I just cut a chunk of hair...


Active Member
Okay ladies i had this spot of hair was soooo broken off and dry, nothing made it smooth or shiny, nothing. I've treated it with care and to no avail. So i cut it, and boy it was a lot of hair....

I would say the area i cut was an inch wide. Since it was on the top of my head, its easy to comb blend so its no biggie.

But i said all that to say that as relaxer patrons we should definetely watch how stylists apply our relaxers. I know for sure that the breakage was due to overlapping. As she finsihed each section she would place it near another part on my hair that had relaxer on it, hence mid-strand breakage.
I tooka a good 5 inches off, i'm not in a frenzy over it because i know it will grow back. BUT this all could have been avoided if the stylist used proper relaxing technique.

In addition, i think she trimmed my hair with old shears, because i have quite a few split ends despite my avid protective styling. This is all one month post-relaxer, and it goes to show that bad technique can sneak up on you. My hair was doing so well before my last wash
Well, i'll get another 1/2 taken off the ends my next relaxer (due sometime in late march/early april) and continue to treat my hair well.

I just wanted to re-inforce the importance of keeping a close eye on hair stylists.
I'm sorry to hear about what happened
You'll be okay, your hair will recover just fine
You see the things that went wrong and know to look out for them in the future
and shame, shame on her for overlapping
that's just careless and lazy. it's hard to not overlap when applying your own relaxer but when a beautician is working on another persons hair, they have a clear view of what does and doesnt need touching up. Good luck and keep up the protective styles and extra care
Oh my goodness. See you just can't trust anyone. That's why I'm not going back. I plan on realxing myself from here on out. The last time I went in, I had the relaxer put all the way to the ends of my hair which resulted in overprocessing. I've trimmed three times now since december. No more!! I'm sorry this happened to you Beana
beana3 said:
But i said all that to say that as relaxer patrons we should definetely watch how stylists apply our relaxers. I know for sure that the breakage was due to overlapping. As she finsihed each section she would place it near another part on my hair that had relaxer on it, hence mid-strand breakage.

[/ QUOTE ]

This has always been a concern of mine. Is there a way to avoid this?
Hi beana!

I bought a product called Protecto made by Affirm that CBG told me about. Im gonna use it on my previously relaxed hair this Saturday when I get my touchup. Sorry about your bad experience...sometimes you have to pay to learn. All will be well...your hair is growing as we speak...
thanks ladies for your concern. its seems like stylists are always lacking something. One stylist relaxes my hair well without any overlapping, BUT she doesn't conditon my hair properly.
I guess i'd rather not have a proper conditon than suffer chemical damage. I'll be taking pics soon to track my progress of this spot.