I Have Noticed That....

I started taking note of when my sheds or breaks. What am I doing different, and it just hit after thinking about what I was doing, and this is it!
When I set my hair with mesh rollers, caruso rollers using ends papers ( so no fizzy ends), or magnet my hair sheds and breaks after I am taking the rollers out and when I slide my fingers to comb out curl and it is down hill from there. When i wash my hair same routine air dry and wear wavy it does not shed or break after apply my fingers in it or combing! it does not shed or break for days i mean like three days no breakage!!
I wonder if this happens just to my hair or is it just the tension from the hair rollers! i think i am going to lay off the sets and see if this helps!
Any suggestions
i also do not wrap because of the sore spot on my temple! but I sleep on a satin pillow case. i use oils in my hair like vitamin e on scalp and jojoba on ends. the thing is that I love the body and volume I get with sets!!
Perhaps it is the tension from the rollerset, you should lay off it for a while and make comparisons. Are you using a setting lotion when you set the hair?
This is interesting. I have the exact opposite situation.

I've recently decided to set once every two weeks and do braidouts on dry hair during the second week because I seem to be losing so much less hair this way. Airdrying, even in braids or buns, was not a good thing for me. I was shedding a lot more.

One of the things I have learned is that your hair needs to be very moisturized before you set to prevent breakage. What do you do to your hair before you set?
The tension is not from the sets but is actually from the one doing the sets, meaning you are in control of how much tension you put on your hair. Maybe if you do try sets again try not to pull so tight, too much tension on the hair when doing a simple ponytail can cause breakage also. HTH's
I do not use setting lotion because I hate crispy hair! Maybe that is it. I deep condition my hair usaually with the replenishing paks and spray my leave in (profective) and put jojoba oil on the ends. Then set. When you say alot of moisture what does that mean ?. I also sit under a hooded dryer for about 20 min when i use the caruso rollers.
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