I definetly understanding where you are coming from. A lot of times when I am down, I just want to open up the Bible and find a scripture that pertains specifically to me, somehting that will make my dark clouds fade away instantly. However, reading the Bible only when you are down, only when you are seeking help from God, and only for yourself, is where we run into trobule. I realized that reading only with those motives is pretty selfish, and if I noticed it, I'm sure God does. The Bible is the book of Life, one used to instuct our paths, get to know our Father better, and make us more like Him. I think maybe you should start by not only seeking the Bible in bad times, but all the time. Start small. At first, it may seem boring, but I promise, it'll get better. Maybe start by reading 15 minutes each day. A lot of times it will be a battle picking it up and making yourelf read, I know. However, as you get more into the word, those dark times will lessen as you become more like Christ and it will seem like less of a chore. Also, like I said there is nothing wrong with seeking the Great Book in times of strife, just don't let t be the only time. GoD Bless, I hope this helps!!