I Have the Urge to Cut Out This Color, and I Can't Fight It...

Priss Pot

Makeup + Bench Pressing
It's 2:30am, and I'm 5 seconds from cutting this color out of my hair. I can't take it anymore. When stretched, my hair is near BSL now. I'll end up cutting off about 3-3.5 inches. I'm confident that it'll grow back, but I'm gonna miss the ease of a quick bun/ponytail for the next few months.

This is my 2nd bout with permanent box color on my natural hair, and I've really learned my lesson this time. The first time I did it, I ended up doing a 2nd BC. This time, I did take care of my hair the best way I could (moisture/protein balance), but I can still feel the difference between my colored and virgin hair.

Curly hair hides everything, so it's hard to see the damage in it's natural state. But now, it's gotten to the point to where my hair doesn't even look really good when straightened. Back in June I blow-dried my hair and did a twist-out. The virgin hair was beautiful, but the colored ends looked so crispy :nono:. I knew something was up when I flat-ironed it a few months ago and the ends would barely stay straight. The virgin hair would look silky, but I'd have to keep going over the ends with the iron.

I've learned my lesson. My strands are fine and just cannot take permanent color. I'm sticking with henna. I just did a henna treatment, so I'm looking forward to the benefits with that.

Ok guys, thanks for listening.
Well, how often do you wear your hair straight vs. bunned? If you don't straighten much, don't sacrifice the ease of your quick bun/ponytail....keep the colored ends. Besides, I think they look pretty on your curly hair. :yep:
breathe: :meditate: sorry to hear how frustrated you are w/ the color. I never had this issue, all of my permanent (thought to be permanent) colors just grew out shrugs* weird Hopefully you fix w/e the problem is:bighug:
I would never think someone like you would have any damage..you know your hair will grow back..I guess the sooner the color gone the sooner you will be onto growing even longer strands..
Was making bsl super important to you? If so then maybe wait till you gain a few more inches so when you cut the color away you will still be bsl.
I don't wear it straight often, only a few times a year. But I just kinda feel like, what's the point of holding onto these ends if it's only going to look good in it's natural state. They're going to have to come off some time.

I did think about just "transitioning" out, but every time I run my fingers over my hair, I get annoyed by the feel of the ends.
I would never think someone like you would have any damage..you know your hair will grow back..I guess the sooner the color gone the sooner you will be onto growing even longer strands..

No one is immune to setbacks, especially if you're taking risks such as hair color. We live and we learn. No matter where I am in my hair journey, I'm always appreciative of this forum cause it can provide support/guidance whether my hair is neck length or bra-strap.

Was making bsl super important to you? If so then maybe wait till you gain a few more inches so when you cut the color away you will still be bsl.

Making BSL is important, but it's not something that I worry about because I know it'll happen given my hair's growth habits. That's why I'm not really tripping about length because if I cut 3 inches off now, I know I'll have at least 2 again by December.
I don't wear it straight often, only a few times a year. But I just kinda feel like, what's the point of holding onto these ends if it's only going to look good in it's natural state. They're going to have to come off some time.

I did think about just "transitioning" out, but every time I run my fingers over my hair, I get annoyed by the feel of the ends.

You need to decide if you'd be less annoyed by the shorter length than you currently are with your colored ends. :look: Your hair will be beautiful either way. But why don't you sleep on it and make the decision when you're well rested. :yep:
Okay, so you need to really think about which is most important:
Getting rid of the annoying ends
Easily making a pony and bun
You are lucky though, either way, you will still have long, beautiful hair.
Welp, it's gone :) I think I'm somewhere in the middle of SL and APL now. I have 5 months to get back as close as I can to the length from which I cut. Good news is I can still make a ponytail, but it's nowhere as full as before, and I can't do a low one.

Thank you ladies!
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Your welcome and congrats. Now you're free of those ends and you can move forward. Back to bsl again in no time and completely healthy. It's all good :yep:.
I know that you are happy that you cut off those colored ends. Before you know it you will make it back to bsl. You can always find a phony ponytail to throw on to add some length.
This is a little off topic but i'm curious, did the henna effect your color at all? Did it change the color, make it lighter or darker, etc? I'm asking because I have highlights and am interested in henna-ing but i'm scared that it will turn my highlights to some really crazy color.
I think you should cut. You're grown your hair over and over again so you know it'll grow. I hate damaged ends.

Hopeful what ae you doing up so late?
Welp, it's gone :) I think I'm somewhere in the middle of SL and APL now. I have 5 months to get back as close as I can to the length from which I cut. Good news is I can still make a ponytail, but it's nowhere as full as before, and I can't do a low one.

Thank you ladies!

Oh, I see you cut it. Good for you.:yep:

What's good in your hair world? Any new progress pics? Where's the link to your blog. Mad questions huh? lol
Now answer!
I think you should cut. You're grown your hair over and over again so you know it'll grow. I hate damaged ends.

Hopeful what ae you doing up so late?

It looks like I'm up later than I am cuz I'm on west coast time. Three hours behind east coast, 2 hours behind central. But I am a night owl on occasion :), never a morning person.
This is a little off topic but i'm curious, did the henna effect your color at all? Did it change the color, make it lighter or darker, etc? I'm asking because I have highlights and am interested in henna-ing but i'm scared that it will turn my highlights to some really crazy color.

The henna made my colored ends a darker reddish brown. I didn't notice a coloring effect on my virgin hair.
I was going to come in and say NOoooooooooooooooooooooooo. :look: But I'm too late. :(

OT: Love your purple smokey eye tut on YT. :yep:
I was just thinking about doing the same thing, but im going to let my hair grow out some more before cutting the color hair.
Glad to see a thread from you. We all know health is more important than length (at least it's supposed to be), and I can't imagine what it must have felt like running your hands over your beautiful hair and feeling a difference between your healthy roots and not-so-healthy ends. Heck, I got a demi-permanent and I want it gone. Glad you did what's right for you :)
PrissPot, you know I've been there. I would just cut it away slowly until it's gone. It'll be gone before you know it and you'll have a whole new head of virgin hair.

ETA: I also noticed that once the dye was gone I retained more hair and had to trim less frequently. I think I trimmed once last year. It was last November after wearing a weave for three months. I haven't trimmed since then. I'll probably get it done before school starts. My ends don't look bad but I have noticed some tangling when washing which usually means it's time to trim.
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PrissPot, you know I've been there. I would just cut it away slowly until it's gone. It'll be gone before you know it and you'll have a whole new head of virgin hair.

ETA: I also noticed that once the dye was gone I retained more hair and had to trim less frequently. I think I trimmed once last year. It was last November after wearing a weave for three months. I haven't trimmed since then. I'll probably get it done before school starts. My ends don't look bad but I have noticed some tangling when washing which usually means it's time to trim.

I think retaining more length would be the case for me too now that these ends are gone. I did a wash 'n go today, and I loved the way my hair felt when running my leave-in through it. To feel no knots, no snarls was amazing.

I did feel weird when I went on campus today since I have shorter hair now. But, I'll ease up as time goes on. I am falling in love with it again.
I am happy you chose to trim, damaged hair is not fun. It will be BSL in no time and you will know it is a healthy BSL!