I have such dry hair!


I want to throw a fit because how dry my hair is! Its not breaking or anything just dry like wool and Im trying figure out why it feel so rough..
Any ideals?
Have you tried doing conditioner washes? Sometimes my hair can get a little dry, and I just co-wash a couple of times a week. I recently starting using Hello Hydration by Herbal Essences and it has kept my hair very soft and moisturized. I also use Suave Milk and Honey. Hope this helps. :)
My hair is very dry also. I've found the UBH Lotion Creme Moisturizer, MTG and shea butter moisturize my hair very well.
Dannygirl said:
I want to throw a fit because how dry my hair is! Its not breaking or anything just dry like wool and Im trying figure out why it feel so rough..
Any ideals?

I have ultra dry hair as well and I tried Elucence (sp?) conditioner for the first time last night on my hair and I am in love! That stuff, imo, is amazing!! Thanks to all who recommended that.
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 256

Re: I have such dry hair!
My hair is very dry also. I've found the UBH Lotion Creme Moisturizer, MTG and shea butter moisturize my hair very well.
I agree . My own MTG mix and She butter does the job.
Yeah, I have very dry hair as well, but nothing seems to work to sustain any moisture. I tried S-curl with some Infusium 23 and olive oil to seal in the moisture - nope. I used conditioner washes - nuh uh. I even tried to use the Nexxus Humectress as a leave in - negative. I have no clue what to do to keep my hair moisturized for an entire day! I wear braids, so moisture is a little extra necessary, but even without, it's still a pickle to moisturize! Can I get a little input while we're at it too! (Not trying tot steal your thunder, Dannygirl!)
I wore braids this past summer. I mixed ORS Shea Butter Lotion and MTG to moisturize my hair. I also used the ORS mousse. I moisturized daily. After 10 weeks, there was no damage.
Okay, I'm on an Ojon Restorative high! I just tried it two days ago and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!

My hair is so dry it's dehydrated and cries out for moisture. My friend who has beautiful hair (loose waves) uses it and suggested I try it. She said it was great for really dry hair. I told her she didn't have dry hair and she answered with--"exactly, not anymore since I've been using this." I still didn't listen and figured since her hair was different, it probably acted better on her hair. Plus it's almost $60!:eek:

Two days ago, someone posted asking about Ojon products. I replied saying said friend told me about it. Well, a few hours later I went to this salon to get another product and they sold the Ojon there. I told this guy that worked there I wanted to try it but didn't know how it would work on my hair and I didn't want to pay the price. He turned out to be the owner and gave it to me for $40.

My super thirsty hair is now quenched. My stylist was amazed that she was able to comb out my hair.

Now not everyone is raving over this like me (obviously) but I've NEVER had anything work this well. My hair is thick with thick coarse strands. Mixed with very tight curls and frizz. I have a dry scalp and my hair is usually very dull.

Call the company for samples if you don't want to invest because it is pricey, but a little goes for awhile. I think this jar will last me several months--but I'm heavy handed with products. If you do want to try it, they sell it at Sephora and many of the high end beauty supply stores.

Hope this helps. Thanks for reading!
tiffcurl said:
Okay, I'm on an Ojon Restorative high! I just tried it two days ago and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!

My hair is so dry it's dehydrated and cries out for moisture. My friend who has beautiful hair (loose waves) uses it and suggested I try it. She said it was great for really dry hair. I told her she didn't have dry hair and she answered with--"exactly, not anymore since I've been using this." I still didn't listen and figured since her hair was different, it probably acted better on her hair. Plus it's almost $60!:eek:

Two days ago, someone posted asking about Ojon products. I replied saying said friend told me about it. Well, a few hours later I went to this salon to get another product and they sold the Ojon there. I told this guy that worked there I wanted to try it but didn't know how it would work on my hair and I didn't want to pay the price. He turned out to be the owner and gave it to me for $40.

My super thirsty hair is now quenched. My stylist was amazed that she was able to comb out my hair.

Now not everyone is raving over this like me (obviously) but I've NEVER had anything work this well. My hair is thick with thick coarse strands. Mixed with very tight curls and frizz. I have a dry scalp and my hair is usually very dull.

Call the company for samples if you don't want to invest because it is pricey, but a little goes for awhile. I think this jar will last me several months--but I'm heavy handed with products. If you do want to try it, they sell it at Sephora and many of the high end beauty supply stores.

Hope this helps. Thanks for reading!

I want to try Ojon but the price YIKES:eek:
I have really dry hair too. Some of the ladies told me that a good clarifying (Neutrogena in the small clear bottle) and DC would help (I did it with olive oil) and it really helped a lot. Also Rusk Sensories Moist treatment is a great quick conditioner. I just wrote a rave thread about it.
I have relaxed hair but my hair was very dry at one time. Protein treatments, hot oil treatments and lots of moisturizer has helped me tremendously.

Here is what I use:

Nexxus Emergencee (protein)
Elasta QP Anti-breakage Serum
Elasta QP H2 (spray on moisturizer)
Elasta QP Oil Recovery Moisturizer (daily creamy moisturizer)
BB Moisturizer w/Castor Oil (White/Pink bottle) (daily light moisturizer)
Elasta QP DPR 11 (Deep conditioner. I usually mix this with EVOO and some other oils)

I use different combinations of these oils for hot oil treatments.
Jojoba Oil
Garlic Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Wild Growth Oil
Coconut Oil
Africa's best Herbal Oil

ACV Rinse (this has helped with pouros hair which can also lead to dryness)

Hope that helps?

I have other conditioners in my stash but they are on rotation.

Africa's best Olive and Clove Oil
Peppermint Oil