I haven't been here for a while!


Well-Known Member
I'm taking out my weave today.
I'll be detailing my progress so if anyone cares to tune in and hear about any highs and lows that I may experience you are more than welcomed to.

I have my laptop at home now so I'll be back in business to post pics.

Just a little history:
I experienced thinness due to accutane and decided to take a break from regular hair care.
I haven't relaxed since July 2004
I have been weaving since around October 2004
:wave: glad to see you back. Do you plan on relaxing once you take the weave out in Oct. or are going to keep it natural. Can't wait to see the pics.
I'm not going to relax for another 3 or 4 months if at all. I'm falling in love with the natural all over again. I've been spending a lot of time in NY and the natural ladies are doing the dang thing! It makes me wonder if I want to touch up or....cut... I'm not too sure yet so I'm holding out.

I'll post pics soon.

chocolate01 said:
:wave: glad to see you back. Do you plan on relaxing once you take the weave out in Oct. or are going to keep it natural. Can't wait to see the pics.
That is EXACTLY what my goal is to wear weaves until I transition back ot my natural hair. Can;t wait to see pics! Bet you have a TON of growth!
Thanks Tonya...We'll just have to see what happens. I can't classify my hair as wavy b/c it's anything but! I love seeing it natural though but I also have to keep in mind that I still have to reach my relaxed hair goal--- decisions decisions.

You look great in your pics btw.