I just have to vent......

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The other day while talking with my best friend the topic on hair came up. I expressed to her how happy I was at my growth progress, my routine and vitamin regimen. This is the same friend from an earlier post I mentioned who has a decent length hair but 2 inches of chewed up ends and a receded hairline on her forehead. She proceeds to say in a very arrogant tone"I don't need to take any hair vitamins,I have a lot of hair on my head already I don't know what to do with so I don't need anymore". Now first off, her hair isn't even extremely long it comes to her armpit and it is horribly damaged. Maybe I took her remark out of context but I became so steamed at her ignorant remark. I mean, what was she trying to prove? I'm sure the topic will come up again, but how should I handle this situation with her next time? Or should I just ignore these type of remarks that are intended to make me feel inferior? /images/graemlins/mad.gif
I would say just don't talk to her about hair anymore. Her comments in my opinion came from a combination of jealousy and a lack of self-esteem. ESPECIALLY if her hairline is receding because that can be very embarrasing. It's unfortunate but some people it just doesn't pay to share your good news with. Just let her eye your new growth and health and steam silently. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
I would have been my usual rude self and dropped it to her like this "honey you may not need any vitamins but you sure could use some temple balm to rub into that shiny receeding forehead of yours!"

Just kidding, I think the friendship would be done after that.

I think when I encounter a no hope situation with people and hair I leave it alone totally and vow never to discuss anything regarding hair or my hair again. I mean you can obviously see her hair is damaged, she thinks it's fine. And on top of that she's fronting like her hair is actually something worth bragging about!!

Legs honey, take the knowledge that you know and continue to learn and pamper your own hair. The same people that knock you and make your efforts feel unworthy or ridiculous to them, look in awe each and every month as your hair progresses. Trust me it happens. This one girl that said grease grows her hair and it grows fast and says it was down to there as a kid, basically just dismissing my advice, she wants to talk hair everytime I see her in the supermarket (where she works) and comment on pristene (sp?) (which was her last comment) on how my hair looked. Her hair is the same length possibly shorter since we last talked about hair in September 02.
And the thing is I don't do it for the compliments I do it because it makes me feel good and I LOVE to look after my hair.

I vow to let people come to me and talk hair now. I have no time discussing hair unless it's on this board or to friends of mine who are GENUINELY interested in it.
Hi legs71,

I hate to say it, but it sounds like there might be a little jealousy behind that remark of hers. The tone of her response was a bit harsh and uncalled for. I would avoid talking hair with her, since it seems she can't handle it. Just let her watch the progress your hair is making. Sometimes people don't like to see things going well for others and not so good with themselves. I hate to say this because I don't know your friend, but from your post that's the impression she gives me. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I agree with the other ladies. I wouldn’t mention anything else to her about hair care. Let her just keep on thinking that her hair is flowing. Her hair may be down to her armpits but guess what IT LOOKS THE PITS.

I have come to realize that the only people that you can communicate with about hair care is the ones on this board.

It seems to me that hair and weight are sensitive subjects for many people. I have run across insensitive comments whenever I talk about my hair care regimen. I no longer tell people about my hair care regimenunless asked. Especially, how many vitamins I take. Just ignore the comment. Some people are naturally skinny others need to work on keeping in shape. The same goes for hair. Some people just have the genetics for great hair others (me) need to put extra muscle into hair care. Be happy that we have a board to discuss our hair freely without catty comments. I am so happy I came across this board.
Thank you for all of your responses. Sometimes I wonder is she truly my friend or just out to put a knife in my back. I will keep tight lipped on hair issues around her in the future. Besides, hopefully my hair and it's progress will speak for itself when I reach my goal length. People like her who try to get me down only make me more motivated to remain faithful to my routine and vitamins. If everything continues to go well in less than 6 months I should be at armpit length which by the way will be longer than hers since I'm 5'10 and she's 5'2. I hate to be petty, but I cannot wait until that day comes. /images/graemlins/band.gif
Girl I don't think you're being petty. We all love to put naysayers in their place! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I think every one of us has day dreamed about the day when we could throw our locks back and say... "SO THERE!! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif"
/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Haha ..I know that's right. I'm trying to be humble in the growing process.
Actions speak louder than words. Don't even mention hair anymore to her. When your hair gets longer & healthier than hers, she will be speechless. /images/graemlins/user.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I think every one of us has day dreamed about the day when we could throw our locks back and say... "SO THERE!!

[/ QUOTE ]

SO TRUE!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
