I Have New Pics !!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So, after 12 weeks of not relaxing, I decided to self relax today. I just couldn't take it anymore. I went to the BSS after work, bought Cream of Nature Mild Lye Relaxer and came home and did what I had to do. This was my first time relaxing on my own, so for a newbie, I think it came out okay. The next time I think that I'll go to the salon because I think a small portion of my hair may be overprocessed while a small portion may be "texturized". Tell me what you guys think. Also, any suggestions for my newly relaxed hair will be greatly appreciated.
Looks like you did a really good job. Congrats on self-relaxing! Your hair is very pretty.
Your hair looks great. I think you did an excellent job for your first time self-relaxing! THanks for sharing
:D Thanks ladies. I'm proud of myself (doing it my own relaxer for the first time was kind of scary). I'm not sure if I'll ever reach bsl, but hopefully by the end of this year. Hopefully I can hold out another 12 weeks before my next relaxer. If not, as long as I wait atleast 8 weeks I'll be happy. The overall texture of my hair feels different after relaxing with the lye relaxer versus a no lye (in a good way), is that normal???
Looks good to me especially for relaxing the first time. Mine looked nothing like this the first time I self relaxed.;)