i have trouble reading the bible


New Member
i want to read it everyday but when i read it I just dont see how it applies to me. I read proverbs and i like the scriptures but when im down and i read it sometimes it doesnt seem to help me. I dont wanna read stories like noah and the ark and all those stories mostly everyone knows.. i want to read it to find meaning and help for me life.. is that wrong? and when i read it i feel im just doing it to just doing it but not getting anything out of it.. am i going about it hte wrong way.. should i not be reading it to get something special from it..?
try having access to more than one "interpretation" of the bible, to cross reference. Also try reading the Quaran and refer to the bible for more understanding.

I did this, and it helped make the read more interesting. Now applicability will come later, unless there's a particular topic you're interested in.
Before you begin to read, pray to God for understanding and application of the scriptures for your own life. Find a concordance, either a book or one online, and whenever you are dealing with something in your own life, use the concordance to research that word or similar words, and the concordance will give you specific scriptures with those words in it and you can read "about" what you are going through.

Do you go to church? If so, take notes on what scriptures the preacher mentions and go back over them, this will give you more practice at reading the scriptures with understanding. Also, if you have time, watch preachers on tv or online and once they explain scriptures(which is what preachers are suppose to do), then you can have at least one point of view so that you can begin to interpret and understand the scriptures for yourself.

I took a course on life and application of the Bible, so if you want more info, pm me. I'll help as much as I can.
try a different version. king james can be a bit much ......... i like the amplified version. sometimes it's all how it is stated.......

i want to read it everyday but when i read it I just dont see how it applies to me. I read proverbs and i like the scriptures but when im down and i read it sometimes it doesnt seem to help me. I dont wanna read stories like noah and the ark and all those stories mostly everyone knows.. i want to read it to find meaning and help for me life.. is that wrong? and when i read it i feel im just doing it to just doing it but not getting anything out of it.. am i going about it hte wrong way.. should i not be reading it to get something special from it..?
I agree that different translations of the Bible can be helpful to cross reference scriptures. I use 4 or 5 translations myself.
i want to read it everyday but when i read it I just dont see how it applies to me. I read proverbs and i like the scriptures but when im down and i read it sometimes it doesnt seem to help me. I dont wanna read stories like noah and the ark and all those stories mostly everyone knows.. i want to read it to find meaning and help for me life.. is that wrong? and when i read it i feel im just doing it to just doing it but not getting anything out of it.. am i going about it hte wrong way.. should i not be reading it to get something special from it..?

I've only really been a christian since December 2007, and these are the things that have helped me.
Like Supernova said, Pray for understanding before you read the bible. Otherwise it's like just reading a book. SO many time's I've read things and they don't have personal meaning but then I'm lead by the Spirit of God to read the same place after I've prayed and it becomes SO REAL.
Also, when you study the bible, use other versions, cross reference, alot of bibles have the column in the middle which show cross references of the verse you're reading
I'd say, get a good daily devotional guide. God's little devotional book is a good one. I got it as a gift. I'm using that at the moment but there's lots of others around. Sometimes, read the whole chapter the daily verse is taken from to get the whole story.
Also, if you're going to listen to preachers online or watch them on TV, pray about that too and let God lead you (not everyone is for real). When I first became a christian I started listening to a christian radio station online (UCB), and that's how I heard of certain preachers I get resources from now, and listen to daily messages etc.
You could check out www.intouch.org (just one of my personal favorites). All the daily messages are archived and there's online bible studies on most of them. The messages are very practical too and have been a blessing to me so far.

Hey hon. Don't worry about not understanding how it relates to you and your life right now, that'll happen as your reading it:yep:. I couldn't understand it either in the beginning. I just determined to read the whole thing whether I understood it or not. It took me about 3-4 months to complete it. You'll begin to understand it if you stick with it.

I think other translations like the Amplified or Good News bible would help you a lot. I think you can even get a parallel KJV/Amplified bible so you can compare them side by side on the same page.

It is the Holy Book but it is a book. I suggest starting from the beginning and finishing through to the end. We wouldn't select random chapters of a novel to read but we would start at the beginning and then read it straight through. I do not recommend that you read the Quran. They're two totally different accounts of two totally different Gods. They don't relate:nono:
I've always had issues interpreting the bible. Try reading the NEW LIVING TRANSLATION version that is much better IMO and written in more plain english. It's so plain that it made me laugh. Literally.

Also, that isn't enough. Bible study, cliff notes, internet research on certain quotes and verses is sometimes necessary.

I loved that my old pastor would actually read a verse and then turn around and say " okay, this is what it means to us here in 2008" and he would flip it so it would make sense in today's issues.

Find a good word church that doesn't just read verbatim but actually interprets the bible and applies it to 2008.

The bible is just a book unless you have someone to help you interpret it and challenge the intepretation.

It is hard to relate to biblical figures who lived to be over 300 yrs old and saw many of the miracles that we may never get to see. A person who knows their bible will be able to use nearly EVERY scripture and biblical figure and apply it to your daily life in 2008. Otherwise, its just fluff.
The bible is just a book unless you have someone to help you interpret it and challenge the intepretation.

It is hard to relate to biblical figures who lived to be over 300 yrs old and saw many of the miracles that we may never get to see. A person who knows their bible will be able to use nearly EVERY scripture and biblical figure and apply it to your daily life in 2008. Otherwise, its just fluff.

True, True, True. I am learning the Bible so that I can do this better myself. It get's easier everyday, not a devotion comes in my email that I can't relate to my own life.
I would recommend reading Proverbs (lots of practical wisdom), Psalms, the Gospel of John, then the book of James.
Is there a particular time of the day most people read their bible? Morning, Middle of day, night, all of the above, or when the feeling hits you? I have heard that it's best to read the Bible the morning so that you begin the day with the word. I tend to read at night though. Opinions?
Is there a particular time of the day most people read their bible? Morning, Middle of day, night, all of the above, or when the feeling hits you? I have heard that it's best to read the Bible the morning so that you begin the day with the word. I tend to read at night though. Opinions?

It is good to start off everything with God, including your day, but I don't practice this. I read all throughout the day. For me, when I meditate on the word at night before I go to sleep, I rest better and wake up with clarity about whatever I read the night before.
It is good to start off everything with God, including your day, but I don't practice this. I read all throughout the day. For me, when I meditate on the word at night before I go to sleep, I rest better and wake up with clarity about whatever I read the night before.

Thanks for answering. I have had similar experiences.
The Bible has different purposes.

If you have a Bible with a concordance, it will show you what to read depending on why you're reading it in the first place.

I only read the Bible for encouragement. Usually the Psalms... outside of that, I've read every thing else. Some good (Jesus' teachings) and some bad (wars in the Old Testament).

You haven't read about a war until you have read through some of the Old Testament!

I had to stop reading it was so upsetting!
i want to read it everyday but when i read it I just dont see how it applies to me. I read proverbs and i like the scriptures but when im down and i read it sometimes it doesnt seem to help me. I dont wanna read stories like noah and the ark and all those stories mostly everyone knows.. i want to read it to find meaning and help for me life.. is that wrong? and when i read it i feel im just doing it to just doing it but not getting anything out of it.. am i going about it hte wrong way.. should i not be reading it to get something special from it..?

The great thing about the Bible is that you can read the same story 20 different times and get 20 different revelations each time. Don't think that just because a story is well known that there is nothing new you can learn from it.
Start from the beginning, because the Bible is a progression. The foundation for EVERYTHING is set within the first 5 books. Jesus said that all scripture (at the time he was talking solely of the OT, since the NT didn't exist) tells of him. It's wise to go back and see what it says. It will definitely help you understand and give you context if you also do some studying on ancient Middle Eastern history, culture, and geography. A Hebrew dictionary will also be helpful as the majority of the Bible was originally written in Hebrew. Some words aren't fully realized in English. I'd say the same for Greek as well (most of the NT is in Greek).
Also remember, scripture was NOT meant to be studied alone. Throughout the text, study is consistently described as corporate. The Bible says, "teach one another," "learn together," etc. Moses gave the commands to Israel as a collective. Jesus taught people en masse. Try to get a group of friends together for a weekly study. Take the scriptures chapter by chapter and make note of anything you find interesting, confusing, weird, enlightening, etc. When your study group meets you can discuss your notes and find answers together. You'll start to make connections between scriptures as well.
I'm not going to tell you that scripture is ALWAYS a joy to read. Reading the first 2 chapters of Numbers made me want to poke needles in my eyes. However, there is ALWAYS something useful to be gleaned from every part of God's word. Happy studies.
I definetly understanding where you are coming from. A lot of times when I am down, I just want to open up the Bible and find a scripture that pertains specifically to me, somehting that will make my dark clouds fade away instantly. However, reading the Bible only when you are down, only when you are seeking help from God, and only for yourself, is where we run into trobule. I realized that reading only with those motives is pretty selfish, and if I noticed it, I'm sure God does. The Bible is the book of Life, one used to instuct our paths, get to know our Father better, and make us more like Him. I think maybe you should start by not only seeking the Bible in bad times, but all the time. Start small. At first, it may seem boring, but I promise, it'll get better. Maybe start by reading 15 minutes each day. A lot of times it will be a battle picking it up and making yourelf read, I know. However, as you get more into the word, those dark times will lessen as you become more like Christ and it will seem like less of a chore. Also, like I said there is nothing wrong with seeking the Great Book in times of strife, just don't let t be the only time. GoD Bless, I hope this helps!!
I recommend the New Century Version (NCV). My pastor uses this and the king james version in bible study. www.biblegateway.com will give you all the translations. Also, a study bible does wonders.
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