I have pizza face! :(


New Member
OMG, I had no idea, why my face was breaking out.

Well I started the Master cleanse last Sunday and stayed on it for 5 days. Meanwhile half way through my face starts breaking out horribly, two new pimples a day... I'm like what is going on...

The master cleanse advises against taking any supplements that aren't prescribed so I stopped taking everything I was taking that included MSM, Biotin, and Chorella, when I started the cleanse.

I've been off the cleanse for a week and still haven't started back on the pills.

Yesterday, I began googling the side effects etc of MSM, but I didn't really find anything alarming.

Today I do a search in LHCF and find numerous threads about the effects of MSM. Some say MSM is wonderful for their skin while others say it caused them breakouts.

Then I read that the breakouts are due to toxins removing themselves.

Maybe it was the cleanse that caused breakouts but this is the third time I've done the cleanse and I would've remember having breakouts.

I'm soo confused, I'm worried that if I start taking the pills again the breakouts will continue...I can't really think of anything that would cause them otherwise....

I saw these threads:
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From what I understand of detoxifiers, pimples are normal. Could be the chlorella didn't have you completely cleaned out. I got a few when I did the chlorella religiously (I lapsed... goin back to it soon) I had a few blackheads, which I never get. Normally all I ever get is just my 2 or 3 monthly white head as a side effects of being a woman.
Yes it sounds like detox to me.

When I started MSM last summer, I began to break out too. It freaked me out because I used to have severe acne, and did not want to experience that again. Anyway, after about a week, week and a half, the pimples faded and the breakouts stopped.

When I started with chlorella earlier this year, I knew that breakouts where a possible side affect. Luckily I did not break out, and I thinks its due to the fact that I just detoxed with the MSM a few months before.

So I think that you should be OK if you start on the MSM again since the MasterCleanse pushed out the toxins. If you do experience any breakouts, they should not last long, just keep taking your supplements and they will stop on their own.