I have to get this off of my chest.


New Member
On another forum, far far away. I just lost my cool.
This is not the first time I lost my cool. It all started because of the Bible. Yes, the Bible.

How can you call yourself a Christain and not have read atleast ENOUGH of it to hold a conversation about it. I just don't get it. This book is the foundation of your faith and you don't know it? When I was a child I read the Bible front to back and back to front because I wanted to know what was going on, was the preacher/sunday school teacher/parents really right, and to form my own opinion about it. In order for me to do this I needed.......
A bible
A dictionary
A bible dictionary
History books (Hebrew, ancient Middle East, etc.)

To many times I hear people say this/that/and chicken fat is in the Bible yet they who Christians can't back it up. To many Christians aren't verifing what is TOLD to them in church. They just nod their head and hit that Bible with a highlighter like they are doing something. As soon as you leave the church you are supposed to go back and verify what was told to you.
If I told you that Christians aren't supposed to eat rabbit you should be able to prove me wrong.....or right. :)

I seriously believe that some people say they are Christian simply because they mama told them they were.
CatSuga said:
On another forum, far far away. I just lost my cool.
This is not the first time I lost my cool. It all started because of the Bible. Yes, the Bible.

How can you call yourself a Christain and not have read atleast ENOUGH of it to hold a conversation about it. I just don't get it. This book is the foundation of your faith and you don't know it? When I was a child I read the Bible front to back and back to front because I wanted to know what was going on, was the preacher/sunday school teacher/parents really right, and to form my own opinion about it. In order for me to do this I needed.......
A bible
A dictionary
A bible dictionary
History books (Hebrew, ancient Middle East, etc.)

To many times I hear people say this/that/and chicken fat is in the Bible yet they who Christians can't back it up. To many Christians aren't verifing what is TOLD to them in church. They just nod their head and hit that Bible with a highlighter like they are doing something. As soon as you leave the church you are supposed to go back and verify what was told to you.
If I told you that Christians aren't supposed to eat rabbit you should be able to prove me wrong.....or right. :)

I seriously believe that some people say they are Christian simply because they mama told them they were.

I agree with this.
Koffie said:
I also want to know WHY you argued about the Bible? :confused:

It is a habit. They were talking about something they obviously knew nothing about and I had to school them. It ending like, "Didn't massa teach yall how to READ!!!"

But seriously, some people need to take Biblical education seriously. Ain't no telling when and where you will be when Satan will come walking up, spitting the Bible at you verse for verse, and you not be able to defend yourself (it happend to Jesus, it can happen to you.).
Or if some false prophet comes on TV and tells you to send her $500 for a prayer kit and all you do is say, "She is of God, God knows why she's asking for $500, I should not question."

The Holy Bible is supposed to be your weapon, your armor, your strength, and your vision to be able to see through those that are tools of the devil. You should be able to strike down Satan and dispel all false prophets....but yet how can a Christain do this if they don't know how to arm themselves with Word of God?
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CatSuga said:
It is a habit. They were talking about something they obviously knew nothing about and I had to school them. It ending like, "Didn't massa teach yall how to READ!!!"

But seriously, some people need to take Biblical education seriously. Ain't no telling when and where you will be when Satan will come walking up, spitting the Bible at you verse for verse, and you not be able to defend yourself (it happend to Jesus, it can happen to you.).
Or if some false prophet comes on TV and tells you to send her $500 for a prayer kit and all you do is say, "She is of God, God knows why she's asking for $500, I should not question."

The Holy Bible is supposed to be your weapon, your armor, your strength, and your vision to be able to see through those that are tools of the devil. You should be able to strike down Satan and dispel all false prophets....but yet how can a Christain do this if they don't know how to arm themselves with Word of God?

I agree with every word you said. Now let me ask you this, I have seen some of your posts on here about Satanism, and premarital sex. Which master do you serve, because I HONESTLY think that if you let go of some of your ''Free thinking" and hold steadfast about what you've learned in Christ, then you have the power to become a BAD SISTA when it comes to ministry.:)

Now, I am not saying to not know what's going on in the world, but I am saying don't let it influence you to where it will hinder your walk with God.
CatSuga said:
You done brought up some serious past issues. :lachen:
I think about that alot.

Since I am inquisitive, I would like to know what issues have I brought up, and what exactly do you think about it?
Koffie said:
Since I am inquisitive, I would like to know what issues have I brought up, and what exactly do you think about it?

Going into the ministry in order to set folk right. :lachen:
CatSuga said:
Going into the ministry in order to set folk right. :lachen:

But you first have to get the spiritual demons that hinder you off of yo' back before you can go preachin' to others. But I believe you could do it. I'll be praying that you get yourself in order. ;)
And let me just add, that the fact that you have experienced living in the world and the word, then that is going to make your testimony that much greater for others growth.
CatSuga said:
.....The Holy Bible is supposed to be your weapon, your armor, your strength, and your vision to be able to see through those that are tools of the devil. .....

I thought this was the what the Holy Spirit's purpose was, not the Holy Bible :confused:
BLESSED1 said:
I thought this was the what the Holy Spirit's purpose was, not the Holy Bible :confused:

I think it all intertwines to a degree. The Bible tells us "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word was with God." In Revelations, Jesus Christ is also referred to as The Word and if God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus are one then I think according to these verses, the Bible would be in there somewhere as well. I do agree that the Holy Spirit is the One that brings the written word to life in our minds and hearts and increases our understanding of it.
BLESSED1 said:
I thought this was the what the Holy Spirit's purpose was, not the Holy Bible :confused:

Heb. 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing assunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
CatSuga said:
To many Christians aren't verifing what is TOLD to them in church.
The "church" is just a building, but God's Word lives.
Also, you can't play with God by calling on Satanists and the likes. I don't claim to know the ins and outs of the bible, but I know better than to play with God.
CatSuga said:
It is a habit. They were talking about something they obviously knew nothing about and I had to school them. It ending like, "Didn't massa teach yall how to READ!!!"

But seriously, some people need to take Biblical education seriously. Ain't no telling when and where you will be when Satan will come walking up, spitting the Bible at you verse for verse, and you not be able to defend yourself (it happend to Jesus, it can happen to you.).
Or if some false prophet comes on TV and tells you to send her $500 for a prayer kit and all you do is say, "She is of God, God knows why she's asking for $500, I should not question."

The Holy Bible is supposed to be your weapon, your armor, your strength, and your vision to be able to see through those that are tools of the devil. You should be able to strike down Satan and dispel all false prophets....but yet how can a Christain do this if they don't know how to arm themselves with Word of God?
YOu are absolutely right. But you are also not going to know everything at once.

I also think people don't know how to study, are lazy, or going to church is just a ritual. I used to be in Church b/c my mother made me. Then I had friends there I wanted to see. I'm seeing it now with the younger kids. THose whose parents take them to every service and study teh bible with them are different than those whose parents expect the Pastor to teach them about God. Same with the adults.

I want to know what history books you had.
Catsuga, you have brought up a good point!

I also use other sources besides the Bible and what I've been taught by church teachers or preachers. It's very important for Christians to study on their own so they are not vulnerable/gullible to false teachings or something of that nature. :yep:

I also do not like when people say things and don't back up what they say with the Bible. I also don't understand why it's hard for some Christians to believe in everything the Bible says. Why do they accept some parts of the Bible and not all? :ohwell:
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Poohbear said:
Catsuga, you have brought up a good point!

I also use other sources besides the Bible and what I've been taught by church teachers or preachers. It's very important for Christians to study on their own so they are not vulnerable/gullible to false teachings or something of that nature. :yep:

I also do not like when people say things and don't back up what they say with the Bible. I also don't understand why it's hard for some Christians to believe in everything the Bible says. Why do they accept some parts of the Bible and not all? :ohwell:

Probably becuase the parts they don't believe condemn what they are doing. :ohwell:
Koffie said:
Probably becuase the parts they don't believe condemn what they are doing. :ohwell:

ITA! I know people at my church praising God, then going home to the men they're shacking up w/ and saying oh well we're going to get married it's going to be okay. I'm like no, shacking up & premarital sex is what it is!

Supergirl thanks for the insight on Holy Spirit/the Holy Word

Catsuga, thanks for the quote

Poohbear I agree, to gain the most one must be able to read/interpret the Bible on their own and learn through other sources (prayer/fasting anything else to help recieve the Holy Spirit). I'm thinking about joining my church's Bible study, hear what other's interpretations of the Word are. :)
BLESSED1 said:
ITA! I know people at my church praising God, then going home to the men they're shacking up w/ and saying oh well we're going to get married it's going to be okay. I'm like no, shacking up & premarital sex is what it is!QUOTE]

How do they know they will be getting married?
This is a great thread. :)

I am also really curious as to why some Christians do not ever question themselves and ask "Why do I believe what I believe?". If they did, many might end up with the answer, "because it is what I have grown up with". Well, I don't think that that is a valid or at all acceptable reason. We need to know God for ourselves and way to do this include reading the Bible and developing a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.
It would be great to be able to back up everything said with the scripture. Question and engage the scriptures. Learn about the context in which certain scriptures were written and ask God for discenment.
Koffie said:
BLESSED1 said:
ITA! I know people at my church praising God, then going home to the men they're shacking up w/ and saying oh well we're going to get married it's going to be okay. I'm like no, shacking up & premarital sex is what it is!QUOTE]

How do they know they will be getting married?

Umm...I guess it's because "Tyrone" told them so :look: A lot of my Christianly friends don't even have engagement rings, I don't know I just mind my business and pray for them you know? :lol:
Poohbear said:
Catsuga, you have brought up a good point!

I also use other sources besides the Bible and what I've been taught by church teachers or preachers. It's very important for Christians to study on their own so they are not vulnerable/gullible to false teachings or something of that nature. :yep:

I also do not like when people say things and don't back up what they say with the Bible. I also don't understand why it's hard for some Christians to believe in everything the Bible says. Why do they accept some parts of the Bible and not all? :ohwell:
Some people don't feel it necessary to debate all the time, especially if people are already closed minded, insulting, or are dead set in their beliefs. Some people may understand the historical concepts behind a scripture and have a different interpretation.

So if y'all have all of these other sources, why did you ignore my thread on how you study? *HMPH* :mad: ;) :D
There are people who have accepted Christ, but don't regularly read the bible. Of course, they are not being fed.

And then there are those who are "Xian", or Christian because they come from American families who are not associated with any other faith. They may have family who attend church or maybe they do, but are not saved.

Also, there are some people who have studied the bible over and over (theologians) who have yet to accept Christ as their savior.

I agree, the Word is God, and it is our food. But you will find some who aren't as well versed. If you share how much you are equipped to them in a loving, Christlike manner, it may impress upon them the importance to crack open the Bible.
melodee said:
There are people who have accepted Christ, but don't regularly read the bible. Of course, they are not being fed.

And then there are those who are "Xian", or Christian because they come from American families who are not associated with any other faith. They may have family who attend church or maybe they do, but are not saved.

Also, there are some people who have studied the bible over and over (theologians) who have yet to accept Christ as their savior.

I agree, the Word is God, and it is our food. But you will find some who aren't as well versed. If you share how much you are equipped to them in a loving, Christlike manner, it may impress upon them the importance to crack open the Bible.
You brought up some good points. THere are also those Christians in the church, who can quote every scripture, but that word is not changing them at all.
Honeyhips said:
Some people don't feel it necessary to debate all the time, especially if people are already closed minded, insulting, or are dead set in their beliefs. Some people may understand the historical concepts behind a scripture and have a different interpretation.

So if y'all have all of these other sources, why did you ignore my thread on how you study? *HMPH* :mad: ;) :D
Oh my! What is wrong with you? I never even saw your thread about it. Not everyone sees every single thread posted here or in any forum.
If you come across a closed minded, insulting person, why not share the word with them to open their minds?
Girl chill out... I was pretending to be upset which is why I put the smiley faces behind the frown. it wasn't that serious.

Poohbear said:
Oh my! What is wrong with you? I never even saw your thread about it. Not everyone sees every single thread posted here or in any forum.
If you come across a closed minded, insulting person, why not share the word with them to open their minds?
A person has to WANT to have their minds opened. You CAN'T force it.
I'm talking about extreme cases and in these situations it is a waste of energy. B/c these kind of people know matter how much word you throw at them will believe what they want. I can say my piece until I'm blue in the face. Why waste the energy. TO me it is like arguing with the KKK. Or it is like a Muslim trying to convince me that Jesus isn't real. I don't argue with beligerent people.
If they disagree move on. It is the Holy Spirits job to change them. It is about knowing when to let go. I can plant a seed, but I'm not going to bang it over someones head. Plus, unless the Holy Spirit is guiding me, I don't have to respond to everything. If I do so without him, then it will really be a dead end situation.
Honeyhips said:
You brought up some good points. THere are also those Christians in the church, who can quote every scripture, but that word is not changing them at all.

me and my room-mate just discussed this. I don't care how much word they can spit, if they ain't livin' it, then I ain't hearin' it!
The Devil knows and can spit scripture too.

These people try to use the word AGAINST you so that you can sin with them.
Koffie said:
me and my room-mate just discussed this. I don't care how much word they can spit, if they ain't livin' it, then I ain't hearin' it!
The Devil knows and can spit scripture too.

These people try to use the word AGAINST you so that you can sin with them.
Or they want to show how much better than are than you, or they just want to belittle you b/c you don't know what they know. I just went through this. THis person tried their hardest to put me down. Just look at their fruit. That will tell you everything.
I don't totally ignore these people b/c I've had some folks give me some helpful scriptures. I am learning to just ignore the rest. :look:
Honeyhips said:
Girl chill out... I was pretending to be upset which is why I put the smiley faces behind the frown. it wasn't that serious.

A person has to WANT to have their minds opened. You CAN'T force it.
I'm talking about extreme cases and in these situations it is a waste of energy. B/c these kind of people know matter how much word you throw at them will believe what they want. I can say my piece until I'm blue in the face. Why waste the energy. TO me it is like arguing with the KKK. Or it is like a Muslim trying to convince me that Jesus isn't real. I don't argue with beligerent people.
If they disagree move on. It is the Holy Spirits job to change them. It is about knowing when to let go. I can plant a seed, but I'm not going to bang it over someones head. Plus, unless the Holy Spirit is guiding me, I don't have to respond to everything. If I do so without him, then it will really be a dead end situation.
OH okay. ;) I took your post the wrong way. Sorry about that. That's true that you cannot force minds to open or change. I really wasn't saying that. I'm just saying stand up for the word of God if you see something different than they do. It doesn't matter if they stay stubborn about it, still share. It 'may' open someone elses' eyes, even somoeone who are not being closed minded or insulting. :yep: I'm sorry you feel like you're arguing with the KKK or Muslim with some people on this forum. I haven't experienced this here yet.