time (if you braid again) detangle as MUCH as you can by HAND, then WIDE tooth comb. It's very tedious, but it's your hair! Trust me, I've experienced the WORSE tangles & even the worse MATTING, after taking out my weave. Believe it or not, I got out almost all the tangles with my hands. Adding water, conditioner, or shampoo, which your hair is weaker when wet, will make your already dry hair break.

From MY experiences, weaving & braiding do more harm then good.
Tebby - the only thing that has helped me when I came out of braids has been a conditioner eith lots of slip. Pantene, Feria...something that makes the hair like butter. So the tangles fall out ad you reintroduce some softness into the hair that may have been wanting more moisture than it got while your hair was "away". I really would stay away from any hard line protein if you can avoid it. I just don't think your hair was "damaged" per se - but that you are seeing more shedding than we like to because your hair was "away" for so long. Protein is for damage, breaking, shedding - because of chemical abuse. Because the STRUCTURE of the hair was compromised.

Whatever you decide, we're here for you girl!
Tebby, I posted a thread a while ago about removing braids, I'll see if I can find it and BUMP it for you.

Ahhh here it is,

It is scary though, I had that happen last month, just from a Twist out I wore for like 4 days, did'nt comb it just fingered it. and man the hair that came out when I went to wash, I wet the comb and tried to detangle gently first, it worked but still a lot of hair, it's frighting..
But I agree with the others, it most likely just normal shedding.
I remember when I first got braids and took them out, I did not comb through each individual braid. Needless to say when it came to washing, well...I lost alot of hair.
When you wear braids you just have to be extra careful when you are taking them out. Also, alot of people do not take care of their hair when they wear braids (not saying that is what you did), they just braid and go. I had a friend who would not even really wash or oil her hair when she had braids, she would not tie her hair up at night, etc. She would then wonder why her hair was not growing with braids.
I don't think that you should write-off braids either, just try and figure out what you can do to make the next time a better experience
I know exactly what you're going through right now, because I went through the same thing this past summer. I had braids for about three weeks, and when I took them out, I lost so much hair. I mean, my hair felt and looked very, very thin. I was beyond upset. I decided right then and there that I would never, ever, ever put braids in my hair again. My hair has since recovered, and for that I am extremely grateful.
miss_brown said:
miss_brown said:
I just took my cornrows out and also experienced some shedding, but it was just the accumulation of one month's shedding, so I'm not worrying about it. I just made sure to thoroughly detangle and comb out all shed hairs before I washed, did a DRC protein treatment (to ward off breakage), and then a deep conditioner with Humecto for a couple hours followed by Pantene S&S to give some slip for the final detangle. My hair looks better than ever and is strong and moisturized.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is what I used. Modify as needed (i.e. whatever products work best on your hair), and just make sure to be gentle.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't find the DRC anywhere....I have Aphogee, but I want to try DRC or Penetraitt.


I don't know what to tell you. I found it randomly at an asian beauty supply in MD. What city do you live in? I know a lot of people posted where they found in it NY on the DRC-28 thread. HTH
Well, last night I did a deep condition with Aphogee, followed by a moisturizing treatment with Tropical Dominican and 10 en 1.

My hair.....lik BUTTA BABY!!! It was so soft and silky feeling...I just LOVED the way my hair felt.

The good news, yes my hair did grow longer (I'm a little past Bra Strap)

Bad's not even and the ends are thin!!! I will reserve a final verdict for after I visit the hair dresser.

I'm so happy things turned around for you! See, everybody was right