I just got my heart broken.


New Member

My mother just called me.

She sounded a little down.

She said she wished she had done so many things and that she had not accomplished much in her life time.

I dont know what to tell her. I am feeling so hurt right now.

You guys have any advice or Inspiration for a 45yr old who feels like they missed out on life.

All your comments and help will be appreciated.
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Plenty706 said:

My mother just called me.

She sounded a little down.

She said she wished she had done so many things and that she had not accomplished much in her life time.

I dont know what to tell her. I am feeling so hurt right now.

You guys have any advice or Inspiration for a 45yr old who feels like they missed out on life.

All your comments and help will be appreciated.

Yes tell her God has a purpose for all our lives, the fact that she had you is a BLESSNG. Many women are unable to have a child and would give all theyown to have one. Encourage her to pick a hobby or a challenge,it can be a gym membership or a new skill, or even a course. She's still VERY young,and has many more yrs ahead!
Plenty706 said:

My mother just called me.

She sounded a little down.

She said she wished she had done so many things and that she had not accomplished much in her life time.

I dont know what to tell her. I am feeling so hurt right now.

You guys have any advice or Inspiration for a 45yr old who feels like they missed out on life.

All your comments and help will be appreciated.

Thats funny you wrote this, My mom is feeling a little down as well. She wish she could of did things different when she was in her 20's and 30's, My mom just turned 44, she probably feels that way because she had me and my brother at an young age (she had me at 15 and my brother at 21). But I tell My mom she is still young and there is still a whole lot she can accomplish in her life. Just talk to her and tell her there's still a chance for her to make her dreams happen, she's still young.
I notice that a lot of women go thru this around that age. Because they no longer feel "needed" . So what i say to them is that there is still a lot of LIFE in you. This is not the end, it's a new beginning. Your latter end be great than your former. God has a plan for our lives, in every stage of our lives. Seek Him for the plan and Get going - action is important. I pray every day that God would cause me to walk in my destiny. Look around so many people need somebody. Volunteer to help with children, adopt foster children, help with the homeless, work the rape crisis hotling there are 100's of organizations in the world that need help. And 100's of churches, get involved in the community make a difference in the world. tell her go ahead the world is waiting on you, everyone has something to contribute to this planet.
I agree with everyone else. She is still young and has much ahead in her life left. She can be a missionary, winning others to Christ in other countries, volunteer with various organizations, adopt a child - there are so many just waiting for some to love and care for the, help with the homeless, be a "buddy" to the elderly in nursing homes - many of the people in them have family members who do NOT check on them and just talking to them really brightens their day. What kind of skills does she have? Can she sew, into decorating, cooking, etc.? She can use that to help others. I am so sorry she is feeling this way but she can still accomplish the things she wants to do with her life. God has different plans for everyone.
Oh goodness! Don't be sad it will get better for her. She may be having a mid-life moment. I lot of women your Mom's age experience this. I's 42 baby! I went thru that during a much earlier period (1990 late 20's). Tell your mom she is still young. Its not too late for her to do what she wants in life. She can change careers, go back to school, start her own business or plan for a major long vacation with lil financial planning. Tell her to remember all the things she put off til ya'll were grown and gon. Tell her to think of something she really loves and would do for free. She could turn that into a small business or try getting in that industry. Its her time!
Your mother still can accomplish so much, my dad is depressed now and he is 61, but I am trying to spark him up as much as possible. But 45 is still so young and she has so much life ahead of her in terms of pursuing her dreams and goals.
I don't have any additional advice. But tell her she is so young... She has so much life to live. (((((((((HUGS))))))))) Martha Munizzi has a great song w/ Israel Haughton that says your best is yet to come, something like that. Always picks me up when I think like that.
HoneyHips I absolutely love that song.
Honeyhips said:
I don't have any additional advice. But tell her she is so young... She has so much life to live. (((((((((HUGS))))))))) Martha Munizzi has a great song w/ Israel Haughton that says your best is yet to come, something like that. Always picks me up when I think like that.
JOI said:
Thats funny you wrote this, My mom is feeling a little down as well. She wish she could of did things different when she was in her 20's and 30's, My mom just turned 44, she probably feels that way because she had me and my brother at an young age (she had me at 15 and my brother at 21). But I tell My mom she is still young and there is still a whole lot she can accomplish in her life. Just talk to her and tell her there's still a chance for her to make her dreams happen, she's still young.

Oh Man ,, Let them know that they are still young and kicking .. never too late as long as God has you on this earth...

My best friend's mom was on drugs .. all through her 20's and 30's
when she hit 39 her got her life together and then got her first reall job at 40 and at 42 her first apt.

now she has her own home 10 years later ... it's never too late!
Plenty706 said:

My mother just called me.

She sounded a little down.

She said she wished she had done so many things and that she had not accomplished much in her life time.

I dont know what to tell her. I am feeling so hurt right now.

You guys have any advice or Inspiration for a 45yr old who feels like they missed out on life.

All your comments and help will be appreciated.

You tell her Mommy, You have missed nothing! You can start anew now!

45 years is not old, tell her to get a new lease on life. What she wished she did then, do now.

What dreams she had then, make them come true now. Her spirit should not be broken any longer. She should not waste time with regrets she needs that time to do her!

Ask her what her intrest are, then tell her to set forth in that direction.

she wants a better job. Go get one.
She wants to go back to school, go back!!!
She wants a house, plan to get one.
I know these things require work but! all she must do is the foot work, God will take care of the rest. I feel the way your mother does at times to...but you have to set your plan into action, it is never easy. some days I feel like JESUS!!! please help me, I can't take it lord...but then I think girl if you don't shut up, pick yourself up. You are where you are for a reason. if you want better do better. And I do, do better.

Support her, like you are already, and encourage her that all her dreams, and goals can be attained. ;)

Be blessed.
Isn't it great. I love the whole Cd, but the section of songs starting with the Jesus Medley, or the end of God is here through New Season are very encouraging.

I love Mary Alessi too, and would love to see them in concert.
kisz4tj said:
HoneyHips I absolutely love that song.
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Honeyhips - I have this CD it's one of my favorite another encouraging one from the same CD is "Your Latter Will Be Greater".