I have pictures...


Well-Known Member
here are a few pics from my BC, braids and my current shrunken afro style...i am still not really comfortable with my hair but i am learning...

here it is..this is the BC pic..

here are my braids i had in for 3 mos..


here is my hair after taking down my braids..not washed just picked out..

here is my hair washed cond and curly pudding added..


here is a link for full size pics...http://photobucket.com/albums/b168/EDALUV/
u may need to copy AND paste
Your hair looks great and it really suits you. Also you look like the spitting image of one of my (white) friends - you could be sisters!!!! Why are you not comfortable with your hair?
hi prada...well i have not had my hair short in about 6 yrs, and natural..o lawd since i was about 10 maybe..i ma so used to long hair with either braids or weaves, or even my own hair at a longer relazed length..i think i have to get used to it..but i dont want to have to always rely on braids and weave ya know...
thnx for the compliments..some of my friends have told me i look like suzie orman..o lawdy!! lol..
Your look completely changes with the short natural hair vs. the long braids. It looks like your hair doubled in length from the long stretch with the braids. I love the ease of braids. I'm likely gonna put in twists in January. You'll become more comfortable with your hair the more you work with it. You have enough for some short two strand twists already or bantu knots.

asummertyme said:
thnx for the compliments..some of my friends have told me i look like suzie orman..o lawdy!! lol..

:lol: :lol: No you are alot prettier than her.
I know what you mean about being used to wearing long hair. I'm on the baggie challenge and it's hard for me to wear my hair up all the time but I will keep persevering (sp?)!!!
Its looks really good on you. Everytime I look at you I think of ethiopians or somalians. You have this really unique look about you that is different from most people.
I don't need to resize these pictures to tell you that your hair looks beautiful. Also, those braids made your hair grow so much longer. Happy hair growing! :antlers:
You hair looks great! I agree, it suits you well...in fact (gonna add another look alike comment) you look like one of my cousins, she's into fitness competitions so she has natural hair but for the competitions she gets all weaved up.

Anywho, you will get comfortable with it, just take your time. I've been natural since march of this year and I'm just getting comfortable wearing it free form.
I think you look great. But I totally understand the feelings. I was truly not ready for the world until my hair was a bit lenghty. And i still prefer to stretch it out as much as possible.
ooh thnx yall..i feel good now...lol..but seriously i did look in the mirror today and i felt a bit better about my hair..i am to having long hair wether it be braids or weave..its really weird ya know..ima keep pushing myself to wear my hair out..i do wanna braid it or weave it up again..but i dont wanna rely on it all the time ..its funny b/c now i get more looks from guys with that Boho kinda look..lol..its weird the way a hair style can change the kinda men you attract...ima keep truckin yall..now yall gottra gimme some hair styles..any suggestions?
divine said:
Its looks really good on you. Everytime I look at you I think of ethiopians or somalians. You have this really unique look about you that is different from most people.
thnx divine!! I am a half breed..lol..PR/AA alotta people ask me if I am am from ethopia too...
nurseN98 said:
You hair looks great! I agree, it suits you well...in fact (gonna add another look alike comment) you look like one of my cousins, she's into fitness competitions so she has natural hair but for the competitions she gets all weaved up.

Anywho, you will get comfortable with it, just take your time. I've been natural since march of this year and I'm just getting comfortable wearing it free form.
I feel you nurse...I used to wear a afro when i was a kid and that was the last time i was natural as well and i got made fun of something terrible! i guess i still have that fear of being called BALDEENA again..lol
asummertyme said:
ooh thnx yall..i feel good now...lol..but seriously i did look in the mirror today and i felt a bit better about my hair..i am to having long hair wether it be braids or weave..its really weird ya know..ima keep pushing myself to wear my hair out..i do wanna braid it or weave it up again..but i dont wanna rely on it all the time ..its funny b/c now i get more looks from guys with that Boho kinda look..lol..its weird the way a hair style can change the kinda men you attract...ima keep truckin yall..now yall gottra gimme some hair styles..any suggestions?

I think 2strand twists would look good on you
asummertyme said:
thnx divine!! I am a half breed..lol..PR/AA alotta people ask me if I am am from ethopia too...
Well from one fellow black/latina ur hair looks good.

Most of my fam is au natural now!

Now we just have to tie down my other sister and get her to go natural ....lol

we are nappy family !
Your hair is beautiful and it has grown so much! I agree with the poster that said you would look good with twists done on your own hair. I think that would be a good way to get more used to wearing your hair out. Anyway like I said your hair is beautiful.
thnx u guys!! i laughed today to myself b/c, from the time i went to work up until i got home my hair shrunk an extra inch so it really looked short...lol..all that primpin i do b4 work ...what a waste..