I just realized


Ms. Nobody
I'm really satisfied with my length. im not sure if i want to go longer.i might keep growing just to see but my hair looks really nice at this length esp in shrunken styles(my fav). if my hair doesnt hang right/over powers my face as it gets longer i will go back to this length.

anyone else happy with full apl or less?
Nope, I still want to see if I can get my shrunken hair to hang to APL.
And I've never had hair longer than just past BSL. But once it gets really long and once I know I can do it who knows? I might cut back.... maybe
I understand what you mean my hair is a little beyond APL and Im thinking BSL should be enough I like my hair I don't think I want an astronomical length.
I haven't got there yet, OP, but I think I know what you mean. For me the perfect length will be the length that I find easy to handle and that suits my look and my lifestyle.

It is lovely to hear of someone who is content with the hair they've got, OP!
my hair is a decent length when it's straight. After my last cut i think im grazing APL in the back, SL on the sides BUT when i wear twist outs, game over. my hair looks like it's 4 inches long. i'm going for APL twist outs (probably MBL straight) then i think i'll be able to make a thread like this :lachen:

i'm glad that you're happy with your length though. i'll be sure to check out your fotki :)
Napp...First let me say :congrats: on reaching your "happy length"...I cannot wait until I feel the same way that you do! I feel like my ultimate goal is TBL, but realistically, I may get to WL and be totally overwhelmed (I doubt it, but hey, It could happen :lol:)...I just feel like my shrunken styles really do shrink, so I want more hangtime for those styles, which would mean that I would have to grow longer...
That is great news!!!

I am shooting for full BSL and I think I will stick at that point. I love to look at WL and HL hair, but I just cannot imagine dealing with it. DH is WL (dreads) and if it was loose hair I'm sure he would have cut it.
I haven't got there yet, OP, but I think I know what you mean. For me the perfect length will be the length that I find easy to handle and that suits my look and my lifestyle.

It is lovely to hear of someone who is content with the hair they've got, OP!


I am happy for you OP. Not many people say that on this board. I am happy you are satisfied at your length:grin:
Thats great! I have a while to go before then.

The problem with being natural- I'd be happy at APL straightened. But it would need to be much longer for me to be happy with how long it looks in natural styles-I'm not even sure yet what that length is.
I am happy with my length after I gave myself a cut and I am now back between sl and apl. Since my hair is natural I really like the thickness and the ease of my hair at this length. So I may not let it grow out. I am happy that my hair is healthy and easy to maintain.
I wanna hear what others say on this topic.

I feel the same way as Napp. I think I will be content with full APL. right now, my hair is like around collarbone length. I think it looks pretty fantastic in natural styles-finally got enough hang, nice when straight, and it doesn't take that long to take care of. I could def see myself getting to APL and being perfectly happy.
Well, not APL but I've been around MBL (when straightened) for awhile now. I'm fine with it. I don't mind it being longer or around APL either. From time to time, I cut to about APL, and it grows back. I suppose I could really get serious and grow it longer, but I'm lazy. LOL.

So to make a long story short, I totally understand. It's about what you are happy with. :yep:
I'm at APL now, and I thought that was long. I still think my original goal of MBL will still satisfy me. I want my hair to hang right with my fave style, and I think MBL will fit the bill.
Congratulations OP! I felt that way a little when my hair was about 4-5 inches all around. It looked good without alot of manipulation. Now, I have to work it a bit more because of the weird textures and different levels of shrinkage they possess. :look:

I think I would be truly happy at APL to BSL stretched BUT it depends on how well it suits my lifestyle and it's behavior as it gets longer. More hair = more work sometimes... so I have to just wait and see.
When I reached APL I was disappointed a little, I am now just hitting top of BSL. So no to your question, I was not satisfied with APL. I think I am stopping at MBL, so when it is curled it will be back to APL. Anyhow glad you found your ideal length. HHJ!
APL length on me = neck length when I wear WnGs. I want my hair to blow in the wind and look long without having to wear a twist out. I'm looking to grow my hair as long as it will grow. I think my limit will be hip length.
Congrats on your hair contentment and satisfaction!
My goal is stretched MBL. Since my hair is in the shrinkage range of 50-65 percent, I think that'll put me at full APL with twist outs. Then'll I'll be at my "happy length" as Janet' calls it!
I see what you mean. I would be happy to just get mid back length or even bra strap length and just maintain it. Both lengths stretched though.