I Have Soft Hair!! Finally =)

*Happily Me*

Well-Known Member
Not sure if it's because I've been

  1. taking MSM reqularly
  2. doing oil rinses
  3. combing my hair. This one is important because I used to comb my hair once a week :look:. You know when some types of hair get wet, the water forms as droplets and sits on top of the hair? Well, conditioners and leave-ins do something similar on my hair. It's like it gets caught in the hair and it doesn't make it down the whole shaft. Combing the hair has help work all that good stuff in. I brought an "expensive" comb. It was a whole 6 bucks. don't laugh!! lol but it's good and sturdy with smaller teeth. I gently comb just about every day
  4. protein treatments
  5. taking a truckload of vitamins (mostly for overall healthy, but healthy body, healthy hair, right pinkskates :) )
  6. making my daily smoothie which includes flax seed oil and coconut oil.
Or it's all of the above


I'm loving my hair now :infatuated:
Glad you're luving your hair, now!!! Isn't it a wonderful feeling? With all that thick, luscious hair you have, your body, hair and soul must be radiating tons of love right about now! :) Seems like your combination of procedures, vitamins, and oils are working for you! Keep up the great work-your hair is F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S! :grin:
me too!! I thought I was "doomed" to a lifetime of hard to manage dry hair. Thanks!!


it took me a long time to find a working regimen. Finally!!!

Did you get any headaches with the MSM? what kind are you taking and how much? I would like to try this again.
I so wish my hair was thick like yours....:drunk:

Congrats D! You deserve it after the consistent hard work.
Your hair look very pretty.
Do you have any breakage from the daily combing as opposed to the 1x weekly combing?
That is great you hair is stunning and so full. I have found yeat another idol. I like Aveda conditioner mask and a combination of coconut milk mixed with EVOO. Either one helps my hair stay soft and sice I have recetly highlighted it (still natural) I think conditioning will be even more important.
Congrats D! You deserve it after the consistent hard work.
Your hair look very pretty.
Do you have any breakage from the daily combing as opposed to the 1x weekly combing?

I havn't notice any more breaking and the shedding has slowed down a bit.

Thanks ya'll!
Did you get any headaches with the MSM? what kind are you taking and how much? I would like to try this again.
I so wish my hair was thick like yours....:drunk:


I used to get headaches but my body is used to it now.

I take a heaping spoonful a day in lemon water with a lil stevia
Not sure if it's because I've been

  1. taking MSM reqularly***THEY DO MAKE A NICE DIFFERENCE :)
  3. combing my hair. This one is important because I used to comb my hair once a week :look:. You know when some types of hair get wet, the water forms as droplets and sits on top of the hair? Well, conditioners and leave-ins do something similar on my hair. It's like it gets caught in the hair and it doesn't make it down the whole shaft. Combing the hair has help work all that good stuff in. I brought an "expensive" comb. It was a whole 6 bucks. don't laugh!! lol but it's good and sturdy with smaller teeth. I gently comb just about every day***IT IS NECESSARY FOR SOME TO COMB. IT HAS HELPED ME AS WELL.
  4. protein treatments***STILL GETTING THE HANG OF BALANCING
  5. taking a truckload of vitamins (mostly for overall healthy, but healthy body, healthy hair, right pinkskates :) )***LOVE TAKING VITS
  6. making my daily smoothie which includes flax seed oil and coconut oil.***INTERESTING ***ADDS TO, TO-DO-LIST
Or it's all of the above


I'm loving my hair now :infatuated:

With all that hair, I wanna be just like you....another hair idol. Thanks for sharing Dsylla! Congrats!!