I just converted to Christianity!


Well-Known Member
So I'm officially converted to Christianity. I am no longer claiming to be a Satanist, Atheist, nor Agnostic. I can't deny Jesus, and I can't deny that there is a God/Goddess. Thank you to all who have helped me on this journey of self discovery, self reflection, and self appraisal. I appreciate those who did not judge, and I especially appreciate those who did. I can safely say this was a decision that I made. No one made it for me. I even resisted the decision, but in light of unmounting evidence of his Glory and unmounting evidence of his Grace: I, ThePerfectScore, am a Christian.

Praise God! This is wonderful! God has shown you favor by revealing himself to you. Many are called but few are chosen.

Welcome, and hope to see you frequently in these parts!
My Story:

My mama used to always say that "The older I get, the smarter my mother becomes." "Well mama I know I act a fool
But I'll be gone 'til November, I got packs to move I hope." http://youtu.be/qUEWB1Hdjdg

Ugh I hate when she's right---- BUT YES! Amen, to that fact!!!!!!

As a child, I thought all the adults in my life that I loved, cherished, and respected were borderline crazy like the singing extras in a Disney movie. http://youtu.be/afzmwAKUppU

I used to think, "Why the hell are these people so damn happy? They are fat, black and broke in America. Basically 1990's Slaves." http://youtu.be/dT3swdCJrrg http://youtu.be/tpdcEggC2PI

Oh if only I knew it would take me being a crazy adult my damn self to see that God Rests in Reason. http://youtu.be/4jhopfabQ6o

That God answered my the prayer I asked when I was just a dust in creation. Ashes to Ashes- Dust to Dust.... no more doubt in Jesus for us.

I'm born again.

Could you imagine how scary a newborn's baby's first day and night on earth must be? All these giants dancing about. Cooing and awing. Worshiping you because you are an image of them, yet all you see is a fuzzy outline of monsters who keep wanting to hold you, touch you, control your every move. Like a doll.

You're alive. You've been alive. You've seen life as a continuation of what was already in Heaven--your home. I get why death is a celebration of life. It is a home-coming, not an end.

Almost like how they throw parties for inmates coming home from prison, shouting, "***** we made it!" http://youtu.be/YehS3pvTyOU

God is not a single entity. God is not a male form. God is a married couple: Husband and Wife. I understand the whole debate about gay marriage---- they say it's ending the fundamental nature of the family. Christians are up in arms about it. Enraged!!!!! Seeing red and the sight of a man and a man, a woman and a woman. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. But what disappoints God the most is that we are too literal. Black and White. That's not the world. The world is 50 shades of gray. There is no color to family. There is no gender. It does not come from a certain country or creed. Family does not only link the people who's blood runs through your veins, but can be the people for whom you'd shed blood.

This, Christians, it's not a battle against Gay marriage.

This, Christians, is not a battle against the Devil. Take some responsibility for the battle is already won.

This is a personal battle- we all fight it. A fight for our soul. We are all conflicted and addicted. http://youtu.be/Ba-6niOoR_U We are soiled and marred, but some how God- Mother and child/ father and son, THE FAMILY still accepts us. There is still unconditional love there. There is still that network of support and love to pick us up and make sure we don't fall through the cracks. http://youtu.be/D2bRnIDj4YI

So oh they better watch the Throne...http://youtu.be/JOvHOpa9fbc

I come form a bunch of illuminated negros.

I have finished one chapter of the work that scared the Hell out of me one day in college. A day when my soul and faith were shook. A day when humility was formed through humiliation. A day when I felt like I couldn't pass the test.

I have said my time working for Randstad was my grad-school. I've been there for 2 years, the length of time of a normal grad program. I felt so guilty for not going to grad school- I felt stuck. http://youtu.be/0imtmZLmQGcI was so smart. Seemingly smarter than all my peers. I had magic since the day I was born. I had that IT factor, yet I was not famous nor was I rich.

I felt like a FAILURE comparing myself to my peers. They had 6 figure careers, they had husbands and wives, children- Everything I wanted, but had no clue how to reach. My whole life was planned out for me. From the moment I took a breath and looked around Northside Hospital saying, "Alright world. I'm here."

Happy Birthday to my beautiful mother (It really is my mom's birthday!) Happy Birthday to me!

"well your children will not be your children
maybe the daughter, the son of a beginning
they'll come through your womb but not be coming from you
they will be with you, but they do not belong to you
you can give them your love but not your thoughts
cause they'll arrive with their own hearts
they're the coming of angels this blessed season
and then they'll sing oh yea god rests in reason
god rests in reason
so what should you do
when god moves through you"

Oh sining glory!!!! hallelu! http://youtu.be/liWhQs1OPuE

God rests in reason and God rests in you!

Congratulations!! As a newbie (still standing half in, half out), it's so wonderful to hear from someone who is new to The Light as well :D

So what are your steps, where are you going from here did you find a church home? have you started studying the bible? Do you have a friend that is a christian, that is faithful?

So what are your steps, where are you going from here did you find a church home? have you started studying the bible? Do you have a friend that is a christian, that is faithful?

blazingthru Thank you for asking. I haven't found a church home, but I have started reading the Bible. Most of my group of friends are Hindu, so they aren't really a source of my religious inspiration.

I'm taking it one step at a time and doing it at the right pace for me.
So I'm officially converted to Christianity. I am no longer claiming to be a Satanist, Atheist, nor Agnostic. I can't deny Jesus, and I can't deny that there is a God/Goddess. Thank you to all who have helped me on this journey of self discovery, self reflection, and self appraisal. I appreciate those who did not judge, and I especially appreciate those who did. I can safely say this was a decision that I made. No one made it for me. I even resisted the decision, but in light of unmounting evidence of his Glory and unmounting evidence of his Grace: I, ThePerfectScore, am a Christian.


Wonderful ThePerfectScore ! Peace and blessings to you.