I have to get this off of my chest.

Honeyhips said:
Or they want to show how much better than are than you, or they just want to belittle you b/c you don't know what they know. I just went through this. THis person tried their hardest to put me down. Just look at their fruit. That will tell you everything.
I don't totally ignore these people b/c I've had some folks give me some helpful scriptures. I am learning to just ignore the rest. :look:

Yes, listening and going back to read the scripture is fine, but when you are using scripture to try to "prove" something other than witnessing to glorify God, then I say that person is DEAD WRONG!
Koffie said:
Yes, listening and going back to read the scripture is fine, but when you are using scripture to try to "prove" something other than witnessing to glorify God, then I say that person is DEAD WRONG!
I agree! Christians should never try to show-off what they know or put down others that disagree with them. That's certainly not the Christian way.
Poohbear said:
OH okay. ;) I took your post the wrong way. Sorry about that. That's true that you cannot force minds to open or change. I really wasn't saying that. I'm just saying stand up for the word of God if you see something different than they do. It doesn't matter if they stay stubborn about it, still share. It 'may' open someone elses' eyes, even somoeone who are not being closed minded or insulting. :yep: I'm sorry you feel like you're arguing with the KKK or Muslim with some people on this forum. I haven't experienced this here yet.
The same thing can still apply. You and I disagree about women preaching. We are both standing on the word of God. It doesn't make sense to keep trying to prove our points, if we don't agree. Leave it alone.

It says in the bible that one plants, one waters, and God increases. No one is ever going to give someone all the tools they need to change.

The muslim and KKK example was just that an example. What exactly are you talking about? I have plenty more. It doesn't have to be as extreme as that. FOR EXAMPLE: my mother has her opinion on what I'm doing in life and got quite heated with me the other day b/c of some assumptions that she made. Now I could have tried to prove that she is wrong, but she would not have heard me. Her mind was already made up. So I left it alone. She would have had an answer for everything I said. I know I'm doing what God has me to do, so I'm not going to argue with ANYONE about my decision. In the end, he will justify me. There was no use for me to get upset with her. Another Example, which is like the situation you spoke of, is this: I was at a dinner party and person A was complaining to me, and person BCD, about how rude, pious, and condescending doctors are to her in her field. She did not know person B was a doctor. Person B had every oppurtunity to stand up and say, we are all not like that. Why didn't she? Who knows, maybe she felt the girls experiences were indeed valid, maybe she didn't feel like it was the time to approach her. Maybe she didn't feel the need to prove herself b/c in the end, her work will stand on its own. Maybe she did not feel like the atmosphere was open for that.

Some people are not going to be open to hear you b/c they either 1. don't know they don't know, 2. your attitude, even though you can be as sweet as pie, 3. they are self righteous can't admit they are wrong 4. they know they are wrong and don't want to listen.

Whatever the reason you don't always have to prove your point, or give your opinion unless the Holy Spirit is leading you.
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Honeyhips said:
The same thing can still apply. You and I disagree about women preaching. We are both standing on the word of God. It doesn't make sense to keep trying to prove my point, if we don't agree. Leave it alone.

It says in the bible that one plants, one waters, and God increases. No one is ever going to give someone all the tools they need to change.

The muslim and KKK example was just that an example. What exactly are you talking about? I have plenty more. It doesn't have to be as extreme as that. FOR EXAMPLE: my mother has her opinion on what I'm doing in life and got quite heated with me the other day b/c of some assumptions that she made. Now I could have tried to prove that she is wrong, but she would not have heard me. Her mind was already made up. So I left it alone. She would have had an answer for everything I said. I know I'm doing what God has me to do, so I'm not going to argue with ANYONE about my decision. In the end, he will justify me. There was no use for me to get upset with her. Another Example, which is like the situation you spoke of, is this: I was at a dinner party and person A was complaining to me, and person BCD, about how rude, pious, and condescending doctors are to her in her field. She did not know person B was a doctor. Person B had every oppurtunity to stand up and say, we are all not like that. Why didn't she? Who knows, maybe she felt the girls experiences were indeed valid, maybe she didn't feel like it was the time to approach her. Maybe she didn't feel the need to prove herself b/c in the end, her work will stand on its own. Maybe she did not feel like the atmosphere was open for that.

Some people are not going to be open to hear you b/c they either 1. don't know they don't know, 2. your attitude, even though you can be as sweet as pie, 3. they are self righteous can't admit they are wrong 4. they know they are wrong and don't want to listen.

Whatever the reason you don't always have to prove your point, or give your opinion unless the Holy Spirit is leading you.
But when I disagree with someone, I don't put them down or try to have an attitude or think I'm self-righteous at all.
About the KKK and Muslim thing... you said "To me, it's like arguing with the KKK" when you try to prove your point to someone. I haven't came across anything like this on this forum yet. That's all I was saying there. I hope you don't think I'm closed minded and insulting just because I may have disagreed with certain things. :( I'm certainly not that way.
And like you said in your last sentence, "unless the Holy Spirit is leading you". But what's wrong with stating what the Bible says directly as an opinion to have? For example, I believe we all should flee from sexual immorality, something the bible commands us to do. what's so hard to grasp about that? Now the thing with women preaching, that's a common issue of debate among churches since the Bible doesn't flat out say "women arent allowed to preach". So I dont get mad and angry over someone disagreeing with me. I just would like to see both sides of any fundamental issue to be proven with scripture.
Poohbear said:
But when I disagree with someone, I don't put them down or try to have an attitude or think I'm self-righteous at all.
About the KKK and Muslim thing... you said "To me, it's like arguing with the KKK" when you try to prove your point to someone. I haven't came across anything like this on this forum yet. That's all I was saying there. I hope you don't think I'm closed minded and insulting just because I may have disagreed with certain things. :( I'm certainly not that way.
And like you said in your last sentence, "unless the Holy Spirit is leading you". But what's wrong with stating what the Bible says directly as an opinion to have? For example, I believe we all should flee from sexual immorality, something the bible commands us to do. what's so hard to grasp about that? Now the thing with women preaching, that's a common issue of debate among churches since the Bible doesn't flat out say "women arent allowed to preach". So I dont get mad and angry over someone disagreeing with me. I just would like to see both sides of any fundamental issue to be proven with scripture.
Everything I listed were examples and I was not talking or implying anything about anyone on this forum, including you.

I gave examples of why I don't argue with people and why people may not be able to receive from you (not the specific you but general you). I gave the example of the KKK and muslims to show an example of someone of being so dead set in their beliefs that I will not be able to change them. So it will be pointless to argue with them. It would be pointless for me to argue with the KKK to try and prove to them that blacks are not ignorant. It would be pointless for a muslim to try and tell me that Jesus does not exist. That is all.

It doesn't mean I won't share my knowledge or what I learned. I just don't agree that I have to always share an opinion, in every situation. It may not be the right time, that person probably can't receive from me for whatever reason (not educated, I did it, I didn't do it, not the right race, gender, to fat, to skinny, and etc..), I know the truth but someone maybe able to explain it better, they may not be open to hear from me, they have heard so much in such a short time, what I say will confuse them... Some of the reasons were the 4 points I listed. Even if it is as basic and true as fornication being a sin.

All I meant is that some people are not going to be open to hear from me, when that happens, I don't automatically try to drill my point in them, or get into a your right I'm wrong debate. I'll leave it alone.
Honeyhips said:
Everything I listed were examples and I was not talking or implying anything about anyone on this forum, including you.

I gave examples of why I don't argue with people and why people may not be able to receive from you (not the specific you but general you). I gave the example of the KKK and muslims to show an example of someone of being so dead set in their beliefs that I will not be able to change them. So it will be pointless to argue with them. It would be pointless for me to argue with the KKK to try and prove to them that blacks are not ignorant. It would be pointless for a muslim to try and tell me that Jesus does not exist. That is all.

It doesn't mean I won't share my knowledge or what I learned. I just don't agree that I have to always share an opinion, in every situation. It may not be the right time, that person probably can't receive from me for whatever reason (not educated, I did it, I didn't do it, not the right race, gender, to fat, to skinny, and etc..), I know the truth but someone maybe able to explain it better, they may not be open to hear from me, they have heard so much in such a short time, what I say will confuse them... Some of the reasons were the 4 points I listed. Even if it is as basic and true as fornication being a sin.

All I meant is that some people are not going to be open to hear from me, when that happens, I don't automatically try to drill my point in them, or get into a your right I'm wrong debate. I'll leave it alone.
Oh okay. Now I get what you are saying. Thanks for explaining in more detail. ;)
Honeyhips said:
..... A person has to WANT to have their minds opened. You CAN'T force it.
I'm talking about extreme cases and in these situations it is a waste of energy. B/c these kind of people know matter how much word you throw at them will believe what they want. I can say my piece until I'm blue in the face. Why waste the energy. TO me it is like arguing with the KKK. Or it is like a Muslim trying to convince me that Jesus isn't real. I don't argue with beligerent people.
If they disagree move on. It is the Holy Spirits job to change them. It is about knowing when to let go. I can plant a seed, but I'm not going to bang it over someones head. Plus, unless the Holy Spirit is guiding me, I don't have to respond to everything. If I do so without him, then it will really be a dead end situation.

ITA, esp. w/ the bolded part. I tried "converting" friends & family but they weren't ready or didn't want to hear it. I don't even bother anymore I just pray that my love ones recieve the Spirit soon and work on getting saved, because I want what's best for them.