I just have to share this tomfoolery


New Member
So, I meet this guy he seems nice, we talk and he tells me he owns his own business. Hes a painter and makes great money he says. We talk for a total of three/four weeks. During the course of this time he tells me he owns his own home (four bedrooms) and drives a nice ca:yep:r. Let me give you guys a little background. Me and him knew each other as children, we were in the same church circles, my mom kept us in church 24/7 and eventually you'll develop friendships with kids from other churches via revivals and conferences etc.

He found me on facebook (:wallbash: I have GOT to stop adding old people, facebook really is the devil) through mutual church family and we began to talk. Make a long story short, he told me he had his own business, his own home (even sent me pictures:rolleyes:) offered to buy me a home, pay my tuition and other things. This began to make me suspiscious because it sounded TOO good,

Come to find out the house he lives in is his SISTERS:whyme:, he doesnt have a car and barely has money to get one, I said how did you expect to pay my summer tuition its 3,000 some odd dollars he said "thats all I really got , probably a little less":wallbash: :nono::nono: I couldnt do anything but:lachen::lachen: because I've never had someone tell me such an elaborate lie.

Please tell me some of you ladies have had this mess happen to you. And to answer your questions before you ask, no we never slept together and no my kids never met him. My cousin and i laughed so hard we almost threw up:barf: I told him i'm scared of poverty, dont ever want to be poor and I dont deal with broke men. I avoid them like the plague. I'm like boy bye :hardslap:the thought of being poor makes my coookie dry as the desert and I was disappointed that he felt he had to lie about everything. I'm :ill: with :lachen::lachen::lachen:I havent laughed this hard in ages, I can barely breathe. I'm ready to roll on the floor kicking my feet in a laughing fit. Ladies, share your stories of men putting on elaborate fronts to be with you.
So, I meet this guy he seems nice, we talk and he tells me he owns his own business. Hes a painter and makes great money he says. We talk for a total of three/four weeks. During the course of this time he tells me he owns his own home (four bedrooms) and drives a nice ca:yep:r. Let me give you guys a little background. Me and him knew each other as children, we were in the same church circles, my mom kept us in church 24/7 and eventually you'll develop friendships with kids from other churches via revivals and conferences etc.

He found me on facebook (:wallbash: I have GOT to stop adding old people, facebook really is the devil) through mutual church family and we began to talk. Make a long story short, he told me he had his own business, his own home (even sent me pictures:rolleyes:) offered to buy me a home, pay my tuition and other things. This began to make me suspiscious because it sounded TOO good,

Come to find out the house he lives in is his SISTERS:whyme:, he doesnt have a car and barely has money to get one, I said how did you expect to pay my summer tuition its 3,000 some odd dollars he said "thats all I really got , probably a little less":wallbash: :nono::nono: I couldnt do anything but:lachen::lachen: because I've never had someone tell me such an elaborate lie.

Please tell me some of you ladies have had this mess happen to you. And to answer your questions before you ask, no we never slept together and no my kids never met him. My cousin and i laughed so hard we almost threw up:barf: I told him i'm scared of poverty, dont ever want to be poor and I dont deal with broke men. I avoid them like the plague. I'm like boy bye :hardslap:the thought of being poor makes my coookie dry as the desert and I was disappointed that he felt he had to lie about everything. I'm :ill: with :lachen::lachen::lachen:I havent laughed this hard in ages, I can barely breathe. I'm ready to roll on the floor kicking my feet in a laughing fit. Ladies, share your stories of men putting on elaborate fronts to be with you.
Woah! I've never (not that I'm aware of) been told such elaborate tales before. That's pretty pathetic!
omg!!! Some guys put up a front just long enough to get the cookie and RUN. Most women aren't even aware that they got played. :-(

You really dodged a bullet.
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I'll bite. My friend and I STILL laugh about this one (15 years later).
When I was in college, I had my own place b/c I had a kid and a young lady with her own place and a car attracted certain "elements" sometimes. Well I met this guy who was a Muslim, very proper and smart. He would come over when my son was out and take me out to dinner or just hang out. He never tried any funny business b/c he was Muslim and I respected that. We knew each other for a few years, but we would see eachother very sporadically (every 3-8 months b/c I was a single ma, working and in school) and still, he hadn't tried anything. Well, my nasty self began to get curious about how he would be, b/c if he was good, then it's a deal.:lick:

He started to show up more frequently all of a sudden. We never "did the do", but he would come over late sometimes and we'd fall asleep. He was supposed to be in the plumbers' union and drove a decent Honda wagon back in the day, so I'm thinking he's got it going on too. Well, again he started showing up on the regular for something like a week, so one night he showed up, we watched tv or something (he didn't drink or anything like that) and it got late. So this time he causually gets up, goes in to the bathroom and comes out in his pajamas and a wave cap!!! I was like :eek:, "Uh what are you doing?" He said, "Going to bed." and crawls into the bed. Now I was already mad 'cause we had never, you know. I had begun to think he was a tease, so I told him he can't just live here ( I began to think that was what he was up to) and to get dressed and get out. I started to figure he was homeless, got kicked out of his house, maybe he wasn't even in the plumbers' union, so I got scared and stopped seeing him altogether. I was NOT tryin' to have no neegros (any color or creed) livin with me and mine!

In hind sight, I'm STILL confused, but brotha had to go with the wave cap. I think that was what did it for me. TO THIS DAY, I CANNOT STAND TO SEE MEN IN WAVE CAPS! (It's some irrational thing, I hate sarves and bonnets too, but I sure do wear one since joining lhcf, I just slip it on real stealth like after the lights are out.) Everytime my son has one, I get annoyed and tell him, "You cannot wear that thing around me!"
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I'll bite. My friend and I STILL laugh about this one (15 years later).
When I was in college, I had my own place b/c I had a kid and a young lady with her own place and a car attracted certain "elements" sometimes.

Girl, you ain neva lied! When I move outta here, I'm still going to tell guys that I still live with my folks, because I ain't trying to attract no stragglers. :nono:
^^^ LOL. Yeah, I actually lived in a back house and would tell guys I lived behind my parents. I was thankful for the 9 foot iron gate that kept strays out. Somenights I would lock up early b/c some dude would say he may "roll through". "Nuh uh honey! Just keep your car in drive and roll on home!"
I'll bite. My friend and I STILL laugh about this one (15 years later).
When I was in college, I had my own place b/c I had a kid and a young lady with her own place and a car attracted certain "elements" sometimes. Well I met this guy who was a Muslim, very proper and smart. He would come over when my son was out and take me out to dinner or just hang out. He never tried any funny business b/c he was Muslim and I respected that. We knew each other for a few years, but we would see eachother very sporadically (every 3-8 months b/c I was a single ma, working and in school) and still, he hadn't tried anything. Well, my nasty self began to get curious about how he would be, b/c if he was good, then it's a deal.:lick:

He started to show up more frequently all of a sudden. We never "did the do", but he would come over late sometimes and we'd fall asleep. He was supposed to be in the plumbers' union and drove a decent Honda wagon back in the day, so I'm thinking he's got it going on too. Well, again he started showing up on the regular for something like a week, so one night he showed up, we watched tv or something (he didn't drink or anything like that) and it got late. So this time he causually gets up, goes in to the bathroom and comes out in his pajamas and a wave cap!!! I was like :eek:, "Uh what are you doing?" He said, "Going to bed." and crawls into the bed. Now I was already mad 'cause we had never, you know. I had begun to think he was a tease, so I told him he can't just live here ( I began to think that was what he was up to) and to get dressed and get out. I started to figure he was homeless, got kicked out of his house, maybe he wasn't even in the plumbers' union, so I got scared and stopped seeing him altogether. I was NOT tryin' to have no neegros (any color or creed) livin with me and mine!

In hind sight, I'm STILL confused, but brotha had to go with the wave cap. I think that was what did it for me. TO THIS DAY, I CANNOT STAND TO SEE MEN IN WAVE CAPS! (It's some irrational thing, I hate sarves and bonnets too, but I sure do wear one since joining lhcf, I just slip it on real stealth like after the lights are out.) Everytime my son has one, I get annoyed and tell him, "You cannot wear that thing around me!"

WOW :lachen: so you never talked to him again??? OMG thats funny, and it was the wave cap that set it off lol. What is up with these brothas??? The guy that I was talking about in my original post, I asked him how long did he think he could have kept this lie up. I'm like eventually I would have to come over to your house, I would see your bank account statements and I would notice that you DONT HAVE A CAR. I swear there is nothing sexier then a brotha that is educated and working and has his life in decency and order but there is such a shortage and women are always compromising for them. I'm so over this dating crap lol. I'm out for the count.:nono:
Girl, you ain neva lied! When I move outta here, I'm still going to tell guys that I still live with my folks, because I ain't trying to attract no stragglers. :nono:

Maybe thats what i'll do. Tell them I live with my people, I'm on welfare an the car I drive is borrowed. LOL that will at least filter out the leeches. idk, I'm just so over this whole dating thing.
omg!!! Some guys put up a front just long enough to get the cookie and RUN. Most women aren't even aware that they got played. :-(

You really dodged a bullet.

yeah. I'm telling you, its sad out here. My girl is getting played for real righgt now but she wont listen to me. She'll come running for me to build her back up after this dude gets done taking her down
I wrote this in another forum a while ago about a dating horror story with this guy who lied. So here it goes...

I went out on a lunch date with this Moroccan guy who seemed so sweet and nice BUT he was a liar in the same exact way my ex was a liar.

Here is an example

1. Told me he was in pharmacy school but yesterday told me where...this fool said ASU.

Now, I'm currently getting my masters in public health at U of A that has the ONLY medical school in Arizona and the only school of Pharmacy. So I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe he meant to say pre-pharmacy at ASU & wanted to sound important. I asked him what classes he was taking...this fool said radiology and a class "he couldn't pronounce". :ohwell:

Since when does a pharmacist have to take radiology? But I digress

So then I asked him what was the coolest thing he had learned in his courses since he claimed this was his second year. He gives me this long convoluted story about his professor showed the class pills and they had to look at it to figure out what drug it was and then they put it under a microscope and found out it was penacillin, morphine etc.

Woosaahhh. Does he think I'm dumb?

I sat through lunch, with a tight smile, still engaged him in conversation and left soon after we got the check.

That lunch date was nagging at me all day, so I called him and told him a lot of what we talked about at lunch didn't seem to add up and was there anything he wanted to put on the table. For someone who claims to hate liars, he's one of the biggest...

This is what he said...

1. He got a DUI and doesn't have a car
2. He isn't in school because of "financial reasons"
3. He doesn't work because he got laid off 3 weeks ago

and the list goes on...his number was quickly deleted from my phone. I dated an insecure man, who had some great qualities but lied about dumb stuff. I can't and I won't do that again.
OMG thats crazy! ^^ and funny, it really had me LOL> But now that I think about it I had a man tell me he had PROSTATE CANCER because he wanted me to stay with him. Why does this happen?
Wow :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I need to be careful after reading these stories. These dudes are bold and figure that your stupid and belive everything they say.
Wowsers!! The lies ppl tell.. unfort I dont have any that come to mind.. I havent done the 'date' thing for about 6 yrs
While I don't spend money on actual background checks, I have a number of tricks up my sleeve to dig up information about guys if something seems a bit "off."

I actually had an incident where a guy got caught in a lie and he didn't even realize it. He was telling me that he was some big shot lawyer and whatnot, and he mentioned he had gone to Yale. He came off as very smart and sharp, so I didn't question it for a second. So, he asked me about my graduating class size, and I was like "Oh, my graduating class will be pretty large - 400+"

He responded "Oh, that's not that big. My graduating class at Yale was at least 500 people, maybe close to 600."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. "Oh really," I said. "That big?"

Him: "Yeah, big class."

Me: "That's interesting because for the past 10 to 15 years, Yale has only enrolled classes of around 200 students."

Him: (stammering) "Oh...errr...um...yeah, that's interesting. Guess my class was different that year."

Me: "Guess so..."
Wow :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I need to be careful after reading these stories. These dudes are bold and figure that your stupid and belive everything they say.

It's just that some chick or chicks somewhere along the line believed everything they said and now the dude thinks he's some slight of mouth magician or something where everyone will believe whatever he says.
While I don't spend money on actual background checks, I have a number of tricks up my sleeve to dig up information about guys if something seems a bit "off."

I actually had an incident where a guy got caught in a lie and he didn't even realize it. He was telling me that he was some big shot lawyer and whatnot, and he mentioned he had gone to Yale. He came off as very smart and sharp, so I didn't question it for a second. So, he asked me about my graduating class size, and I was like "Oh, my graduating class will be pretty large - 400+"

He responded "Oh, that's not that big. My graduating class at Yale was at least 500 people, maybe close to 600."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. "Oh really," I said. "That big?"

Him: "Yeah, big class."

Me: "That's interesting because for the past 10 to 15 years, Yale has only enrolled classes of around 200 students."

Him: (stammering) "Oh...errr...um...yeah, that's interesting. Guess my class was different that year."

Me: "Guess so..."

Haha...shut down!

So this guy I had been talking to for about 5 months lied about every damn thing!

When we first met he told me he was still in school and had just taken this online quiz ..blah blah well about a month later I ask him how school is going and he tells me he had graduated the previous semester.......huh? ok.... (oh and that he went to my school)
That he lived by himself......but when I went to finally go spend the night with him.his mom was there....
He had a really good job training to become a bodyguard.
and the piece de resistance........he lied about his name.

Yea so he told all those lies because he had a gf.........I found out on facebook..I love and hate that website..
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A few years ago I tried the online dating thing and well...

This guy contacts me, and he seems nice and all, so we chat on the computer for a while. The next day, I am contacted by another cool guy. His profile looks nice, but there is no photo. I usually delete those but this time I said, 'what the heck' and gave it a go. He told me that he was going to send me a pic. While waiting, we continue to chat. While I'm chatting with him, the guy from the day before contacts me and I chat with him, too. So I'm chatting with two guys at the same time. After chatting for a bit, I get suspicious as to why guy#2 still has not sent me the pics. I ask him and he says he thought he sent them already and that he was going to try again. We chat some more and still...no pictures.

Guy #1 starts to ask me some odd questions. He wants me to tell him about all the guys I've met on the dating site so far. He kept warning me that there are a bunch of old white men on the site looking to play sugar daddy to young black women:look:. Then he sent me a message that said "I don't think you're being honest with me, I sense something is wrong. :perplexed"

At this point I'm creeped out and he's getting on my nerves so I ignore him. Guy #2 seemed cooler anyway. Time goes by, still no pictures. Guy#2 says that he is about to go to bed and that he doesn't feel like trying to send the pics again:rolleyes:. I tell him that if I get no picture, he will not hear from me again because I will assume he is playing games.

After all of this he finally breaks down and confesses that he is Guy#1 AND Guy#2!:blush: I was SO PISSED! I was holding two conversations with the same person, you have to be some kinda crazy to do that. He said that he figured he would up his chances by acting as two people, so no matter which guy I liked, I would end up choosing him. He also said he was testing me. WTH:nono:? Testing me already? :lol:

I should have known. Guy #1 had pictures on his profile, but his description of himself wasn't accurate. His description said he had light skin, but his picture suggested otherwise :giggle:. Lyin' self.
OMG thats crazy! ^^ and funny, it really had me LOL> But now that I think about it I had a man tell me he had PROSTATE CANCER because he wanted me to stay with him. Why does this happen?

Probably because he couldn't tell you that he was pregnant and didn't want to terminate the pregnancy. :lachen: Trust me, if they could, they would.
I went out with a guy who claimed he was a drilling engineer. Problem was, I've met rocks smarter than he was. We made plans to go out again the following Saturday evening, but I didn't hear from him so I made alternate plans. I'm hanging downtown, and I get a call from him at about 11pm. Dude is slushed and suggests I meet him on his side of town about 45 minutes away. Whatever.

I don't hear from him after that for about 2 days. When I do, he apologizes about not getting in touch with me and tells me his aunt died and he had to go out of town. I offer my condolences so I am not an insensitive jacka** just in case. The problem is, that whopper is one I've heard more than once and I guess he didn't realize he had already told on himself. I could only shake my head and laugh.

After all of this he finally breaks down and confesses that he is Guy#1 AND Guy#2!:blush: .

LMAO. I suspect that is fairly common in online dating. I also suspect guys will contact you and have their friend(s) do the same. I always ask if they know anyone or have any friends that use the site.
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Not funny at all but had one attractive, on line prospect who posed in my favorite baseball team's gear..jacket, cap..so I became interested, e-mailed him. He immediately wanted to take communication away from the dating site to his private e-mail{always a red flag.} I Googled him-found some things he'd posted on...found out he does not live in the USA..claimed to travel here once in a while..:rolleyes:....next thing I found was another dating site he was on..every thing he posted he used the same name and e-address...the dating site...POSITIVE DATING!! I was shocked and glad I did a little check first. HIV positives need love too but I was not going there:nono::nono:.
Probably because he couldn't tell you that he was pregnant and didn't want to terminate the pregnancy. :lachen: Trust me, if they could, they would.

LOL! :lachen::lachen::lachen:yeah, he was DEEP in love, I didnt talk to him for a while and since hes a Preachers kid I told him he better hope the Lord dont give him Prostate Cancer since he claiming it lol. Had him praying like a priest:lachen: lol. But we eventually talked again and I'm glad i did, I forgave him, now i reenact it every now and again and he gets embarrassed but we laugh about. i thank God that I have a forgiving and humorous heart because that man is one of my closest friends and my prayer partner. Hes a horrible liar and folded like a shirt after I questioned his stoopid lie. Crazy
Not funny at all but had one attractive, on line prospect who posed in my favorite baseball team's gear..jacket, cap..so I became interested, e-mailed him. He immediately wanted to take communication away from the dating site to his private e-mail{always a red flag.} I Googled him-found some things he'd posted on...found out he does not live in the USA..claimed to travel here once in a while..:rolleyes:....next thing I found was another dating site he was on..every thing he posted he used the same name and e-address...the dating site...POSITIVE DATING!! I was shocked and glad I did a little check first. HIV positives need love too but I was not going there:nono::nono:.

:blush::blush::blush: OMG! That reminds me of the guy who told me he had herpes the same day i met him, I was feeling just like you, I am not the one:nono: